U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere #23

'Turn On Your Christmas Lights'
'Lotta darkness out there in the world…maybe you can turn on your Christmas lights?'
Which everyone did, creating a luminous Wednesday night in Vegas.
Familiar musical tips-of-the-hat — to the Beatles, Donna Summer, The Rolling Stones, Van Morrison, Elvis Presley, and Frank Sinatra — joined a couple of snippets of their own songs, including 'Moment of Surrender', and 'Gloria', which closed the 22- song set.
What Bono Said
During 'Zoo Station', the first song of the night: 'Wednesday night feels like anything we want it to be!'
While introducing 'One: 'Lotta darkness out there in the world…maybe you can turn on your Christmas lights?'
When fans in a mass sing-along belted out the not-quite-right lyrics toward the end of 'Angel of Harlem': 'It all breaks down like an Irish pub in the end…You can take your Sphere wherever you want to go…it's a juke box, a dive bar'.
Between 'With Or Without You' and the encore, 'Beautiful Day', he said, 'It's been great to do this and to take our audience…to the next level. That's the job, isn't it? You give us a great life and we try to take it to the next level?'
From the Socials
'Probably the best gig I've ever seen. Just goosebumps! #U2UVSphere #U2 #AchtungBaby #Sphere #LasVegas #Bono' —Tinu1893 on X
'Just, wow… U2 was outstanding @spherevegas last night. Top 3 concert. Stunning, amazing, wow venue. Organized, friendly staff throughout. Vegas does nothing small!' — @StevenLane702 on Threads
'Hey @U2 fans - the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas this week. Be prepared to see cowboys and bull riders....glad I wore my Dalton Brothers tshirt now...I fit right in! #U2UVSphere' — @atu2comsherry
Zootopia/U2 Faniverse
'I feel like you could start doing fortune tellings with the words that flash up on the screen - pause it three times and see what you get to predict your future'—AvANiceDay
[During 'Love Is Blindness'] 'Now, THIS is one of the enduring images of the whole show. That iridescent blue is unforgettable. (As is the song.) ...and one of my very favorite solos from The Edge.' —dmway
If you were at the show in Vegas, add your own review and upload your photos here.