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News - Band Cam

25 December, 2016

Happy Christmas

30 June, 2009
01 day to go. Hold On... hold on tightly...
05 June, 2009
He didn't really want to be woken up at all, but one day on the last tour, Bono arrived in Edge's hotel room at the crack of dawn, camera on his shoulder, ready to shoot 'A Day In The Life of Edge' for Current TV.
22 May, 2009
Adam with his flip cam, just before showtime on French TV
07 May, 2009
The opening night of the tour in Barcelona is only weeks away so no better time for a reminder of life on the road.
20 April, 2009
'Four minutes, two minutes, one minute... ' It's showtime in Berlin at last month's Echo Awards, and the flip cam is rolling as the band prepare to hit the stage.
01 April, 2009
'Only love, only love can leave such a mark.' It's the next single and this live performance in Boston last month was... 'Magnificent'. Video exclusive for U2.com subscribers.
30 March, 2009
At the end of a week in New York City the band got up at the crack of dawn to play live for the students of Fordham University.
20 March, 2009
The band are back in Fes, Morocco where they began writing much of No Line on the Horizon. This time they're shooting a video for the upcoming single, Magnificent. Catch our clip.
13 March, 2009
'What a great feeling this last couple of weeks, meeting our audience again...' Video diary from Bono, after a great final night in Boston.
13 March, 2009
His playing on the new record has been getting rave reviews, his video clips for U2.com are must-see and today it's his birthday.
08 March, 2009
In the car on the way to Friday morning's surprise gig, Bono and Edge are talking arrangements with 'the legendary Bob Ezrin'.
04 March, 2009
It's the day the album is released in the US and Bono is driving 'south of Duke Ellington Boulevard and north of Joey Ramone Place..'
10 February, 2009
In the early summer of 2007, Brian Eno, Danny Lanois and U2 travelled to the ancient Moroccan city of Fez.
14 January, 2009
A new track from the studio... sort of!
14 November, 2008
'What's It Like Being A Drummer?' In the studio, Edge turns the camera on Larry.
14 October, 2008
Adam's latest clip finds Edge, Bono and Danny Lanois deep in concentration...
10 June, 2008
Our latest video installment from Adam is high in antioxidants
21 May, 2007
Live and in 3D at the Cannes Film Festival as the new movie makes its debut.
09 May, 2007
U2.Com Exclusive: brand new edit of Windows with an A-Z of its rock'n'roll legends.
22 August, 2006
Catch this exclusive clip of Bono performing the sea song 'Dying Sailor to His Shipmates'.
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