I Will Be With You Again

6 Aug 200990
A spine-tingling night right from the start with a huge and passionate audience. If they weren't in red and white - great planning by the fans here again - they were in U2 shirts or in Music Rising shirts or even, dressed like PopTarts. The opening clutch of tracks suggested this was going to be some night but none of us could have predicted the ovation when New Year's Day arrived. What a response

Say it's true, it's true...
And we can break through
Though torn in two
We can be one.

With the flag of Solidarnosc on stage it felt like all the hopes and dreams of this audience were captured in a song.
'Something going on here. There's something going on in this country,' said Bono. 'We could feel it the last time we came. This country is going somewhere very special. Is it faith? Faith in the future. Poland! Europe needs more countries like Poland...'

We sang Happy Birthday to Edge tonight and it felt like everyone was celebrating a birthday. Was it the best show of the tour to date ? Who can tell? If you were here, it probably was.

So we enjoyed it, but what about you? Add your own reviews at the bottom of the page. Here's what the band played.

No Line On The Horizon
Get On Your Boots
Beautiful Day
New Years Day
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stuck In A Moment
Unknown Caller
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Remix)
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Pride (In The Name of Love)
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name
With Or Without You
Moment of Surrender

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lost in words
I realize that it's almost a month after the show in Chorzow but I'm still lost in words to say what I feel about it. Amazing, unforgettable - that's still words and that was something much bigger. Probably, in the rest of my life, I would never see something like that. Thank you. Really hope to see you again... in Poland, in Germany, Spain, doesn't matter... but at least once again in a lifetime. And just for the record - 5 in rating is not enough
the best show of the tour
for me, I have n t seen such a great show during this tour, a
The best birthday ever
It was my birthday guys, thank you for singing Happy Birthday and Sto Lat:))) Not exactly for me, but it was one of the happiest days of my life:)
From Ukraine
It was really AMAIZING! This night will stay in my heart forever.
The concert people
Poland, you are really one concert people! It was absolutely fabulous. First this completely perfect New Year's day and then an ocean of lights for "one". You really gave me goose bumps.
What a night!!!!
What a concert!!! What a night!!! What a band!!! The night was a dream come true, maybe even more!!! More than I expected. Totally magical moment in my life. To be there and to listen "Moment of surrender" was worth all the money in the world!!! Thank you guys, I will love you "until the end of the world"...
I'm from Slovakia and I'm 16 years old. At the concert, I was alone without friends or parents but I enjoyed it :) Everything was great - sound, lights, stage, especially Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry:)) If I could wish one thing I would return that night in Chorzow. It was my first concert but I hope not the last. So far, I have no words. It's a wonderful experience. During One I felt as in the most beautiful dream that I have ever dreamed. Moment of Surrender made me sad because I knew it's the last song and I wanted to return the whole concert. Unfortunately, it was impossible :-( Your music has magical abilities. It can heal, it always makes me happy and shows me a way of life. Finally, I'd like to add one more thing. If there were more people at least half such as Bono, Larry, Edge and Adam, the world would be better. You are unique. There is no other group like you. Hat down! Thank you, guys!!
Thanks from Slovakia - U2 and Poles
I stopped Breath when i saw claw On The Horizont and I went on my Boots step by step on the top Slanski Stadium in Chorzow. Stage was Magnificient and I hoped that 6.8.2009 will be Beautiful day. My soul Elevation when I have heard and saw New Years Day. Thanks from Slovakia. R+A
I've never been so touched during any other concert before!!! Still in my heart...ThankU2=))
The Polish flag
Special thanks to ALL U2 funs from other countries who got prepared to create the Polish flag. There were a lot of people from other countries around me who had white pieces of cloth and paper in their hands when New Year's Day began. Many thanks for that on apart of Polish funs ! You were also great with a beautiful sense of belonging ! As to the whole show, I can only sign up under all comments made here. Unforgettable night and experience !!! Bono, you are the star who shines in peoples’ hearts. We need more people like you !!!! God bless you and the band !
Song List
What happened to Electrical Storm? While Walk On is my all time favorite song EVER, I love Electrical Storm and was excited to see it on the set list. Please bring it back for the Las Vegas show when you get to America. Also, I'm heartbroken that The Script only played one Dublin show. Not looking forward to the Peas and wish The Script could be there instead!!!
