Dublin Goes Crazy (Part II)

25 Jul 200973
Second night in Dublin and right up there with the first. This is what you've been saying: 'this gig was out of this world'; 'loved the remix of 'Crazy', Moment of Surrender is a great closer'; 'three rows from the front barrier and Croke rocked even more than Friday night'; 'ultimate homecoming, words can not describe...'; 'My feet really really hurt - but it was worth it!'

Here's the set-list and if you were there add your own reviews below.

No Line On The Horizon
Get On Your Boots
Beautiful Day
Mysterious Ways
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Angel of Harlem
In A Little While
Unknown Caller
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Remix)
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Pride (In The Name of Love)
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name
With Or Without You
Moment of Surrender

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Friday was just magic!
I saw the shows on Friday and Saturday and enjoyed the Friday gig a bit more. It was unbelievable to see them again after 4 years. The opener Breathe was so great on Friday. On Saturday the sound wasn't that good at the beginning but became better soon. Highlights for me: Unknown, Until, Crazy, Bad. Also great that they played Unforgettable, Elevation and Vertigo. Moment of Surrender is not the best set closer but it was a magnificent show! Could only be beaten if they played FEZ. Loved the show, loved the town. Thank you Dublin. Austria loves you.
Ive finally found what im looking for
U2 is without a doubt The greatest band in the world! I keep saying it , and The Boys keep proving me right. This was the trip of a life time and im not disappointed. It was way more than I could have ever dreamed of. I had the pleasure of standing in front of Edge all night playing his beautiful guitar. Wow! I came from Las Vegas to Dublin Just to see them. Nothing will ever top this!!!! Thank You for bringing joy into the orld U2!
With Mom and Dad
Hello I'm Cinzia from Italy. I brought my mom and my dad to the concert, to share with them the most beautiful thing of my life: u2 music. My beloved Larry my beloved U2 thank you for giving us the most wonderful night of life. By the way mom and dad enjoyed the concert.
Best one yet...
Travelled from Glasgow to tick the 'See U2 in their backyard' box - amazing. What a weekend - 80,000 rocking to an incredible set that had everything. Highlights - Angel of Harlem, Unforgetable Fire and the way message from TUTU into Where the Streets Have No Name. Fortunate to have seen the band 4 times including West Germany 89 with BB King - thought nothing would top that......Dublin (Part II) just did !!! and Dublin...thanks for a crackn weekend !!!
one down
thats dublin done..u2"s home,,now for their second home GLASGOW...BOYS YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT..see you at hampden
Can't believe it's really over. Completely in the depths of depression after Friday night in Croker. UNBELIEVABLE. havent seen u guys for 16 years and well, it was worth the wait. Loved the lead up to Where the streets.. - 2 hours of Spine tingling energy from the lads. WELL DONE, EXCELLENT and Welcome Home from Belfast
Sat 25th July Dublin
I wouldn't usually post a comment, but feel that I have to voice this. Bono's vocals are the best I've ever heard - in a little while just blew me away. The whole show was great with new songs sounding great and I hadn't listened to them too much beforehand. My most memorable U2 gig/moment had been (and I've been to every tour since the Joshua Tree) Zoo TV in Dublin and Cork with the closing song (U2 song) Love is Blindness - it made me love that song. The whole Zoo TV thing was amazing as something like that had never been done before. We'll probably never have that wow factor again as it's what is expected - this is not putting down the claw at all, but now I love "Moment of Surrender". Fair play lads - finishing on that song, unknown by a lot, I'm sure - I knew it a bit and now know it and love it really well (did I mention that I love it) - my brother came to gig with me at the last minute and he loved that not knowing the song at all.
Croke Park Friday Night
AMAZING NIGHT! Met up with four friends from the US to go to the concert. This was the second time for me seeing them in their home town. Every part of the concert was beyond words, especially when he sang the Irish lullaby! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Dublin Concert 2 - Pride Of Ireland!
I´ve just arrived back to Seville this morning after seeing the lads perform at Croke Park on Saturday - A brilliant, brilliant night! It made me very proud to be Irish and it won´t be 24 years again before I see them in my home country. These boys from Dublin are a bit like a fine rioja, they are getting better as they get older! I was hoping they would have played "Bad" but not to be. That means I´ll be back for more! Without doubt, these boys from Dublin are Ireland´s "Pride".
dimitri van delsen
strange moment
FANTASTISC SHOW. Travelled from Belgium to see them in their home town. Dublin really was U2 town, their was U2 music everywhere, the show on saturday was really great. Strangest moment!! I saw an 80 year old women on the bus singing out loud when they played "magnificent" on the radio!!!
the beautiful day arrived
it was as the song goes " a beautiful day " in croke park we loved the gig from start to finish, we ended up in Pizza Stop hoping to see bono and the lads like the good old days. the all day rocked from the atmosfere in town to the show " magnificent " thanks boys
Wow I mean WOW! What a gig
This was one of the best U2 concerts i have been to. The stage was amazing, the lighting, the sound the whole thing. I was disappointed with the sound in 05 but well done to all involved..techies etc for sound/stage and lighting..Excellet job...oh and the designers of the stage too :-). Finally, Boys you done Good...very very good....keep up the good work and feck the begrudgers. Proud to be Irish! Go raibh maith agat aris.
These last two gigs have been monumental the best i have seen and that goes back to 1981 at Slane and beyond. Thank you guys mega .
