U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere #12
'All I Want Is You'
How do you surprise 17,000 people on a Wednesday night in Vegas? You summon Lady Gaga from the wings in the middle of the show to join you on vocals.
That's what the band did last night at Sphere, to the delight of an unsuspecting audience 'Her Gaga-ness,' as Bono referred reverentially to the multi-genre songstress who joined the band for two songs — 'All I Want Is You' and 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' — and a dive into of one of hers, 'Shallow', from 'A Star Is Born'.
Gaga and Bono traded verses and harmonized, ending their surprise collaboration with a snippet of Primal Scream's 'Movin' On Up'.
What Bono Said
By way of introducing 'All I Want Is You' : 'I've sung it to women but I've never sung it with a woman, but we're going to do just that tonight. Not just any woman. The most audacious, vivacious woman in any room she's ever in. Would you welcome to our turntable, the divine — the de-vinyl — Lady Gaga!'
'If this were a regular Las Vegas situation, I might ask you questions like, "How are you, your Gaganess? Have you been wandering in the desert'? To which Gaga replied: 'I was wandering in the desert, and I ran into you fuckin' guys.'
'You are a desert rose, I must say', he told Gaga. 'What a woman... disco diva…a jazz singer with a heart, a HEART of rock 'n' roll. I'm in awe of all of her, all those different sides…all that lioness energy'.
Shout Outs
Dedicating 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' — 'a pilgrim song' — to Live Nation chief Arthur Fogel, who celebrates his birthday this week, Bono said: 'A person who means so much to us, for our travels, he's sort of the North Star of our life on the road…he's looking fighting fit at 70 years old!' To which Gaga added: 'Happy birthday, Arthur, we love you!'
On the Socials
'Af&#kingmazing. Lady Gaga showed up and for like 3 songs! That wasn't even the highlight of the night. Mind blown. They played Love Rescue Me!!! #U2UVSphere' — @thelightsofhome on X
'Bono said that Adam can't laugh and play bass at the same time, and then said that maybe he should tickle him, and then he did. I saw it with my own eyeballs. How can I go on with normal life after this? #U2UVSphere' — @RDianne877
'Me: "I'm not watching any Sphere video streams, nope.”
Bono: "So Lady Gaga is gonna sing wi–"
Me: "VIDEO NOW NOW NOW” #U2UVSphere' — @ScoobyGangKid on X
'#U2 #U2UVSPHERE ただいま終了しました… 凄過ぎて放心状態です レディ・ガガがゲストで登場しました (Translated from Japanese) It's just finished... It's so amazing that I'm in a daze. Lady Gaga appeared as a guest.' —@bourgeois4649 on X
Zootopia/U2 Faniverse
'Bono's falsetto is my light' —Canadanne during 'One'
…. All of us in the venue tonight definitely knew that we were witnessing an extra-awesome show. I feel very lucky to have seen this particular show.' —DMWay
'Nice! Gaga hasn't performed with U2 since I and E tour in New York. Date should be 7/26/15.' — Damorati
If you were at the show in Vegas, add your own review and upload your photos here.