Thanks to all of you. And U2.
What touched me the most? That sometimes we, the Poles, are seen in much better light that we all have a tendecy to put ourselves in. What Bono has said made me feel more Polish again and more proud to be a Pole. We've forgotten how far we've travelled throughout all those years since 1989. It was a great night to cellebrate it as ONE. Thank you, gentlemen. Mieszko PS. "This night is never to be forgotten".
Magnificent show
Three years ago I told my girlfriend for the very first time that I love her when we were listening to the song "With or Without You" When They played this two days ago in Chorzow I pull out the ring from my pocket and I asked her if she wants to marry me, she agreed, could I be more happier? Thank You guys for this... Matthew
Lighting my way
Thank you for coming to Chorzow again, for making me feel so united with you, for making me join you for a good cause, for lighting my way. Just thinking of the show makes me shiver. The giant spider was amazing. Just a little tip for the next time, it's legs should be longer and lying flat so that you can reach even further between us. Can't wait for the next time.
The most beautiful day (night) in my lif
U2 thanks for your comming, as you promissed in 2005. The show was great, the stage was amazing. It was total shock. I've been waiting for this night so long and now I regret it's gone so quickly. I can only wait for your next tour and hope that you won't forget about Polish fans.
It was something incredible
I was in Chorzow. I think it was the best night of my life. Few words which Bono said about Poland, changes in this caountry was so beutifull. I was thinking that he was talking just to me, That was very powerfull and unforgettable. BTW Happy Birthday to Edge
It was a beautiful day!
that was amazing! Please, come back guys! :) I'm waiting for the next show in Poland! I think that you would come to us once again, because Bono said "DO ZOBACZENIA"! That was first concert in my life, which U2 gave. Like Bono said, night never to forgotten!!! And this moment... when starts the song "Beautiful day"...! I'm still watching this moment on youtube.com! :) I absolutely love you, guys! See you next time!
It was a great moment! I want to be there again, to sing with U2 again. It was a beautiful day :)
Magical atmosphere, elevated emotions...
The unforgettable fire that I felt during this amazing concert is bound to light my way for years to come... Thanks a million, dear Irish friends, for bringing that to me again...
My 25 years with U2
I was 13 yo, when I start my trip with U2... it was dark 1984 This year is 25th anniversary... I grew-up, and You are still in my heart, in my mind, and Your songs are with me... My 13 yo son was with me at Slaski Stadium and said - it was amazing, delicious... new fan is coming :) This was not my first show I have seen (second one in U2360 Tour), but the best, I have ever seen... Best regards to all of U2 and thanks for being in my life :D
Third concert. Celebration! Fantastic people, amazing show. The flag, the Milky Way on the stadium and the Moon over us - unrorgettable emotions! Thanks U2 and all people who were there that night.
Words fail me...
It was glorious, unforgettable and poetical moment... Thank You U2... Thank You Polish Fans...
What a show!
That was the best U2 Show yet! Haven't missed a tour since the Joshua Tree and what a night to remember in Poland! Happy B-day The Edge.
absolutly beautifull poland
thanks so much. this show was absolutly amazing. i m proud. im ready for next show.
U2 - The best!
I would like to thank you for your show! My wife and me had a long trip to Chorzow from Budapest, but that was excellent! Thank you! Can we see you in Hungary at next tour?
Thank you!
Thanks U2 for giving me the greatest moment in my life, the most wonderful night ever. Absolutely magnificent 'New Year's Day', amazing Milky Way! It was beautiful night! Thank you for coming, for giving so much love and emotions! I was crying during 'I still...' - it was kind of magic! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Please, come back soon. I'm waiting. Your music lifts me up every day. Happy birthday The Edge! Thank you for your amazing smile! Anna Omyla
a m a s i n g
Thank you for the unforgettable night!Amazing show-I can not imagine it could be better. Hope we meet soon. Once again Happy Birthday The Edge! I LOVE YOU
Thank You
Thank you for All that you couldn't leave behind. For visiting our country again, for my love I met 4years ago at a train heading to Vertigo. I wanted to thank you for this treasure who was with me yesterday, for your dedication and hard work. I hope you liked it in Poland. Come back soon.
U2 lights my life
This show was the best!! and i'm not even Polish!!! this was my third show this tour and the best ever. Great thanks to the Polish fans; You all made ' New Years Day' even more rememberable than it all ready was! I'm glad to've been a part of it. It was really fantastic; very inspiring.
I love U2. That band is my hope to next day. Every day with U2 is a BEAUTIFUL DAY. Bono, we love You. Stay who you are, don't change. Poland's waiting for You one more time and one more time :) ps. Happy birthday EDGE!
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