Elevation Live

15 Oct 2020251

Elevation Live: Join our Watch Party on October 30th to celebrate 20 years of All That You Can't Leave Behind!

We're streaming the full Elevation Show Live from Boston to celebrate the 20th anniversary re-release of All That You Can't Leave Behind. Join fans from around the world, on October 30th (6pm GMT/ 11 am PDT), as we come together to get Elevated!

This was 2001's Elevation Tour in Boston, Massachusetts when director Hamish Hamilton captured one of the band's great live performances. The show opened with an electric 'Elevation' and closed with 'Walk On' almost two hours later. An unforgettable night in a favourite Irish town. 

We want to hear from YOU during this very special 'Elevation Live Watch Party 2020' event.

We'll be running polls and competitions, our Zootopia team will be hosting live chat and Edge and Adam will answer your questions.
So what do you want to know?!

Post your questions for Edge and Adam in the comments below or on social media using the hashtag #ATYCLB

We're collecting questions from today and throughout the next week. See you on October 30th… and never forget. 
The goal is soul!

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Dani Nava
Songs of the concerts
Hi from Spain! I have a doubt since a lot of years ago. How do you decide wich songs to be played in each concert? Thank you very much!
Stuck in a moment
Stuck in a moment is a fantastic song but not played very much. What has been your favourite version of it? I think the version at Abbey Road for the BBC with an orchestra is exceptional and have been watching a lot during COVID. A song for our times!
ZOOTV you shouldn’t leave behind
Dear Mr Clayton, dear Mr Edge will ZOOTV2.O reloaded be an indoor or an outdoor tour?
What is the book that taught you something? And the group that made you fall in love with music? Barbara from Tuscany (Cortona)
The COVID-Age and Creativity
G'day Gents, It seems like COVID, coupled with the upcoming US election, has been a rich source for creativity and production for many artists. A couple of quick questions from Down Under... Has the band been working on any new material during these the lock-down? And any future releases in the pipe works?? #kickthedarkness
What kept Summer Rain off of #ATYCLB? Why wasn’t Red Flag Day a single? Which U2 song would you most like to play live that U2 has never played?#ATYCLB
ATYCLB song unplayed live
Hi Edge and Adam, which song from ATYCLB that wasn’t performed live, would you have wanted to play live? When I Look At the World? Peace on Earth? Grace?
Next Album
I really want to know something, anything, about the next album. I just don’t want Songs Of Innocence to be the end, so if you can tell me if there is another album on the way, I’d really like to know.
Blu ray
Are there any plans to release the Boston/Slane gigs on blu ray and why wasn't U23D ever released on Blu ray ?
More U2 Live Bootlegs on U2-X-Radio?
Mr. Edge and Mr. Clayton - first we hope your and your families are safe and well during the pandemic. My question has to do with U2 Live Performances. As we can see the Elevation Boston 2001 show was superb beyond belief- Gone, New York, Bad/40/Streets and The Fly all are my personal favorites. Has the band discussed releasing more unreleased Live Shows especially with U2-X-Radio has hit the airwaves, ala Pearl Jam Radios successful live bootlegs? Would love to hear more live shows over your career beyond the previous commercial releases. Thank you for the many years of musical gifts you’ve shared with us, and Happy 20th Ann’y to #ATYCLB. Sincerely, Kevin, Linda and Evelyn Crabtree Homewood, IL, USA
Little Things, Blue Room and Spectacular
Did the band ever consider using the more sped up tempo that was used for the Jimmy Kimmel Live performance of Little things on the Experience album? How did Adam speaking on Blue Room come about? Where can I find the T shirt that the Edge wears on the cover of Atomic Bomb? Thanks for letting us in to your world all these years and cheers to many more! There's only us....
Tips for a novice guitarist
Hello, Adam and edge. You are very cool men and guitarists in the first place! I want to tell you right away what a big fan I am! Now to the questions. Age, I'm an aspiring guitarist. The first guitar was acoustic. On it, the first song was played by ONE. Sounds great! I bought an electric guitar a month ago. It was performed by WOWY with effects! I was shocked. Tell me what emotions you felt when you first played it. What did you feel? How did you practice your electric guitar skills in your time? Thank you for your response! Adam, have you ever played bass on a regular electric guitar instead of a bass guitar? If so, when and why? And what is the most difficult U2 song for you on bass guitar? Thank you for your answers! good luck to you. Let the good time begin soon and we can see each other at concerts! Fan of your work Anton!
