How Was It For You?

29 Jul 2011310
Simply by the numbers U2 360° is the most successful concert tour of all time.  Over two years and two months, the band have played to more than 7million fans in 30 countries on 5 continents.

Since opening night in June 2009, the U2 360° spaceship  has taken off at 110 shows. The set list at the beginning  is unrecognisable from a set list two years later.

But it's not about the numbers - it's about the moment. The moment of surrender. 

So how was it for you?
The best show you went to?
The track that captures the spirit of U2360?
The visual or staging feature that took your breath away?
The memories of a rock'n'roll tour that you'll never forget...

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See you soon!!!
I saw 3 360° shows brilliant show I think the best show for me was Berlin in 2009 and Frankfurt 2010 UNtil the end of the world was in my opinion the best son for that 360 feeling..... The visual or staging was perfect!!!!! The moment in Berlin with the 3 Fans on stage and play Angel of Harlem!!!! PS: Please come back with massive stadium tour because u2 is the best band in the world for stadium Tours....... Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry you are the PROFESSORS for STADIUM PRODUCTONS!!!!
best show ever
the 360 tour was (is) the best show ever....i saw 4 shows on 3 continents. how can anyone top this expierience....except U2 ? love and peace from vienna
The best ever.
My first 360 show was on the same day i got married in dublin 24th of July 2009. The best track i heard during that day was Unforgetable fire it blew me away. My next 360 fix was Hampden and the best song there was I still havnt found what i am looking for as the Glasgow croud was loud and amazing. My last 360 show was Paris 18th of August 2010 and the song that made me cry was Miss Sarejevo. I have had an amazing time during this tour. I have made lots of good friends and had some great memories. Thank you U2, Live nation and all of the 360 crew for an amazing rollercoaster 2yrs. Love & peace from Mathew in Scotland.
bigger than any word.
glad I was at Croke Park.
Peter Nordsmark
My 12 amaizing shows
On my 12 amaizing shows on the U2360 tour got moment of surrender in Vienna august 30. 2010. Here I was first in the pit after many hours quing got front row middle. Even though Edge got at little wind in his guitar, I was so trilled and blown away at this fantastic show. Milano first gig 2009 with Eve on stage celebrating 18 years was a very special moment. On my way 360 tour I reach Milano, Paris, Goteburg, Franfurt, Hannover, Horsens, Vienna and San Sebastin - 12 shows - 12 amaizing moments of surrender in my all time 52 U2 shows since 1982 i Roskilde DK were my breath went of first time. I ended up my 53-U2 show this summer on a rainy Glastonbury and again my breath took of. Thanks and luv U2
Thank yoU2 so much for this tour, for concerts in Chorzów, Zagreb and Frankfurt - the best days in my all life. Love you forever! See you soon on the next tour :) Patka from Poland
My moments of surrender
I went to the first show in Dublin, the show in Horsens, Denmark and the show in Paris 2011. All 3 shows where great, but I especially think about the evening in Dublin as being magnificent. I completely surrendered when Bono sang Ultraviolet, which I think has been one of the best tracks on this tour. Thank you so much for a fantastic tour, I will never forget the 3 magic nights. I hope you will have the time to relax and get your batteries full. I am excited for the next tour - the future needs a big kiss!!!
Gracias U2
Sometimes dreams come true.... Para mí veros fue un sueño hecho realidad. Mi primer concierto de U2 fue vuestro primer concierto de la gira 360, tuve la suerte de veros en Barcelona cuando vuestro espectaculo empezaba a crecer...era todo tan novedoso, tan espectacular, solo tenía pensamientos que me decian que no podía haber en el mundo otro espectaculo que pudiera hacer el hombre más grande que aquel. Pero desde que aquel asiento en Barcelona detrás de vosotros en la grada, supe que debia repetir, pero la siguiente vez más cerca de vosotros...Y lo pude cumplir, pude veros otra vez en San Sebastian, en la Red Zone...teneros y sentiros tan cerca fue una experiencia que llevo siempre conmigo. Casi podía oir vuestros pasos a un metro de mí pisando la pasarela. Para mí hubo muchos momentos especiales en estos conciertos, pero me quedo con uno, cuando en San Sebastian, tras cantar SPANISH EYES te dirigiste hacia la zona donde yo estaba y decia Bono que esa canción se la dedicaba a alguien que la habia pedido y se encontraba por esa zona...Yo lo habia hecho por aqui dias antes, no sé si fue por mí, pero siempre pensaré que asi fue. Y una canción que marque esta gira 360, WALK ON...por la canción en si, y por su signifacado. Muchas gracias U2, I Will Follow you !! The future needs a big kiss!
Thanks for taking us beyond the stars. It was a Magnificent experience, not Bad at all....
Mexico may 14
elevation 100 000 mexicans singing and ONE CANADIANS, ME. Montreal " Salut la gang" from Bono getting the stage with" take me higher". Vegas ocotber 23, 2009 intimate show with unknown caller in th set list. Thanks guys. Raynald Dion. Montreal.
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