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News - Achtung Baby 20

06 December, 2012
From The Sky Down has been nominated for a Grammy for 'Best Long Form Music Video'.
25 May, 2012
Name that tune,  in the trailer for Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby.
06 March, 2012
Remember that Achtung Baby inspired competition to win your own Trabant? There are winners...
30 January, 2012
From The Sky Down is now available on iTunes.
10 January, 2012
To mark 20 years of Achtung Baby, Q magazine called on some great acts to reimagine the songs for 'AHK-toong BAY-bi Covered'. Which is your favourite?
06 January, 2012
Collaborate on an Achtung Baby inspired collage and win your own Trabant. Still time to enter...
09 December, 2011
Breathtaking solo performance from the DVD/Blu-ray release of 'From The Sky Down'.
08 December, 2011
Subscribers Special. How Flood helped Bono find his voice for The Fly. Interview Part II.
01 December, 2011
Multi-format regurg-a-thon of the Dublin quartet's 1991 glitterball reinvention .....
28 November, 2011
'From The Sky Down' will be released on Blu-ray and DVD next month.
21 November, 2011
Subscribers Special. 'We want to blow up the old U2. You interested?'  Flood gets the call on 'Achtung Baby'.
15 November, 2011
From today Ǎhk-to͝ong Bāy-Bi Covered can be downloaded from iTunes with proceeds going to relieve famine in East Africa.
10 November, 2011
'A collection of U2 songs that references every album...' Twenty two tracks from Willie Williams for 'U22'.
02 November, 2011
'Fascinating to hear this rough draft of history.' Thumbs up from Rolling Stone for rereleased Achtung Baby.

01 November, 2011
'Ah! It's the bass part from Mysterious Ways...' Anniversary edition of Achtung Baby now released worldwide
31 October, 2011
Twentieth anniversary edition of Achtung Baby on release in multiple formats from today. Here's all you need to know.
27 October, 2011
Subscribers Special. 'I don’t really remember how it happened.' Maria McKee on Achtung Baby era songs with U2.
27 October, 2011
'How Bono writes...' From The Sky Down, new clip.
25 October, 2011
Want your own copy of 'AHK-toong BAY-bi Covered' ? Here's how.
19 October, 2011
In Davis Guggenheim's new film From The Sky Down, Adam recalls the earliest days of the band.
18 October, 2011
In Hansa Studios Berlin, for the making of Achtung Baby. So who looked best in high heels, make-up and wig?
13 October, 2011
Larry takes everyone for a drive... around Berlin.
13 October, 2011
Subscribers Special: Maria McKee features on the 20th anniversary Achtung Baby releases. She talks to U2.com.
10 October, 2011
Achtung Baby has been re-imagined by a host of legendary artists, for a limited edition album, with  December's Q.
09 October, 2011
In the UK or Ireland? Catch From The Sky Down tonight.
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