'Greatest Act'

24 Oct 201150
The band and Paul McGuinness were at the Grosvenor House Hotel on London's Park Lane for the 2011 Q Awards this afternoon.

As the UK music monthly marked its  25th anniversary there were lots of old friends  present to pick up awards, including Snow Patrol ('Classic Song'), Coldplay ('Best Act In The World Today') and Noel Gallagher ('Q Icon').

Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry were all on stage to hear readers had voted them 'Greatest Act Of The Last 25 Years'.

'I remember back before Q.' said Edge. 'It was, 'Thou shall not go platinum, thou shall not go to America... Q changed all that.'

The award was 'humbling, added Bono, 'If the Clash were up here, we'd be carrying their gear.'

Check out all the other winners over at Q.

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U2 Everyday For the Last 25 Years..
No other band in the 80's have gone this far.The music still fresh and revolutionary at the same time. I still feel the aggression of punk in their music...Mabuhay Kayo!!!!
Right on Q!
Congratulations and A Celebration to U2.
Well done U2!!!!!
Congratulations U2,I knew you were going to win!!You are so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!I love you!!
Who else, but U2..... they are more than friends... they are soulmates.
O' just one more shout out... I just hav
Okay ready... When I scream... " I love you... I love you... " You say... " UUUUU.... 22222... " Right????
Guess Who???
I Love You... I love you... Wooo... Hoo... Love you U2!!!!
U2 are the best
We need no award to know that U2 is and has been the best ever !!! It´s always good to see you getting an award, though. Congrats, boys. Looking really smart. Thanks for being around and letting your feelings show so boldly. Love you always.
I am truely happy that U2 won this award!!! O' please tell Bono I Love him!!! and the rest of the Band to!!! Stay safe always!!! You's guys look great!!! From your biggest fan ever... You's guys are the reason my heart sings!!! Love you's all!!!!
dugluv from Whitley Bay
Well deserved chaps, a top award for probally the biggest band in the world! I dont only hear ur music in my head, I also feel it! Thanks for that U2.
lance Else
Well done the Dublin Boys
Live aid changed my life 26 years ago, i wondered what all the U2 Flags were as a 13 year old!!!! The rest is history, congratulation boys!
Well done lads :)
Well done on your award guys,you deserve it with all the hard work you put into fantastic music ....... Please keep going !!!!
i love u2
Well deserved guys. I've followed you ever since first hearing Pride back in '85 & when Joshua Tree came out you became my number 1 favourite band. Your music has always been so inspirational & your concerts such an amazing experience. I'm from Australia & saw you guys for the first time down in Melbourne ('93) at a concert called Zoomerang which was part of the Zoo TV tour, I've never experience anything like it before. Still one of my favourite concerts. Now 2011 & you guys can still rock it. Congrats! You truly are the greatest!!!
Support from close to home
So proud of you guys, you thoroughly deserved this award! Always so gracious too....love it!
A ride on stars with U2
They have been with us for a long time. They polished and reinvent themselves since 1978. They discover true meaning of writing songs and playing in the room, hansa studios ware the key. I sense that in concert..music is connected, lyrics are connected with invisible glue of bass,drum,guitar and voice... 4 great personalities, one music and one story of last 25 years...
Congratulations U2!!!
I would like to congratulate U2 for being the greatest act at Q Awards! Edge;s great explanations about how U2 worked on Achtung Baby in Berlin are very moving. Over 35 years U2 touched our hearts with their incredible music and now they are still ambitious to delight us with new adventures. I am happy to be a fan of this unforgettable band!
All the albums, right now
Congrats, well deserved. I look up to you guys, you've done what you love, you love doing it. Time to hit amazon and fill the gaps in my collection.
You are the greatest
It couldn't have been someone else!
Will they ever stop
Will these guys ever stop? I hope not! Keep it rolling boys! I am a fan for life!!! You deserve it!
Well deserved!!
You beauty!!!!!!!!!!!
U2 best band ever! The rest of the music can just GTF , with Coldplay leading the exodus. The Beatles? Who are they?
U2 of courese! you deserve this award. you are great
Yes they are :) Good to see it recognised in this award.
If The Clash were still around today, most likely all the other bands around would carry their gear...but they are not ! So CONGRATS to the guys for the award !
Are you kidding? Who are the men?
Which other band have you ever expected to keep together for more than 25 years? Only them! They are a band who have really taken advantage of technology and believe me, even if Boy or War hadn't been remastered, they still rock!!!
bono got a point!
Congrats! well deserved! but bono is right. they should be carrying the Clash gear and i would help them :)
Who ELSE deserve MORE ? ? ?
NO other Band indeed !!! MAGNIFICENT AWARD for A MAGNIFICENT EDGE ;) & U2 ... OK See yà in 25 years for the ........... 50th anniversary ! ! !
Well done guys and totally deserved. And you the the greatest act in the world today.........
the winner is
u2 of corse...noboody compares to this band,,the band o change the world of music,,well done boys not 25 years but yes 35 years to be the bast band in world...loves from portugal,,u2 u2 u2
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