The Edge on Skype

25 May 2010455
Like the rest of the band, Edge had his bags half-packed and was thinking about setting out on the next leg of the tour.

Edge Skyped in from New York earlier today, to let us know how everything is going.

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the cure
Rest ,tiger balm ,and Guinness are all you need! Get well
"It will be a Beautiful Day again"
Dear Bono I hope and pray for your recovery. As one of your dearest fans I am sad that i will not be seeing you at the New Giant Stadium on July 19th but i would of been Terribly sadden that your injuries could of been worse so please take this as a blessing and do everything that the doctors say because your fans here are all waiting for You and the Boys and when you all finally get here its going to be the best concert ever. God Bless Rita
Bono-speedy recovery xoxoJen
What can I say that hasn't been said??I cannot believe I've been a fan for almost 30 years now(how crazy is that-I don't know where the time went???)I hope you are on the mend. When you get back to touring-no jumping off the stage or anything crazy-at least for a while!!!! While so many of us can't wait for the tour to be rescheduled so we can see you and the boys, the main thing is that you get 100% healed. In the meantime, know that we are thinking about you and hope you feel better soon!!!!xoxoxJen
Speedy Recovery
Best wishes on your recovery wife and I had been waiting eagerly to get to Qwest Field in Seattle on June 20. We are eagerly awaiting the reschedule date for it. Take care of yourself and don't be too overanxious...your health is most important. God bless you and the band..see you in Seattle in 2011.
Houston waits patiently....
First of all, I want to thank you guys for all the unbelievable music for all these years. I've been a huge fan since I bought "Unforgettable Fire" on cassette so many years ago. Bono - I know your recovery will take longer than you want (or can even stand it to take), but your fans will be there waiting when you are ready to dazzle us again. Love and peace to all! Come back to Houston soon!!!
Get Well
I hope you get well fast Bono. im praying for you. i cant wait to see you in toronto.
all the best from a brazilian fan
With the energy you got, getting healed will be easy! Wqainting for you to get better so I and my wife can get to see 360o for a forth time!
Get well Bono. You're health is the most important task at hand,You're very lucky to have such a close knit band and family to see you through. Best of health to ya see you in Seattle next year
Catching up after 20 years of not following the band has almost broken my heart. I am very thankful that I decided to join the community. Would love to be at the Denver concert when everything gets rescheduled, but I have no ticket. The most important thing now is that Bono heals properly and completely with the regimen that the doctor(s) have ordered. Peace to you all and looking foward to seeing you soon.
good drugs
Hi Bono, I can relate to Edge's story about you being a little incoherent right after surgery. I was too while I was on morphine after my spinal fusion on 6/14. It does some crazy stuff to your head. Even when I was just on vicodin before my surgery I was repeating stories over and over, for example I told my daughter four separate times that you also had back surgery. On the fourth time she could stand it no longer and told me I had mentioned that one three times at least :-) Bono, rest and follow doctors orders. Wish I could go to physical therapy with you...wouldn't that be a kick! Have been a fan for nearly 4 decades and won't stop now. Love, Diane (robotspine)
Edge is right on!
Hi it's robotspine here. I call myself that because I had a spinal fusion at L4/L5 vertebrae and a discectomy at L5/S1 on June 14, 2010. Who cares? I do. It's not an easy surgery but I bounced back very quickly. Which brings me to the point Edge made about keeping Bono under check. I'm a lot like him in that as soon as I feel able I'll be out doing some crazy things like watering all the plants and washing off the deck this morning at 7am. But I also know that I mustn't bend at the waist and I don't. I cracked up about Bono's lack of awareness after surgery. Honestly, the first two days for me were twilight zone time. Even before the surgery, while I was in pain and on vicodin, apparently I started repeating myself quite a bit and told one of my daughters four times that Bono had gone in for spine surgery just a couple of weeks ago. On the fourth occasion she finally told me that I had mentioned it three times previously. Aye aye aye :-) Thanks for the great update Edge...we've all been wondering. Peace and Love, Diane (robotspine)
For the first time I am not going to see you live at Portugal, next October. I am one of the victims of a con website (, and me and my wife, wont be able to celebrate life like I usually do at your shows, and black market tickets are very expensive (check them at Bono, hope you get well very soon. Love, Paulo and Carla
We will miss you in Miami !!!
We miss you on the stage. Even though you may not be in Miami, our hearts will be there rocking-on. Get better soon, and get back to what God called you to do, after all it is "Magnificent" !!! May God's "Grace" be abundant upon you, your family, and the Larry, Edge, and Adam during this trying time for you all.
Hey Edge !! Heal Thy Bono !!!
Best in the world to you !!! Sincerely, Aaron Wolfson
Recoup, Relax & Get Well! No Hurry! Yr h
Bono, if you do get to read this. I've been enjoying your music for some time now (46 yrs old) and as with all good things, you get to know it's value with time. Your at the top of your craft.... No doubt. I'm still holding tickets for me and my pregnant wife for American Airlines arena down in Miami, Fl. This was going to be my first U2 concert.... So hard to see you guys down here. Your health is priority # 1, and I will be praying for your God Speed recovery big man.... Hope to see you soon mate ! Say hello to me when you get on stage. would be SO cool man. My name is Ralph and My wife is Marcela. Giod Bless.... PS - Thanks Skype for the info/video. awesome.
