
17 Feb 201446
Premiere of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and the band were in New York, performing 'Invisible' on top of 30 Rockefeller Center, chatting in the studio and delivering a beautiful acoustic version of 'Ordinary Love'.

Watch Invisible and Ordinary Love Performance

As Rolling Stone put it: 'The group played "Invisible," with a little help from the Rutgers University drumline on either side of drummer Larry Mullen, Jr. Bono came from the wings and pounded his fist into his hand, feeling pumped up to be playing for the intimate crowd. The aerial shots of the crowd jumping in such a small space made for one of the most dramatic U2 visuals since they played on a roof for 'Where The Streets have No Name.'

Did you catch the show? Let us know how it was for you, down in the comments? Here's some of the first reaction on Twitter.

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    I won't forget the kind fellow fan who swapped spots so I could be in front. Thank you!

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    Edge playing the beginning notes of "Stairway to Heaven", of course!

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    This native New Yorker and lifelong fan will never forget sharing the Top of the Rock with Bono, Adam, Larry and Edge. Thank you boys.

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    The "handing out of guitars" felt priceless to me. I knew something spectacular was about to happen....and it DID!

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  • Comments
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    Ordinary Love - Simply amazing
    Great acoustic performance of Ordinary Love. The passion of the pertormance of Bono and the Edge created one of their " religious experiences " for me. Brought so much joy to me!!!
    That's where I proposed to my wife!
    What was most awesome about the performance IMHO was that U2 played on the exact spot I proposed to my wife a year earlier to the week! I was freaking out when I saw it on TV :)
    Avoid the tv
    Never liked the band when they play on television like this, always looks a little too convoluted, and the grand histrionics look a little out of place in such a small setting; big arena body language on a small stage makes it look like they're trying too hard. It's a great song though, and the NY skyline provides a beautiful backdrop. Would have been awesome to be there.
    You are the Fab Four...honestly!
    Loved it, loved it I knew Invisible would work better live on a roof!!! If they played that indoors it would have blown off the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adam you look the best I have ever seen you and Bono you are just an inpiration...Ordinary Love beautiful, I don't know why Jimmy Fallon needed proof of their abilities geez
    Miriam Jonker
    Loved it!!
    No more words needed: absolutely loved it!!
    Good to be back
    With the cityscape and clear evening sky, New York City provided a fantastic background for U2´s stunning live performance of Invisible. Watching the video, I experience the old magic of U2 and intensity of passionate music once again. The joy of four men playing together on a roof is truly visible and Bono´s voice is so powerful. Having delivered a beautiful acoustic version of Ordinary Love, the band demonstrated much spontaneity and talent to create a personal atmosphere. For U2 it´s good to be back indeed!
    Now I am excited
    Wasn't believing too much of the hype (some will get that!!!). Now it's #u2comeon....I think and hope this could be the best....I still think the wait has been too long....there's still too few albums.
    Love love love
    Ordinary love, "So beautiful". Thank you.
    Ordinary love made Magnificent !
    The acoustic version of ordinary love is magnificent ! Really great band for already so many years !
    The Golden Soul is alone
    Without the look and touch of love a soul and body is no more. How do you reach Bono to say the Sacred Heart he knows is screaming- and home is where she wants to be. thanks for passing it on to him. the Golden Soul. . . Christina Ciani in Ohio. . .
    Good things come for whose wait!!
    These last two songs may not be in the upcoming album but its a clue of the direction the band has taken. It might be the next Joshua album, can you imagine the set list for the upcoming tour. It will be a strong dose of heart pounding powerful music along with their message, lets wait and see!
    Look out the window (part II)
    PS.: And I forgot to comment on two things. I loved the bells in the arrangement of "Invisible." Looked like the arrangement of "I Will Follow." And "Ordinary Love" was sublime in acoustic version.
    Once-in-a-Lifetime Thrill
    Seeing U2 atop the roof of 30 Rock was a once-in-a-lifetime gift — an exhilarating few minutes I won't soon forget! Knowing it would be just one song (played twice), I absorbed every moment, from noticing the sound of The Edge's pic against his guitar strings, to Fallon practicing his introduction of the band. And those sweet college kids from Rutgers nailed it. What an awesome opportunity for them. It was fantastic meeting some of you other fans up there!
    Look out the window
    I always liked to remenber an argument of Bono, something like this: "unlike a movie, when a song is good, you hear it a thousand times." Like any other fan, I would like to be the guy who will help you find a new direction. But what is the importance of a new direction when the song is already great? I love the texture, the colors, the symbolism of many of the band's albums, which I'd be lying if I did not say that my favorite is Achtung Baby. I do not expect there is another similar album, but when you have thirty songs in the kitchen, I'm sure there are two groups of fifteen beautiful songs, with different textures and colors, but at the same time similar. I enjoyed listening to Edge say that the new songs follow this line: "It's raw but it's definitely guitar-driven, with the influence of German que era." This seems to sound like an electronic punk! Can I give some advice? Come with the rawest possible sound, and with the dirtiest texture possible. I know a sound like that, "Until the End of the World." Perhaps you may be about to present us with something wonderful, something great, something challenging. I do not want to interfere with the choices, I just want you motivated. Come on guys, look out the window, and be inspired! I want to visit Dublin one day, should be a very nice city. I almost visited on my honeymoon. I'll be waiting for the album, with my fingers crossed.
