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News - U22

30 September, 2012
From The Ground Up, the official photo book of the U2360° tour, is set for publication in just a couple of months.
31 July, 2012
You've decided on the first winners in our 'U22 Unwrapped' video contest. But the competition continues…
29 July, 2012
Subscribers Exclusive: A year after U2360° we've been rebroadcasting last year's show from São Paulo, Brazil.
22 July, 2012
It's a year since the end of the tour, and this weekend we're rebroadcasting a 360° show from Brazil for our subscribers.
19 July, 2012
Seen our U22 Video Gallery ? You could be in there for some time...
12 July, 2012
Japan, Spain, Mexico... Southfork.  U22 is out and about.
02 July, 2012
Love those clips of U22 being unwrapped. Check out these two smart ones.
22 June, 2012
Made a clip? Posted a photo? U22 is here and there… and everywhere.
19 June, 2012
'It is FANTASTIC!'  Country by country, continent by continent... people are receiving their copies of U22.
07 June, 2012
U22 will be with you any day - win some exclusive prizes by capturing its arrival.
30 May, 2012
U22, the limited-edition CD set from U2360° is now released. Subscribe to U2.com and download twelve tracks.
24 May, 2012
Live video from U2360°, exclusive photos from the deluxe U22 book. And more....
17 May, 2012
It's the soundtrack of U2360°,  the 22 songs were chosen by fans across the world and it's all set for release.

23 March, 2012
'Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast...' Stay (Faraway, So Close!) is on U22. Here it is from the last night.
12 March, 2012
The Fly came into the tour late but you still wanted it on 'U22'. This was Miami.
05 March, 2012
'Zooropa' made the cut on 'U22'. This is what it was like in St Louis last year.
27 February, 2012
Three tracks from 'U22' are now available as instant downloads when you subscribe to U2.com.
20 February, 2012
'Until The End of the World' made the cut on 'U22' - this is what it was like in Sao Paulo.
08 February, 2012
We know what tracks will appear on U22... but we don't yet know the order. Got any ideas?
05 February, 2012
Beautiful Day is one of the tracks  you voted for on 'U22'. This is what it was like on U2360°.
22 January, 2012
U2.com subscribers voted for the tracks they wanted on the limited-edition CD set 'U22'.  Here's what they chose.
20 December, 2011
Twenty two songs for 'U22' in alphabetical order, by Paul McGuinness.
14 December, 2011
Will the live 'Crazy' remix from U2360° make it onto U22? Take a listen.
09 December, 2011
Will it make it onto 'U22' ? Take a listen to this clip live from U2360°.
29 November, 2011
'A setlist based on a pipe dream of this uberfan.' Another take on 'U22'.
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