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News - Recent Albums

27 June, 2001
Like Chuck Berry and Jimi Hendrix, the Edge changed our perception of rock guitar according to a new profile at Guitar.Com.
15 June, 2001
Tens of thousands of fans logged on to U2.COM to ask Edge questions in our first online web-chat, Thursday.
24 January, 2001
U2 have been confirmed to perform at the 43rd annual Grammy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles. The three-hour show will ...
22 January, 2001
U2's manager Paul McGuinness compares U2 to veteran Olympic athletes who 'keep coming back and winning' and have no intention ...
28 October, 2000
You've got to stay on your toes to keep up with Bono. In an era when fame is often portrayed ...
16 October, 2000
U2's first single in two years has gone straight in at No.1 on pop charts across Europe.
23 September, 2000
The 2000 Sydney Olympics are becoming more and more Beautiful. Following our recent report that Beautiful Day had ...
16 September, 2000
Bono and Larry proved a hit with guests when they appeared on VH1 to launch the new Jonas Akerlund directed ...
31 August, 2000
Track by Track Guide to the New U2 Album, All That You Can't Leave Behind By Larry Flick.