First Reviews

10 Sep 2014121
No-one knew it was on the way but less than 24 hours after it's dramatic debut, the reviews of Songs Of Innocence are rolling in. Here's some of the earliest - follow the links to read the entire review.

'More than any U2 album before it, Songs of Innocence goes deep into Bono and the rest of bandmembers' teenage years in Dublin in the Seventies. The first song captures the big bang of Bono's musical awakening: the first time he heard the Ramones. "Everything I've ever lost now has been returned," Bono sings. "The most beautiful sound I ever heard…We were pilgrims on our way."'
Rolling Stone

'With occasional exceptions, Bono’s vocals are well to the fore throughout; Edge piles on the big chords and twangs brilliantly where appropriate; and in the engine room, Larry and Adam anchor things powerfully, giving U2 their unique centre of gravity.‘California (There is no End to Love)’ is a certain single: starting with an almost religious choral vocal, it is the most West Coast the band have ever sounded. There is a sense of rapture which marks it as a special moment in the U2 pantheon of great tracks.‘Volcano’ is a monster: the album’s ‘Elevation’, it's a ball buster of a riff-based anthem that opens with a full-on Stranglers’ style bassline from Adam. Packed with raw, meaty guitar slashes and psychedelic, swelling backing vocals, it is another near-certain centre-piece for their live set....' Hot Press

'The method of distribution will dominate the initial chatter about the album for a few days, but once people have had a chance to listen to Songs of Innocence a few times and digest it, they'll discover a substantive album that harks back to the band's earliest days, most musically and lyrically...'
USA Today

'It is an album of big, colourful, attacking rock with fluid melodies, bright anthemic choruses and bold lyrical ideas. Perhaps the most surprising thing is that, despite apparently being created in a spirit of self-doubt, it sounds fresh and cohesive, bouncing out of the speakers with a youthful spring in its step....'
Daily Telegraph

"California (There is No End to Love)," a song about the band's first trip to Los Angeles, is a modern take on The Beach Boys with a hallucinatory opening consisting of the band chanting "Barbara Barbara Barbara Santa Barbara" in the round before launching into one of those trademark power ballads that feel like a jet plane racing to the horizon....' US News

'This Is Where You Can Reach Me" is a kind of howling, skanking disco-punk homage to the Clash...'   Billboard.

'The 11 tracks look back to the band’s musical roots in the punk and post-punk era, paying explicit homage to the Ramones and the Clash, and carrying resonances of later genres and bands, not least the many groups such as Arcade Fire and Coldplay that flourished by tapping into their influence.'

The music on Songs of Innocence doesn’t hark back to the open spaces of early U2; it exults in multitrack possibilities. But it connects emotionally to a time when, as Bono sings in 'The Miracle (of Joey Ramone),' “I wanted to be the melody/Above the noise, above the hurt/I was young/Not dumb.” New York Times

