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News - disc_review_oct

24 August, 2008
Passion and politics : the early years, remastered, with extras
30 July, 2008
'Like all great rock, you feel you must have heard these songs somewhere else...' Original reviews: Boy, October and War.
31 October, 1981
U2's contribution to the progress of rock is that they've divorced guitar heroics from the idea of a dazzling guitar hero.
30 September, 1981
October is a musical and spiritual growth for U-2, a passionate and moving LP for me.
30 September, 1981
U2 will endure. October hits that home magnificently. It's just how they will endure that'll trouble us come U2 '3' or '4'.
30 September, 1981
U2, I guess, will continue to "move" in live performance, just like James Brown. But they will only move on the lightest surface.
30 September, 1981
'Needs time to work its way into your heart...'

'It's not a fashionable record either, because it needs time to work ...
30 September, 1980
The sheer exuberance that redeems these 11 songs is admirably fresh...
Boo Browning in The Washington Post
30 September, 1980
With a deep, rich production U2 makes music which is hypnotic in its swirling images and textures...
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