' A giant leap forward'

11 Jan 2008
'3D cinema is back.' says The Independent in the UK. 'But this time it actually works.'

'For anyone who last saw a 3D film 25 years ago, when the 3D medium was last dubbed the next big thing, watching U23D will come as something of a shock. Beautifully shot in crystal-clear high-definition, it's genuinely easy to forget you are watching a concert on screen rather than being there in person. The experience is totally convincing and, best of all, the geeky cardboard glasses of old have gone. Instead of watching Bono and the gang through a haze of red and green, viewers look through polarised glasses and the 3D eyewear of the future is slick, black and reminiscent of a pair of classic Ray-Bans.'

Check the whole review here

'U23D' website here


29 Jan, 2025

'In the future people will watch us, watching you… watching us.'

28 Jan, 2025

 Subscribers Special
U2:UV Production Manager Jake Berry on the journey to opening night at Sphere.

23 Jan, 2025

Larry is a producer of the documentary Left Behind - and co-writes and performs on two music tracks. Now screening in NYC.

20 Jan, 2025

It's here. V-U2, the definitive photographic book capturing U2 at Sphere in Las Vegas. (For one day, exclusive to subscribers)