    NO offense
    No offense. I love U2 since I was 12... Now I'm 34... They got me with LEMON and ZOOROPA. After that the rest is History. Every time I heard a U2 song I had never heard before, I was sooooo amazed . But with this FORTHCOMING ALBUM is being built on sooo much expectations, that I hope not to be disappointed. I love their B Sides, their Singles, their Albums, The only Album where I really had doubts about them was HTDAAB (It was, in my opinion, a try out of the repetitive formula of success that brought them back with All That you can't leave behind. If U2's success is driven by Sales, their ARTISTRY is doomed. They have simply become a BRAND and a BUSINESS. Up to the POP Album, they were daring.... and I loved that... With ATYCL, they were mature messengers of great LOVE anthems, The only Album I would skip is HTDAAB, however I would save some songs there: Yahweh, Original of the Species..... and of course A man and a Woman (beautiful song) I do not know what direction they are going... I don't care... I do not expect them to amaze me. They already have for the last 20 years and I am thankful for that.
    Can't stop playing invisible !!!!! HELP!
    It's in my head all the time, I want the tour now! Xxxxxxxxxxxx
    the acoustic performance in the studio is deadly.. what a great sound :-)
    U2 Tops The ROCK!!!!!
    Ohhh.... what a performance !!! made us New Yorkers forget about our horrible winter for a moment and think about new U2 music... they were astonishing .... perfect NYC skyline and perfect U2 ... Invisible ... listened to it over and over .. and each time i love it more .... as for Ordinary Love .... magnificent .. and to hear it acoustic ... what more could you ask for ... looking forward to Spring and new album and tour !!..PS: I work in 30 Rock and was only 70 floors away ...hahaha ... Faraway ... So Close !!!!
    Wow !
    Wow, that performance! U2 thank you, this is a real treat!
    Dennis G
    the world's greatest band is back
    Oh. My. God. The accoustic version of Ordinary Love gave me goose-bumps. By far my favourite U2 performance ever. EVER. Those are 4 talented dudes. My fiancé was watching with me (she isn't particularly a huge U2 fan). She also was in awe. I hope everyone realizes how lucky we all were to take part in the greatness, Monday night. This song is Oscar AND Grammy material, if you ask me.
    WELCOME BACK U2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WOW.....WOW...WOW what a magnificent performance, it is so great to see them back doing what they do best....making great music and you can see how glad they are to be back, especially Bono who was really pumped up yeah !! They sound amazing and Bono's voice is in fine fettle and Edge,Larry and Adam doing what they do best, great acoustics from Edge and Adam on 'Ordinary Love' i adore that song, really looking forward to a new album and tour, but please guys can you think about doing arena tour again as i missed 360, still got unused ticket :(, it broke my heart, i have a progressive spinal condition that effects my walking and it happened after i got my 360 ticket and i could not go. plus could you maybe think about coming to Newcastle Arena as your gigs always seem to be a distance away, especially for me and current health status,i think the last time U2 were there, it was at Gateshead Stadium, very early on in their career.....please come back :)
    Love it. Love it. Love it.
    Great live on the roof, great show, great everything... Greetings from Greece, U2 Fan Club Desire..!
    Texas Loves U2!
    To say that yesterday was the best day of my life was an understatement. First, the show leading up to U2, I could not wait! Then there they are on the Roof, with 360 degree views...talk about Elevation haha! Then Im on twitter, and it was the first time anyone as big as U2 had retweeted me!! I was born in 1980 & can remember growing up into my teens just loving this band....and now Im on their website....my heart is melted! Thank you for sharing this with your fans! Truly the sweetest gesture! Muchos besos desde Tejas! @Latinarockchick
    you boys are not invisible !!!!
    Amazing performance, i love it.
    Was there ever any reason to believe U2 had lost it? Goes to show you everyone gets better with age!!
    Like Fine Wine
    They've gotten better time. Better looking, their songs are cooking! Can't wait for dessert, to heal my heart that hurts. Some Fine Wine might help that, too. But nothing heal's my soul like U2! XOXO & Muah, purr purr!!
    hehehehe i have butterflies in my tummy
    every time I listen to these two song it makes me all happy!!! I stayed up till one to watch it and it made my morning also I got in trouble for staying up to late which I responded to my mom "in the name of Love ma, in the name of love!!!!!" "I had to watch it, you don't understand U2 ma"
    Good to be back!
    Glad you´re back! Congratulations to the fans who were there, like so many other moments given by U2 it must have been unforgettable.
    Was wondering how this tune would be played live! Larry pressing buttons on a Beat Box? Edge on the Keyboard? No. The real deal by the looks of things ... the best 4-piece in the world ... and hungry for that title by the looks of things!
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