Edge Guests at Glasto

26 Jun 201072
Photo by: Shan Lui

The Edge was the surprise guest of Muse tonight, at the end of a blinding set headlining Glastonbury.

After a pulsating hour-long performance, with the massive audience crowning Muse Kings of Glasto 2010, Edge walked out on stage for the encore - and the opening chords of 'Where The Streets Have No Name'.

'I can't believe this is happening, ' said Matt Bellamy, as Muse and their guest guitarist delivered a sensational cover of the U2 standard, joined by 140,000 festivalgoers on backing vocals.
At one point Bellamy gestured with his hand in the direction of Edge, before bowing low to his pedals in tribute.

A great end to a great set - and a fantastic Glastonbury reception for Edge.

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U2 vs Muse
U2 vs Muse???? U2 always and always........ No one is like U2...
Simply the best
Simply the best waaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww haas has another solo in live :=)
The edge with muse went as perfectly as fish with chips. Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edge you are a genius! x
Fantastic Muse concert and the noise the crowd made when they saw The Edge was fantastic. U2 should go on tour with Muse;)
Such an amazing guitarr! and as previous posts have mentioned before. This song is all about the gitarr! Yes the Mighty Guitarr Rulz!!~~~~~
Great performance by two of my favorite bands, U2 and MUSE, i wished i was there.
cherie smith
i was at glasto and was soooooo pleased when edge played with muse because we missed u2 so much- it would have been glasto icing on cake to have had u2 on stage on the friday night playing a full set. hope bono feels better soon. c x
I love MUSE and U2 ! I can't believe Edgeyy was a guest playing the guitar for MUSE ! Lmao , its awesomely awesome ! -Catrina :-*
Would have loved to hear it, and be there!! :-)
mike doran
watching muse on tv,my son was at glasto and a text came thru just saying "edge" i returned it saying "what! with muse" again another txt with just "NOW"on it (my son doesant give much away ha)and 10 min later was edge in full swing.The spirit of u2 finally flowing thru the glastonbury air!Great set by muse,and roll on seville. ps take it easy bono and dont over do it none of us are getting any younger! txt
missed it how could I?
I can't believe I missed it - I had been stewarding all night and after a 24 hours on my feet coauldn't keep my eyes open for the end of the MUSE set. Imagine my disappointment when I heard the next morning about Edge's aperarance - I am determined to catch it on the BBC sometime this week. U2 have to be there next year -please.
muse & edge
brilliant set by muse rounded off nicely with the addition of edge. i,m going to see muse at wembley in september & it would be great if if edge could be there,maybe bring bono,larry & adam as well ! i don,t think i,m being too greedy do you ?
Glastonbury 2010
I was there! It was fantastic - the whispers were round the festival all day as to whether Edge was going to put in an appearance and when it happened it was amazing! Muse were awesome but the crowd went crazy when Edge came on and I must admit I shed a little tear - can't wait to see U2 in September - bring it on!!
on the edge!
OMG! i am seriously in love...was before but more so now!! i love bono too, but tears rolled down my face watching the edge perform 'solo'. great work, but hurry back U2. U2 forever! tina xxxxxxxxxxx and helen misses bono! i miss u2!!!! bye
The Edge with Muse
I love this song. Didn't think anyone else would be able to do it justice. Muse was in C-ville,Va with U2 last year, a crowd pleaser, they are worthy of an appearance with Edge. Wouldn't mind seeing them again when the Phillie concert is rescheduled.
Fantastic performance
What a great highlight for the festival anniversary!
Very exciting!!
That was a very nice gift from Edge to the audience and a good wink from Muse to U2. It must have been very exciting to see Edge walking out on stage as calm as the one who walks along the beach, while listening the first chords of this wonderful song. It seems like everybody had a good time there in Glasto. :D Awesome. Thank you Edge!!
Greg Finch
Great combination
It came as a complete surprise to us, watching on TV. Muse are a great group and Matt Bellamy is an exceptionally talented musician and I would say that even if I hadn't grown up within sight of Teignmouth. But for me there is nothing to top U2 performing 'Streets' live, so it was fantastic to see the Edge strolling out there to play it on Saturday night. Dom Howard had the drum part spot on too. Excellent version. Now, did anyone else notice -when watching the Edge interviewed on TV afterwards- that 1) he (remember this is THE Edge we're talking about, one of teh great guitarists of the last few decades) said with seemingly genuine humility that Muse were "gracious enough to honour him with an invitation", and 2) throughout the interview Jo Whiley, Zane Lowe and the Edge were very careful not to say "U2" at any point. Some kind of image rights issue?
I always liked Muse! This is just phenomenal! Can't Muse come to Brussel?? 0:-)
Edge at Glastonbury..outstanding