Was too young for the Zoo TV tour and only ever got to watch it on DVD. Loved the Elevation tour and Vertigo was good but this was a big U2 moment for me, fantastic set the crazy remix was unbelievable but MLK made me cry I love that simple but powerful song thanks lads
My Bucket List
For 25 years, I dreamed of seeing U2 in Dublin and they did not disappoint. I was on the pitch Friday night and in the Lower Cusack on Saturday. Being on the pitch just a few feet from the band was all I hoped it would be, but I have to admit the Saturday night set rocked the house even more! Well worth the trip from Marlborough, Connecticut, USA!!!
Thanks Guys :)
I've always dreamed to see U2 in Dublin, in your home. But I didn't expect such a show!!! I got more than I wish. Adam, Bono, The Edge, Larry thanks so much!!!! and I hope see you again in Crok Park
Thanks Guys
Great gig a a very impressive set. I couldn't believe the amount of foreign visitors at the saturday gig, good to see and it really added to the atmosphere. With the way that set is put together (spaceship and all that) I'd LOVE to see them play the "Close Encounters" spaceship theme before they walk on, that would be hilarious!!! Keep it up guys and thanks for an unforgettable night.
Mighty Quinn
At Croke Park on Saturday night, it blew us away, was the most amazing concert we've ever seen and we've been to a few, including the Vertigo tour at Hampden. Atmosphere was emotional since it was the boys' hometown and it was great to see that the people of Dublin are behind their guys. Many overseas fans there also including ourselves,(Scottish), what a boost for Dublin's economy. This is a gig not to be missed if you can help it.
Well worth queuing for 6 hours to get in the pit. Amazing show, the boys were on top form. Hello to the 2 guys from Boston and the couple from Greece who I met whilst queuing. Bring on Cardiff on 22 August!. Cheers Alan (Bristol, UK)
brendan roberts
Sat night in croker
Great to be back in their home town and mine. i flew in from london on thursday had tickets for sat show, sorry i didnt take up the offer of friday ticket cos i think the fri set list was better. Still a magic show my first croker gig since 85. What a difference. Sat afternoon at murrays bar was awesome, What a preshow party.... Roll on wembley..... Friday croker set list for wembley.Friday. please
we're from Belgium ,wonderful time in dublin for the 1st time and a magical night saturday with u2 , so much emotions in one night. THE BEST BAND EVER
What A Night!
Guys you blew me away! I danced, I screamed, I laughed and I cried!!!! Crazy dance remix was fantastic, One made me emotional....and give it up for Angel of Harlem - I'm still hoarse! Thanks for a fantastic gig - 6th time I've seen U2 in Ireland and this was up there with Zoo. Brilliant night, welcome home
Back home at last,not just for the boys but for me too.I`ve been following U2 since the WAR tour and yes they just keep getting better & better at what they do. The gig on Saturday was awesome!!! I always think they ca`nt get any better, but they do. I loved all the new stuff, but hearing the Unforgettable Fire just did it for me. Keep up the good work boys.
steve, warrington
The whole weekend in Dublin was mind blowing the atmosphere in the city centre pubs was amazing and built up to a climax as the band entered the stage on Friday. The show as amazing an experience neither myself nor my wife will ever forget.
Man What A Show
U2 You've done it yet again, been at all yer shows since '87 this one tops it, you guys are on Fire. Excellant line up of songs did not stop jumping around all night. devoting your closing song 'Moment of Surrender'to Crumlin's Children's Hospital touched our hearts as our son spends a lot of time there since he was born, he will celibrate his first birthday this weekend a big party for him no doubt U2 will be heard blasting from our house this Sunday..
In a heap after saurday
Have seen U2 on every tour since the mid 80's and i am almost 40, and i nearly had to be hospitalized after Saturdays show in croker. A few of us, lifelong friends had a fantastic night, We jumped, we sang and we collapsed, we were drained of energy afterwards, in an absolute heap, but it was worth it. The band looked and sounded better than ever. the claw is really awesome and the sound was way better than on the vertigo tour. If i had the energy i would try to get a ticket for the monday night, but i would not survive that again..lol. Brilliant Brilliant show! The rest of the world is in for a treat in the coming months. go and have a great time, and do what we do in Dublin, make a day of it and then go nuts at the gig. My voice wont be back for about a week i reckon and i should hopefully feel my legs again by about wednesday. Was also great to see so many fans here from around the world, made it extra special for us locals. You are all welcome back anytime!! was really hoping to hear "Bad" on saturday but it wasnt to be, but i did hear it on the friday night in my back garden, 2 miles away in East Wall. Great sound on this tour. Thanks Lads! Loved it, and NLOTH is an outstanding album! Love always. L
Another Crazy Night.
Wow, Wow, Wow. What more can I say. An amazing night with the boys. Unforgettable Fire and City of Blinding Lights were my highlights. The stage was breath taking, the light show, out of this world. Keep on rocking boys. Can't wait to see you again, whenever that is.
I flew from Oz to see them! awesome - they didn't dissapoint me! My legs are hurting from jumping up and down, my throat is sore from singing and screaming and my hands sore from clapping - but all good!!! U2 PLEASE COME TO PERTH WA !!!!
thank you
like to thank u2 and the organisers.had seats in the wheelchair section and it was great to be so close to the stage it made you feel part of the show rather than been put somewhere where you normally dont get a good view. great show blew vertigo and popmart tour out of the water. bring on the next tour....
Thank you for one of my lifes absolutely finest moments! I flew in to Dublin from Norway to the first gig at Croke Park, and what a gig!! I've also been to Elevation in Stockholm 2001 and Vertigo Oslo 2005 and thought both concerts was stunning, but 360 in Dublin vas definetly the best. Absolutely Magnificent! U2 Rocks!
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