Recent e-i TOUR Bono talks to the audience about "it all goes to our heads" with Vertigo ..... !! Didn't you had this feeling not already at the POPmart tour (my favourite tour ;-) ; looking back ?? WHY the heck did you wait 26 years to play "ACROBAT" - my favorite - LIVE ?? Please don't do this with "Amirican Soul" in EUROPE !! Ciao from BELGIUM - ANTWERP
U2 x radio
When will U2 X Radio be available In Italy? Remembering in this moment when I met Bono , The Edge, and Adam at the Como The Treasury hotel in Perth nearly one year ago. Fantastic being in Australia for their tour. I need more concerts soon .
Edge blowout #ATYCLB
Who was edge angry at the night he was kicking his guitar around stage after GONE on elevation tour?....the band ?....dallas shoo?.....himself?...interesting to hear real story from edge himself
Dilemma at home!
Hi lads, I’m Stefano from the Eternal City. I would add new ATYCLB’s posters to my collection, but my girlfriend claims I’ve got too many U2 ones at home: to take one off and put a Joy Division’s one could be a good compromise, what do you say?
rob lettice
Favourite song
What was your favourite song from the album to play live?
Where is Bono?
Live in PERU
Will you guys ever gonna have a concert in PERU?
Would U2 ever consider...
Live streaming an unplugged/acoustic performance of your favorite tunes?
Favorite Song to play on the Popmart Tou
Hey Adam and Edge, What was your favorite song to play on the Popmart Tour? Personally, I loved Please on that tour, but I'd love to hear what you're favorite song to play on that was. That tour had so many great songs in my opinion. Whether it be Please, Streets, Mofo, or coming out of the Lemon for Discothéque, it was all amazing. Thank you!!!
Position On stage
Hello, I'm Maurizio from Nocera Inferiore(South Italy) I would to know why on stage, in videos, in concerts The Edge plays to right to Bono and Adam to left? In all great bands like The Who, Led Zeppelin, Stones the guitarist plays always on the left of singer. It's only superstition? Like pubblish LP in march or october? Let me know! Thx a lot I follow you from 1983! Maurizio
Why "Gone", one of the highlights of the
Dear Adam and Edge, I think that "Gone" could represent U2 as a band together with other top tracks of yours. It has all your greatness: it is epic, the vocals, the guitar solo, bass and drums are, to me, are at their best...the lyrics, the feelings delivered - it has everything. Why do you think the song is so underestimated, first of all, by the band? Who is the one in the band to blame it for? Thank you!:)
Is there a particular song where you see members of the audience bawling from the emotions and how does it make you feel when you see it? Thanks Damien
Edge tell us about GONE guitar incident
Edge, tell us about the GONE guitar incident?! What happened? Why were you so mad with it! We hope it wasn't Dallas fault! Sending our love to the whole U2-crew in the underworld!
U2 plan
What U2 plan to be and do this year and next during this strong Covid period?
Your favorite songs
Hello guys! This is Pancho from Mexico. Thanks for this excellent album. There are a few songs that I hold dear. Now, This question is for both of you. If you were to select your three favorite songs from ATYCLB, which ones would they be?
Live in Indonesia
Will you guys ever gonna have a concert in Indonesia?
Beautiful Day
Congratulations on 20 years of #ATYCLB; one of my favorite albums. I loved the video for Beautiful Day! I'm curious how the band came upon the idea to film at Charles de Gaulle airport? #thegoalissoul
Favorite transition into Streets?
Hello! I have a question for both Edge and Adam: what would you say is your favorite transition into Streets that you’ve ever done live? Going from Bad/40 in Boston to Streets was legendary, but there have been so many good ones, whether it’s transitioning from Please or All I Want is You or Amazing Grace. Do you have a particular favorite?
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12 Mar, 2025

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'An unforgettable love story and a tribute to fatherhood, friendship, faith, and music.'

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The powerful emotions of a stadium tour. The intimate storytelling of a one-man show. First feature-length film in Apple Immersive on Vision Pro.

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