Five Things We Can't Tell You...

8 May 201522

Some of the team have arrived in Vancouver and we’d love to tell you what they’ve seen and heard from the heart of production rehearsals. But if we did we'd all be fired. It's all under wraps until  Friday.

So here’s five things we can’t tell you.

Every few years the band and their production team reinvent the idea of live performance. How do they do this? Simple. By doing something no-one has done before. Remember ZOO TV? Or PopMart ? Remember the club show at the heart of the Elevation Tour ? Or the 360 spaceship? For iNNOCENCE & eXPERIENCE they’ve done it again. You’ve never seen a show like this.

There is a lightbulb.

For two months band and production team have been working on the show at a secret Vancouver location… which everyone in the city knows about. If rehearsals are closed, the odd familiar melody has escaped the building, sending fans into  paroxysms of online speculation.
Last night we sat in on a run-through of a show. First hearing of live tracks from Songs of Innocence? We're biased... but it was thrilling. We also counted songs from eight of U2's twelve other studio albums. And three never released on studio albums. Got you thinking? Be warned. It will all have changed by next week.

 If U2360 was on a scale never before seen in rock’n’roll, becoming the most popular tour in history, #U2ie takes the band in a different direction. Stadiums to arenas. Outdoors to indoors. Boy to Songs of Innocence. This is a show with a powerful story. As Adam says, ‘It’s been a long walk from I to E’.

What’s the show about and where does it come from?  ‘From innocence, from experience and from a whole lot of rock’n’roll.’ That’s how show director Willie Williams puts it in the tour book… which we’re not supposed to have seen.


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Wedding Anniversay
Flying to Phoenix from Colorado to celebrate our 4 year Wedding Anniversary the same way we spent our wedding night with U2. Gets no better then that.
S French (Roko)
Count down to Montreal on Saturday June
:-) What a great way to celebrate my birthday, which is June 14th. I want to hear all of SOI live, plus The Crystal Ballroom, which would make a great single by the way, just saying. And Invisible, can't wait to see live!!!!!!!!!
Not long now
Can't wait to see the boys in Sweden in September. Best of luck to them and the crew for the opening shows. #thejacksareback
Not so secret
In todays age of cell phones and internet, everything is available. I heard audio from Vancouver, and it's very impressive. TK-41066. out...
Cardiff motorpoint arena
Been to see U2 indoor and outdoor loads of times.. Seen THEM TWICE in Cardiff yet there not playing there this year... What about your Welsh fans guys.. And the rest of the country ONLY playing London... Absolutely scandalous
So bummed. I've seen U2 in Atlanta every tour since 1992 at 14 years old. I've lived all over but always made my way back to see my favorite band with my older brother who introduced me to the awesomeness that is U2 when I was 7 years old. COME TO ATL!!!
It's getting real!
5 weeks today we meet up in Montreal. I can't wait!!!
I KNOW.....
I know You are really really amazing guys!!!!!!! Cant wait. See You in NY
Popularity ???
If U2360 was on a scale never before seen in rock’n’roll, becoming the most popular tour in history ??? who cares about that U2 ?? haha.. POP mart was ART... 360 Tour was nothing, just a big structure with nothing behind it. Playing just old Hits.. like the rolling stones.. the same trick.. nothing New. it is not about been in the Number 1.. on the Tops... it is about Making Songs like Gone.. Heartland.. Bad.. Please.. Mofo.. Daddy's... anyway....
Ramesh Paramjothy
I cannot wait to see the best band in universe!! Counting the days to 30th Oct to see and hear with my family:- come on guys when you will be performing I 2 E in your hometown?
iE Tour
Bittersweet news. No doubt it will be an awesome tour. Excited and anxious for knowing that, but disappointed for knowing that no dates were confirmed to Brazil.
I and E all in the same night
Looking forward to be amazed, Way to go Willie!
Whatever they may be
Which five things they could be, I know I am sure to find out soon enough and then a whole lot more...:)
My best man lives in Vancouver and has tix for the opener. I live in London so wait until October (sigh).
Cut to the chase.
I don't care about all the crap. I just want to see U2 live for goodness sake. Here we go though....
God Luck U2!
WE? Are Ready For I & E and U2! Love and light, The VertiGo Hunter. Miss You Sugar. ...
tell the story boys...
cannot wait! see you in NYC, all 8.
U2 in Brasilia - Brasil
I'm waiting for U2 in Brasília, next year. Please don't disappoint us!!!
"And you can dream So dream out loud"
Willie appeared
Ready to be experienced
We are ready to enjoy this new tour. Like a baby, fans are innocent waiting for the beginning of the show but ready to be experienced ! No doubt that the band will be amazing again. Happy to have the luck of living the new show as so many fans around the world. Curious and impatient to listen new songs from SOI on stage. Ready for this rendez-vous! See you soon boys !
Looking forward to Vancouver!!!
The suspense is killing me! Looking forward to seeing the band in Vancouver night 1 and 2!!
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