Please for the love of god...
play one of these: - Twilight - A Day Without Me - In God's Country - When I Look at The World - Like a Song - The Batman Song xD - Is That All - Yaweh (full band) I'll see you on the road!
Please for the love of god...
play one of these: - Twilight - A Day Without Me - In God's Country - When I Look at The World - Like a Song - The Batman Song xD - Is That All - Yaweh (full band) I'll see you on the road!
Thanks Edge for the update!!!!! Big hug for the best singer of the BEST BAND here from Argentina!!!I caught 360 in London last year not knowing i was pregnant, now little Belisario is 2 1-2 months and got to 2 "see" the best band in the world too!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! Please come down here and pay us a visit!!!!!!!
one love 4 U2
Bono, Take good care of yourself! Does not matter how long it takes to recover and get on with life and the greatest 360 tour ever! just remember that there will always be ONE GREATEST LOVE 4 U2!
Get well real soon
I can't even imagine the pain that Bono is in. There is absolutely no reason that he should feel in any way that he let the fans down. I just watched the DVD again and was thinking how awesome the concert is going to be when I finally get to see them next year!!! Until then take care and make sure that you take all the time you need to recover. Always a fan.
Bono, I love you & the rest of the Band
Oh Bono, I so understand your pain! I had the same thing happen to me plus 7 more surgeries for back and neck and I'm your same age. Please rest as long as you can, rehab, let everyone give to you for a change!! Your words of inspiration, your skill of voice and Edge, Larry,and the sexiest drummer ever,have lifted me out of the agony and gives me hope, love, & light! Quick recovery and U2, sing, play forever! Your biggest fan! cj
The Edge, Thank-you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to inform us about Bono's recovery!!! Illumination70
Dearest sexiest Bono, God loves you so much that’s why he gave you a phenomenally sexy voice to us so we can enjoy your wonderful powerful songs in our heart. I never listen to no one except your sexy voice. God is the only man who knows how much I love you and you mean the world to me Bono. 3 wishes for you Bono get will soon take a good care of your sexy body and stay strong with love God. May God continuously blessing all 4 of you with your families. LOVE Kelly
Get well soon
hope Bono gets better real soon, been a fan for 25 years since I watched him rule the stage at live aid. God Bless and speedy recovery xx.
Thanks Edge...
I knew it had to be VERY serious to hold that man down! It was hard for me to fathom him ever being stopped in his tracks. Having held these tickets since presale in 2009, I was getting stoked to go (only weeks away to my 3rd 360) but when I got the news of the surgery any disappointment immediately turned to concern for his wellbeing. Bono will be in my thought and prayers as will the rest of the members of my favorite band aka God's gift to music. Take as much time as you need, Bono...we'll all be here, ready when you are. We have even more to look forward to now: U2 360, new tracks AND our "Fearless Leader" at 100%!!
God bless you
I hope Bono recovers as fast as possible, but the most important thing is that he really recovers, no matter if it takes eight weeks os eight months. I'm sure every fan in the world prefers not going to a concert but that Bono gets better. The world needs you to much. GOD BLESS U2
You are the best
Bono, We hope all is going well with your recovery. You need to make sure you take your time to heal so then you can continue doing all the wonderful amazing things your do. I would like to say thank you for all the happy memories you and U2 have given me over the years. You all have helped me get through lot just by listening to your music. You guys have gotten me and my family through a lot of major events in our life and we are looking forward the future help your music will continue to provide us. Take care of yourself and don't worry about your fans, we love you and are there in prayer and spirit and will be there with open arms when you return, healthy and better then ever.
Get well, Bono
Just want to send well wishes to Bono for a speedy and full recovery. I've been a fan of you guys since you hit the US airwaves and will be yours forever. Your faithful fans know your tours are always unforgettable and we have patience to wait for Bono's full recovery for the shows to start back up. So, Bono, please take care of yourself and get back to 100%. Also, Thank you, Edge, for your video to reassure us fans. All the best wishes to you all and your families.
U2 you are a precious commodity, take care of yourselves and each other. Bono, take the time that is needed to get fully well. I have followed you from the very start and parts of my life have been shaped by your music. God bless you and yours. Keep smiling! x
Can't Wait
I just wanna wish Bono a complete and speedy recovery. I've been a huge fan most of my life (I'm only 20) and saw you guys for the first time last September up in Boston. It was absolutely awesome. I was so glad you played "The Unforgettable Fire." I've got tickets for the show in the New Giants Stadium and I am so pumped. Though I was sad when I heard the news, it just made me look forward to the show next year that much more. In the meantime I'll be picking up the Rose Bowl DVD sometime in the next few days. You guys are my favorite band of all time and I can't wait to see you again. Take care.
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