Agree? Disagree? Add your own reviews below.
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So good to hear you again !!
Again and again. I love all but Every BW !
Booklet is great!
Thanks so much! I can't wait to listen to it again tomorrow! One does not say that about a record that often! The booklet is very nice with great photos Larry and Adam . The old school typewriter font is cool , very authentic and reminded of mimeographs, carbon paper and when I used to write with mine. Although it may take some people a bit, getting used to reading that kind of type, it is well worth it. The reminiscence and thoughts that Bono wrote, brought me back to my younger years..Especially the part in the beginning, Sometimes when I played The Ramones for people who never heard of them, well. some just didn't get it. I never knew Bono "got" them or was into them..Ya learn something new everyday! When I first heard and saw the Ramones, I stopped in time for a second. just stopped and said "what the heck was that?" I got to see The Ramones 4 times. It was like I had to go. I lived right there and went when I could. In the mid to late 1970's I was in high school in NYC. I took in all the music of that great city of New York had to offer. Punk from over seas came into my radar,but they were harsh to me.. when The Ramones, Talking Heads, the B 52's and Blondie hit the clubs I felt they talked to me better ..In the city they blew disco away and the city was divided. Us , (rockers) Them (disco) and Hip Hop with breakdancing on cardboard on the sidewalks. I think it was around that time that Frank Zappa said "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" Somehow in all the shows I have been to I have yet to see U2. I wish I could at a smaller event. Their shows are so huge now with masses of people. I am not a spring chicken anymore,and can't dance like I used to, but not too old to love a live show! Do they have an older folks section at their gigs? Where we can line up our "hover rounds" or wheelchairs? Ha joke. Listening to them at home, especially the few records I have on vinyl, is awesome. Thanks U2. Made my day so much brighter. New music from one of my all time favorite bands.. Awesome! Freedom. Peace. Love The Dee
nick\\\'s original species
The Wait was well worth it
Thankyou for early release via I-Tunes, Can't wait for the Cd release and blast through the sound system.
All I know.....and ALL I NEED to know is
And there is no end to how many surprises and turns U2 can still give us. This album breathes in new air to a stagnant rock scene where everyone seems more interested in rediscovering a synthesizer than developing complex and moving music. Songs of Innocence is a gift of soul baring and sound layers that just grabs hold and pushes you to actually listen to each note. THANK YOU ADAM, BONO, THE EDGE & LARRY. There will never be an end to my love for your music and your journey as a band.
This was the best thing to wake up to! I went to check my email as I woke up and that was the first email that caught my attention, I thought I was dreaming! The album is amazing and so worth the wait. They brightened up my cloudy day :) Gotta start saving up for the tour!! MET LIFE STADIUM NJ/NY... pleaseeeee =D.... WOOO!
An instant classic, pure U2 magic!
As a hardcore U2 fan, listening to the first chords of 'The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)' was a mixture of awe and sheer pleasure. An electric tingle ran through my skin and went deep into my bones as I heard each and every song on the tracklist, and ended up with goosebumps all the way. 'Songs of Innocence' was like hearing one of my favorite bands ever for the first time! Like waking up on Christmas morning and recieving the greatest gift ever... Thank you Bono, The Edge, Larry and Adam for the most beautiful gift a fan could ever get, your music, your passion and 11 amazing songs that will become part of the soundtrack of my life. Greetings from Mexico City :)
Amazing Album! Best Since How to Disman
How many other 50+ year -old are making this kind of music. I hear the essence of U2 in this album, so brilliant! I also hear influences/similarities from: The Clash, The Ramones, The Beatles, Coldplay, The Fix, The Killers, and yes even ELO (on Sleep Like a Baby) - etc. It reminds me of the first time I listened to Achtung Baby - I love 8 out of 11 song on this album, and the other 3 aren't bad. Considering what is on the radio at the present time, this is beyond classic! Thank You to U2. P.S., U2 songs can only be judged by how they sound live and I can't wait to hear Miracle, Every Breaking Wave, Song for Someone, Volcano and Ceaderwood Road Live!!
Speechless. Beautiful music, unexpected and welcomed with unimaginable joy.
Beautiful concoction...delicious
I can't get enough of this music. I live off this stuff, read between the lines, feel the emotion and the baggage of a life lived. Bravo, U2. You lift me up, once again...
I'm gonna sleep like a BABY, a new Achtung baby maybe born a new baby tonight~!!! XoXO, Tj360live
Ok so announce the tour and album number
Top tracks Iris, Every Breaking Wave, Song for Someone then the rest. Could envision some guitar layering on more and can hear some subtle reference to older material as well. About time but worth the wait Can't wait to hear acoustic versions and to here them live!!!!
iF THERE was a strong my som
If there waS a silence 4 stars 4 shooting into the catastrophe? Whether I'm blue or alien, something resonates a galaxy so much nearer than in our farthest galaxies of Indian, White, African, Asian, 4 letter words are not like stereos only 2 lovers understood after listening to IRIS~ 4 stars easily with a mythology that lasts a record a lifetime:) X's and O's, Tj from Cincinnati rising~!
Matt Wund
Love at first listen...and second...and
