360° 2010: First News on Support Acts

20 Feb 2010111
When the 360 Tour returns to North America in June, Lenny Kravitz will be first up on stage each night for the shows in Salt Lake City, Anaheim and Denver. (Tickets for the June 3rd Salt Lake City show go on sale this Monday.)

The Fray will be opening in Oakland, Seattle and Edmonton.

Interpol will be on the bill for the shows in Minneapolis, E.Lansing, Toronto, Chicago, Miami and Philadelphia.

More news on these great acts as the 2010 dates get closer, meantime check all the tour dates here.

And let us know if your night out with U2 this sumer just got even better.....
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INTERPOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!4 NEW YORK
Miami Got a Crappy Opening band!!!
Would've liked to see the fray don't know who interpol is
At first I never thought I heard of Lenny Kravitz but I looked him up on iTunes and now I can't wait to see them in Salt Lake City! :)
Thanks for the great supporting acts...
Really looking forward to hearing Interpol in Toronto. I saw Snow Patrol last time and they were excellent. Time before that was Dashboard Confessional. Have you considered SWITCHFOOT? They are really entertaining live! U2 alone is always worth it! The openers are bonus. Bringing my 3 teenage sons for general admission to the Toronto show in July!!
Arcade Fire for Montreal???
Excited for Interpol for Toronto, but Arcade Fire for Montreal would be really great!!
I hope they up the quality of support before they get to Europe...
opening act for Seattle
I'm really bummed that Interpol or Lenny Kravitz isn't opening for Seattle. Is there a chance that the acts could change?
Europe - I'm so exited...!
I can't wait to find out who will be opening the shows August 2010 in Europe!
mblegg, For however much you were deflated I for one was doubly inflated. Interpol far and away the best support act on any U2 tour bar none. Can't wait.
Support Act in Mtl
Why not go for a homegrown band for Montreal. Ever heard of Karkwa?
NYC Show
Interpol or Arcade Fire or Phoenix or MGMT or Passion Pit....would be awesome.........Muse this past fall was amazing....
interpol is the shit!
Please Haev em open Montreal
Christie So Cal
LET LOVE RULE!!!! I can't wait to see Lenny and U2 rock the stadium!!! LOVE & PEACE!
Please have Brothers in Plugs at Athens, Greece! Great music from the four brothers!
Not Pleased
Not pleased at all about Mr Kravitz. But major kuddos to my hometown boys The Fray for getting the Oakland/Seattle/Edmonton gigs. Too bad those aren't the shows I'm going to. But in the end, it's U2 that I'm going to see.
Lucky Lenny
I was just psyched to see U2 again but Lenny Kravitz too!!!! Talk about your combo value meal!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Charlie Straight
Check out Charlie Straight!!! Please come back to Prague sometimes.
support act please!
please support act lenny kravitz or stereo mc's in germany. stereo mc's in 1993 were a nice support act ;-)
Swap Ya!
Hey, at least you're getting another bite of the cherry in the U.S.! 70 million in the UK have no domestic shows this year. I'd trade place's with any of you guys, Even Miami!!!
LENNY in MIAMI PLEASE!!! CAN'T BELIEVE IT. U2 Always misses big time regarding the Miami crowd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Multiple Sclerosis
I have attended every concert since Joshua Tour. I now have Multiple Sclerosis which makes it impossible to go to my seating section in Philly. Is there any help in this manner. I need a Miracle Drug
I was so elated to see the possibility for Fray or Lenny Kravitz could be on the bill but then when I saw it was Interpol for Miami I got seriously deflated. I hate to say it but you guys really need to rethink that, please pick one of the other two or someone entirely different. The Interpol vibe won't fit in this city, The Fray or Lenny would really give you a pumped crowd before U2!
Why bother?
I would have been much happier to simply have an extra hour of U2. Five or six more songs would have been better than any opening act.
The Fray for us Edmontonians
They're NOT by any means a bad band, but there are several other bands out there that would do more justice. I mean The Fray have a few good songs but I think I may use their set as a bathroom/food/beer break. Ah well, it's better than the Black Eyed Peas. I would have LOVED to be able to have seen Lenny. Then again I DID pay to see U2, so The Fray opening is probably the least of my worries. It will be an amazing night nonetheless.
Montreal 2010
How about Hedley as the opener.Keep it Canandian EH!
miami - interpol
this will work for me. thank god it's not the fray. i actually met lenny at a U2 show in miami some years back. he didn't open for them he was just hangging out on the floor about 10 feet from elvis costello. i got a 2 for 1 rock star meet! fun night!
Awesome Indeed! I was hoping for a repeat of Muse in Miami, but Interpol would be Awesome too.
Let's hope...
That Lenny Kravitz will join the show in Brussels!!
I want to see Lenny! bummer. but Muse this last tour was great!!! cant wait for Chicago!!
Could be better
Great to see Interpol on the Bill, but the Toronto Show could have had The Hip play to start the night start off right.
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