It was always going to be a special couple of nights when Patti Smith
played with U2 at Madison Square Garden. And the shows didn't
Monday and Tuesday this week were pretty amazing shows for the 40,000
people lucky enough to have tickets. But from the looks on U2's faces -
it was a pretty amazing night for U2 also.
Patti Smith and her band, which included legendary Television guitarist
Tom Verlaine, opened two dazzling nights, made extra special by the the
fact that these shows were Smith's debut performances at MSG.
Long times fans U2 have paid tribute to Patti over many years - Rock 'n' Roll Nigger and People have The Power are regularly referenced on the
Vertigo//2005 tour, and Smith's'Dancing Barefoot was covered as a
b-side. This week Patti Smith returned the compliment by dropping some
Vertigo into her set.
But the highlight for all had to come in the final encore; on both
nights Patti joined U2 on stage for a performance of John Lennon's
Instant Karma. In fact the second performance proved the perfect note to end the bands MSG 2005 residency on, as the band left the stage the
crowd were left singing Smith's People Have the Power
U2 were over the moon to perform with Smith - a legend and a hero - so
much so that she and her band received a special t-shirt from Adam,
Edge, Larry and Bono: a special version of the MSG event shirt sold
during U2's stay, this time claiming Patti Smith with special guests U2
on the back.
Two special nights indeed.