U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere

Oct 18 2023
Las Vegas, NV, US / Sphere
with Pauli the PSM

U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere #9

'Teach Us How To Fly…'

'I would like to introduce you to the woman who gave me this balloon,' Bono explains during the introduction to 'Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World'. 'She taught The Fly how to walk, she taught MacPhisto how to dance — for 30 years, she's taught me how to elevate. She also happens to be Mrs. The Edge and it also happens to be her birthday.'

And here's Morleigh Steinberg, arm in arm with Bono, walking the perimeter of the stage, pulling along a great balloon high above.

'I dreamed that I saw Morleigh, in a supermarket trolley, tryin' to throw her arms around The Edge,' sings Bono, improvising new lyrics for TTTYAATW. 'Teach us how to fly!  Show us how it's done!'  

And Morleigh duly does,  swinging  from the balloon out over the side of the stage to the delight of the crowd below. In addition to 'Happy Birthday', tonight's 22-song set also includes snippets of 'Two Tribes' by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Lou Reed's 'Walk On the Wild Side', and  a longer-than-a-snippet twirl through Elvis Presley's 'Suspicious Minds'.

What Bono (Also) Said

'Morleigh has the worst job on this tour because she has to tell me what to do and I'm not very good at being told what to do.'

After singing a few bars of 'Walk on the Wild Side': 'Everyone is welcome here. Acrobats. Servers. Magicians. Valet. Hotel people. Everyone welcome. Thank you for looking after us in Las Vegas…. It's important to say thank you. All these people work incredibly hard in this city. It's amazing.'

Speaking of the band's ode to Billie Holliday, he said: 'It's a juke box kind of a tune. I've been in pubs and people have put it on and I felt kinda proud of it.'

Shout Outs

'All I Want Is You' is dedicated to Morleigh and 'all the women in our life'  as well as 'all the women of the U2 crew…the great women in the audience that we feel like we know…and to women in such difficult circumstances around the world... that we could never know.'

On The Socials

'No matter what pictures/videos you've seen online, they do not do justice to what this experience is in person. We're only able to pass along a FRACTION of this. #U2UVSPHERE #AtomicCity' — @U2KROQ on X

'There is just over 1 hour left until the 9th night of #U2UVSphere and we have Chileans deployed throughout #LaEsfera , ready and willing to take turns and bring us the best moments in photo and video of #U2' — @U2Chile on X

'Bro… This concert is something else. #U2UVSPHERE #SphereVegas #Sphere' — @berryguild on X

Zootopia/U2 Faniverse

'Was at the Sphere last week, and do want to go back!  Very happy U2 went back to the R&H set, wondering if they'll stick with it this week or try a new set of 4 when they are on the turntable?' — u2shula

'I didn't get to ride the balloon but Mrs. Edge does?! How dare Bono…. Can you imagine the visuals for Discotheque in the Sphere though? That would be amaaaaaazing.' — lukylsp

'There just isn't enough she la la's in songs anymore - HEEEEY SHA LA LA' —AvANiceDay

If you were at the show in Vegas, add your own review and upload your photos below.


U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere - The Making Of V-U2
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Sphere and Coping in Las Vegas (A glowin
Phenomenal Experience
This Sphere was made for U2. The work, creativity, and presentation that was this show will remain one of my most fondest memories! Thank you to everyone who made this happen! Keep pushing the limits of possibility.
U2 iv October 18
Unbelievable, unforgettable and need to do it all again!
Awesome show.
Still in awe after attending Wednesday’s show. The band was on top form, the Achtung Baby performance was excellent and the venue and visuals breathtaking. No fan should miss it!GA is great, got pretty close despite arriving at around 7:30.
Greatest Concert EVER
You take the BEST band ever and put them in an amazing venue and you have the greatest concert ever. Amazing acoustics and visuals. I was in awe the whole time. I will remember this concert forever!
Gary Quintana
Here in Vegas waiting for the 18th Wed. Show. Gonna be Mad! Ya just don't know what will be introduced from a little break. ✌
Achtung Baby
The best concert OG my life. Achtung Baby in 1992, live Brendan Bynrne. NJ/ NY March it snowed as we left.
Can we trade
Have General Admission tix this eve - would love to have seats.
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