Muse are a powerful band live. Matt Bellamy's musicianship is awesome. Apparently he can play many instruments and is a classically trained pianist. The wave of Euphoria i felt while watching this live on BBC3, was completely overwhelming! From the beginning of the song, as it grew, and then seeing Edge walk out on stage, so casually, took my breath away! The shivers ran up my back, and it was a beautiful gesture from Muse to make it happen, considering U2 were so looking forward to playing at the festival. Glastonbury celebrating it's 40th year, and it really is the best music festival in the World. It's diverse and hosts the A-Z of all music genres, and up to 200,000 people there to appreciate it, and escape our crazy world for 3 days. It's all about Unity, Peace and everyone is welcome and nobody gives a damn about who or what you are. This vibe has remained Persistent for 40 years, unlike 'Woodstock' for example. It is the Mother of all festivals, and apart from the Dozens of different stages, it is also home to countless other experiences, such as 'the healing fields' and a million other similar areas and experiences. If we all experienced 'Glastonbury' just once in our lives, the world would be a better place. Thank you Edge and Muse. You Rocked the place, and the crowd went into Orbit. Get well Bono, and please do Glasto next year! It's time to play on the magical site that is 'Glastonbury'. It is an example and an Inspiration of what a wonderful world this can be!
Edge at Glastonbury..outstanding
Muse are a powerful band live. Matt Bellamy's musicianship is awesome. Apparently he can play many instruments and is a classically trained pianist. The wave of Euphoria i felt while watching this live on BBC3, was completely overwhelming! From the beginning of the song, as it grew, and then seeing Edge walk out on stage, so casually, took my breath away! The shivers ran up my back, and it was a beautiful gesture from Muse to make it happen, considering U2 were so looking forward to playing at the festival. Glastonbury celebrating it's 40th year, and it really is the best music festival in the World. It's diverse and hosts the A-Z of all music genres, and up to 200,000 people there to appreciate it, and escape our crazy world for 3 days. It's all about Unity, Peace and everyone is welcome and nobody gives a damn about who or what you are. This vibe has remained Persistent for 40 years, unlike 'Woodstock' for example. It is the Mother of all festivals, and apart from the Dozens of different stages, it is also home to countless other experiences, such as 'the healing fields' and a million other similar areas and experiences. If we all experienced 'Glastonbury' just once in our lives, the world would be a better place. Thank you Edge and Muse. You Rocked the place, and the crowd went into Orbit. Get well Bono, and please do Glasto next year! It's time to play on the magical site that is 'Glastonbury'. It is an example and an Inspiration of what a wonderful world this can be!
You can't go wrong
When you have U2''s guitarist and you're playing their best live song!!! Very savvy and cool of you Muse.
How classy a gent
...to have made an appearance without stealing the show. A Muse for Muse.
Muse is my daughter's favorite band and U2 is mine. What a perfect combination for both of us. Execellent choice in song, we just loved the performance. Thanks so much!! Edge you rock!!! See you in 2011.
Nice Work!
Props to Muse for doing their homework with this cover. Sounded fantastic! Edge, you always sound fantastic! Great job guys. Heal quickly Mr. Hewson!!
Tents & Lorries
I first saw U2 on the back of lorry down the Lee Fields in Cork; I first saw Muse in a tent down the Showgrounds in Cork. Little did I know on either occasion that something like Saturday night could happen! Superb! This weekend proved two things: FIFA must adopt goal line technology and U2 MUST play Glastonbury 2011. Go raibh maith agaibh!
the edge is amazin
my faves together!
I couldn't afford to see U2 360, but I did see Muse and they could be the 'U2' of the current generation. Love them both! this must've been awesome for Muse to have Edge on stage with them. oh, and I could afford the DVD, U2 360 and it is the next best thing to being there. Awesome production - I was at the last four tours (Zoo TV, Popmart, Elevation and the Bomb) and so seeing the 360 tour like this was very cool.
That is an absolutely amazing version of the song (obviously not better than the original but bloody close). My favourite U2 song, and to see the reaction of the crowd, Edge and Muse well... it brought a tear to my eye. Just plain awesome, but its a real shame that U2 weren't there to perform it themselves. Muse you did a really good job, especially the drums! nearly spot on, Love it!!
Dancing in my Cubicle!
I am watching this at work with a HUGE smile on my face, and dancing in my cubicle with my headphones on! This must have been an amazing thing to experience live ---- the feeling translates through the pixels on my screen right into my heart. FANTASTIC. And who is cooler than The Edge? I mean --- anyone?? He is THE MAN!
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