True to form, when the world expects that U2 have finally hit the downslope of the mountain they have created, another masterpiece emerges to send the heights higher. Thanks for taking us on the journey upward once more, and thanks to Apple for paying the fare!
2014 special delivery
In '87 I skipped school, drove an hour to a bigger town where I had pre-ordered the Joshua Tree release. I never would have dreamed one day I would wake up to a message on a smart phone that the album I didn't know existed was already mine. Or that U2 would still be the greatest band in the world. Thanks for the passion and the tunes guys.
Music that gives me chills!
For so long I have waited for this U2 release but for some band to release something worth getting excited over. For me they got it right big time and made me a believer in the art of music yet once again. There are so many songs worth talking about but for me Every Breaking Wave takes me over the top and my favorite tune, they did a great job on the final mix. Love Caliifornia, Iris is such a great song and to me the songs are really diverse. They truly capture the strengths of each band member. Been the biggest U2 fan for over 30 years and just think they got the entire song selection right. Volcano, Cedarwood Drive caught me by surprise, Sleep Like A Baby is cool too. Thank you guys, the wait was worth it and these songs are a definite reason to want to show the world once again why you are the greatest band in the world!!!
again and again
for anyone who wants to really listen to the album: please do it a few time and you´ll see that the biggest band in world delivered another masterpieace. But one thing is for sure: Our friends are Back.
I'm so proud of you! This album is amazing, I loved it!!!!!! Keep doing this incredible job that you've been doing, this incredible job that you always did! Don't forget that Brazil loves you and we're waiting for you to come back.
Got it going on!
Thanks for another great album and showing the love! There is no end... xoxox!
THANK YOU Really enjoyed the props you g
At this day in age when making money off of others is the #1 goal. U2 giving back to all is an inspiration. The digital booklet was very cool with photos & lyrics and Bono's reflection at the end really hits the cord, it's wonderful, honest and very human. Cheers to the band and enjoy the 11 songs and go out and help someone and give back. Lightshaper
No need for the 'skip' button here!
First of all, Thank you so much! What a surprise! I said I'd get back in a little while, after listening to the whole album. What can I say. This record is such an emotional, powerful and personal statement, I almost feel as if I'm eavesdropping on someone. My favourites so far are Iris and Cedarwood Road and they could have almost have fitted on to 'Boy'. The Miracle and Every Breaking Wave are spectacular and another great surprise was hearing Lykke Li on The Troubles. I played the album in its' entirety last night, without once reaching for the 'skip' button and that is the true test for an album, these days. That hasn't happened for over 15 years here! Looking forward to getting the CD in October with the extra tracks.
The Boys of Dublin do it again!
First off, what a fantastic surprise to get a U2 album when you least expect it, and get it for free! Although I'm still buying it when it comes out next month! Every time I listen to this album I hear it differently, and it morphs into something better and better. The band sounds tight!! Bono's vocals and soulful lyrics, The Edge just keeps making his guitar sing incredible sonic soundscapes and the rhythm section of Larry and Adam just hold everything together like crazy glue! This really is a remarkable album. Every Breaking wave is fantastic. I also love California although I wasn't crazy about the intro but it morphs into another place especially at the 3:00 mark where the Edge just takes it home with his awesome signature sound. Song for Some and Iris are beautiful songs and I love Adam's bass line in Volcano. The album really showcases each band member's talent and their creative energy and they remind us why they are still King of the hill.
Once again the 4 lads from Dublin take us on another adventure. This album is over the top with madness! Lingering rhythm from songs of the past! These boys were legendary before they took the world by storm! in love with U2! In June, as a present for my 40th birthday, I had Bono's autograph tattooed on my hip!
Un gran disco, me encantó el nuevo sonido. MAESTROS U2!. LOS ESPERAMOS PRONTO EN CHILE!
stand out tracks
my favorite tracks on this cd would have to be Every Breaking Wave and Iris (Hold Me Close)
Tingling up and down my spine
Holy crap, this LP is awesome! It's a 10 out of 10. I won't single out any of the band members because in their music, they are one. And they sound fantastic! The songs are beautiful, uplifting, and soul stirring. Thank you - fifty times!
Endless love
After the excitement, listening carefully to Songs Of Innocence and it's amazing how U2 can still touch my heart. Thank u! Happy u're back!
fantastic, awesome, brill, well worth the wait, when's the tour?
Pete h
Simply an awesome cd U2 are like a fine wine......... They get better with age. :))))))
in the shadows
i hope it grabs me one of these listens. i just dont know.
They've still got 'I.T.'!
They kinda took us all by surprise there - using the future to reach the mass population - and why shouldn't they? First listens are starting to etch out more classic U2 tracks such as 'Song for Someone' and 'Every Breaking Wave' - what a revelation that is since we first heard it back in days of the last tour, massive tune on this album that never struck with me back then. 'Iris' has blown me away, with tracks like 'Raised with Wolves' and 'California' growing with me. Loving the reflective theme of the album, always something different and original from the lads. Thanks for the new music, always worth the wait.
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