'Thank you for having us here in the majestic land of a thousand islands,' said Bono, introducing One, a song which seemed to sum up the evening. 'Wherever you come from in the region, thank you for coming, you make it even more majestic... you're from all over. Beautiful.' It was dedicated 'to everyone in this region who's had their warm hearts broken by cold ideas.'
Video coming up, meantime add your own reviews at the bottom of the page. What were your stand-out tracks, the moments you will never forget, the reason you were glad to be here in the Stadium Makimir tonight? Here's the set-list.
No Line On The Horizon
Get On Your Boots
Beautiful Day
Until The End of the World
Stay (Far Away So Close)
Unknown Caller
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Remix)
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Pride (In The Name of Love)
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name
With Or Without You
Moment of Surrender