Your Blue Room

14 Sep 200927
Bono once called it one of his favourite U2 songs. It was written and recorded by 'Passengers', the experimental group the band created with Brian Eno in 1995. On the album, Original Soundtracks Volume 1, Adam completes the vocals. The band had never performed this song live, until last night, at Soldier Field in Chicago.

'And time is a string of pearls in your blue room/ See the future just hanging there... your blue room.' Here's what it was like.

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YBR gets my vote!
Having been there that night, my vote goes to the concert debut of YBR! Just a magical night in Chicago--looking forward to more memories in July 2010.
Blown Away!!!!!!
I was truly blown away with "Your Blue Room" first time I heard it was in Boston, then New Jersey, I can't get enough. Thanks U2 for adding it to your setlist. Please keep playing it.
Blue Room, Favority, 2nd Favorite: Grace
When Passengers came out, I'd loop "Your Blue Room" over and over while at work. I couldn't get enough. It drips with Eno's touch. Certainly in the Pantheon of off-the-beaten-path tracks from U2. Gorgeous track. I sure hope they play it in Vegas in October, and I hope Bono's voice is holding up well - and I'd love to have a Blueray live concert with that track on it. I'll pay for it, okay? PLEASE! PS- We just had a daughter on Aug 27th, Sophia Grace. Her middle name is for my 2nd favorite U2 song.
U2's Best song
By far and away, the best thing they've ever done. I hope Songs of Ascent follows down this sort of path...Beautiful song.
fantastic song !!
i love this track i think the best song of that album, nice to hear it live, i get lost in that track every time i play love it !!!!
I was at both shows. Sept 12 being my first U2 show EVAR! I dragged or drugged? A different friend each night. The second night was the better of the two. Thank you for playing this wonderful song. Thank you to all the new people I met at the show. Thank you to the people around me for not mocking when I cried during "Walk On" and "With or Without You". Thank you to the group of guys that screamed like girls with me when "Unforgettable Fire" was played. Out of all the concerts I have been to, these two had the best fan community. Cheers to you all!
Beautiful song saw u Saturday wish i could of seen Sundays show
only a matter of time
I have been wondering for years why they didn't try this song Live, or even a song like "Always forever now". But I wondered even more why the MDH songs like "ground beneath her feet" or Stateless were never played on stage (at least not to my knowledge at least). Now it is clear that it was only a matter of time...The best things come to those wo wait.
jealous, big time
This is one of my top 10 favorite U2 songs and songs in general, I simply adore it and I'm so sad they didn't play it in Zagreb:( It would be a dream come true for me to hear it live. Lucky Americans:)
Another time, another place
This was my second show in this tour (and in general). - the first one was day 1 in Gothenburg. That time I got to the front row and this time I was seated almost as high as you could get... And let me tell you: You should see this production from both angles!! It was amazing to see this monster stage, lights, screen - everything, like it was super amazing to see the show from front row. And Your Blue Room was such a special treat! Thank you U2 (and thank you to everyone in production as well)!!!
There was something simply magical about this song the other night. I hope some of you are also lucky enough to see this forgotten gem
eric naulaerts1
great song, but this performance ...
I wished U2 never played it live like they did in Chicago. I was able to listen to the song live, and although it's one of my favourite Passengers songs, i didn't like the live version.
I can't wait...
I really hope they play this at the Raleigh show. Let's hope they pull out more obscure tracks like Acrobat, Walk to the Water, or Love Comes Tumbling.
Please play this at Cowboys Stadium!
You guys will be here in 4 weeks at the new Stadium. Please play this song, especially since you will be in the blue room of the team! I've always dreamed of hearing this live!
Your Instructions Whatever Their Directi
Wow, Wow, Wow. Awesome. I was at both Chicago shows. Sunday was way better. When they started playing Your Blue Room, I was stunned. And I liked it. I have seen U2 about 6 times, and they always entertain me, but they usually don't surprise me. Sunday I was shocked. I wish they would play more deep cuts and switch up the setlist a little more. It makes them far more interesting. Great job guys, keep it up.
play it again...I loved hearing it. Ignore those who used that time to get more beer. Did Bono sing the falsetto backing tracks? I think so but others disagree....
That's the word for the entire show. I flew in from Houston for Sunday's show and am honored to have attended the first show where this song was pldayed. I was not familiar with it but thought it was beauiful and even more so after reading these posts. Hope to catch you in Houston...please keep Blue Room in the show.
Celtic Soul
360 Tour - Must be seen to be believed!
I flew in from NYC to see opening night in Chicago. I was unsure if I would like this tour (I have seen every tour since 1983). I have been spoiled by arena shows the last several tours and I was unsure if I would like to see U2 in a stadium again. After seeing the concert in Chicago, I would say I love the 360 Tour. It belw me away! This tour is so well done. The visuals and the stage are so amazing. I had seen pictures of the tour prior to going to Chicago, but it isn't until you see the show for yourself that the experience is fully appreciated. I am sad I missed "Blue Room" since I could only go to to the first Chicago show. I hope U2 plays it again in other cities.
Your Blue Room
I flew to Chicago from Los Angeles to see the opening weekend shows for the North American leg and knew this song was being rehearsed thanks to Twitter. However, I was hoping this song would be played Saturday so when it was not - i was sad and feared the band just wasn't comforatable enough to go forward with it by Sunday. To my surprise and happiness it did debut on Sunday ! I have loved this song since the day I first heard it so many years ago. Thank you U2 for remembering this song and picking it for the North American leg concert addition. PLEASE continue to play it. It sounded so beautiful! The music and the lyric are very special and it will continue to grow stronger as it is played. All the shows in the Western part of the U.S. are set for one night only - Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Don't let the fact that this song is relatively unknown to the stadium size crowd to keep you from playing it. It is wonderful and fits into the show extremely well. I look forward to the shows out West !!!! Thank you for two beautiful concerts in Chicago. I was amazed as always.... and yes the everything about both concerts, music and visuals touched my heart and soul.
Came down from Milwaukee for the show. Being able to hear Blue Room performed live was amazing. A song that means alot to me personally. Thanks boys.
Ian T
A beautiful song in a stunning city.
"Your Blue Room" was soundchecked at Wembley when we were there in August (seems so long ago) and even from outside the stadium it sounded great. The visuals add even more to it.
It was amazing
I flew in from Los Angeles to both shows, I lived in Chicago for 35 years. I absolutely freaked when I heard the opening notes. Both nights were light years beyond amazing. But this was such a treat and they played Until The End Of The World too. Oh so good, see you in Phoenix and Pasadena !!!
Boston on Sunday...
I really hope this song will be played Sunday... too good to pass up and I'd hate to have missed one of the best, most obscure songs in U2's catalogue.
Worm and sensual
It sounds as a David Bowie song,misterious and sensual....Magic song!!!!
Your Blue Room. Who would have ever thought they'd play that. AWESOME.
Monumental Song
Passengers is like nothing else and I'm sad that there has been no follow up to Original Soundtracks 1. "Your Blue Room" is one of several greats on that album. I still listen to it regularly. While I can't blame him for not trying to replicate the vocal range on the original recorded version, it would be something else to hear him pull off the falsetto followed by the bass vocals that he does on the studio version.
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