If You Build It...

18 Feb 201311

'Amazing book ! Amazing songs! Amazing quality!'

'A beautiful full size hard cover book with immaculate detail - best tour document I've ever seen.'

'Such a great read and the live disc is absolutely superb. Thank you U2 very much'

OK, enough showing off. You like it, we like it, everyone likes it

But is there one way to make a book like this even more of a collectors item?

Well, actually, yes, just the one we could think of. 

How about asking the band to sign some copies for a new U2.com competition.


We've snagged 5 shiny new copies  of 'From The Ground Up: U2.com Music Edition' to give away - each one signed by Larry, Adam, Edge & Bono.

To grab one of these great giveaways, here's what you need to do.

Post or tweet us a photo or a youtube video of something you've built...  from the ground up.

A house?
A car?
A shed?
A spaceship?
A family?
A cake?
An... invention ?

What's your pride & joy that you made all yourself ?

(Extra points if you include a copy of  From The Ground Up  in your photo or video - or give it some surreal U2 twist.)

Then tag your image/video with #U2FTGU and mention @u2com /@u2comzoomods or @U2fTheGroundUp  then post it up on twitter or youtube.

We'll pick out the most creative and repost them on U2.com and retweet them from @u2com.

And the best of the best? We'll be in touch with you on where we should send your signed copy.

Let building commence ...

(P.S. Don't forget those tags & mentions - #U2FTGU @u2com @u2comzoomods @U2fTheGroundUp. Competition runs until the end of March.)

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best renew gift EVER!!!
Have just sent mine! Looking forward for the results!!! @sabrina_strack
U2 Collection
Hello from Spain! I have left for twitter two fantastic photos that I hope you like them a lot !!! @gromanortiz Photos are these: http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o766/gromanortiz/CUMPLEGUS20122_zps06c2a46d.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o766/gromanortiz/CUMPLEGUS20126_zps461f52e6.jpg
I hope U like my video
Thanks for this opportunity I leave a video on Twitter youtu.be/2GRGc_dhZr8 Pleade Check it!!! this was made whit a lot of love!!! Thanks, I really want this wonderful gift
U2.com FromTheGroundUp competition
Hi Everyone ! I've just Posted and tweeted a youtube video of something I've built... from the ground up. My pride & joy is to build things from the ground up, and admire the result even few years later ... So this is it : U2.com FromTheGroundUp competition MosaicWoodTable by electricco .wmv http://youtu.be/S8zPLFfeq_A Can't wait to see you all soon here on the New U2.com message boards
wow signed copies !!!!!
i was so delighted when my U2 from the ground up subscription package came :) i think its the best sub package ever !!!! awesome book,a lot thicker than i thought and the cd is fantastic,like U22 the sound is brilliant,and to now have a 37 song collection from 360 tour is amazing,good for me as i still have a unused ticket to go see 360,because of a bad back (like Bono had)only ive had surgery years ago and now my discs pleural have worn away and not been offered surgery,so now has become chronic but hey its so great to own this collection of songs i just close my eyes and pretend i was there so thank you U2 and The Edge for his special picks,nicely picked at that. Love the lithographs very nice to keep,although my Bono one was glued into the sleeve and getting it out removed part of photo,so ive emailed team about that,also love the book marks all in all a very special gift and one that made me smile a lot which with a painful chronic spinal problem and constant sciatica :).thanks U2 and U2.Com it means a lot to a long standing U2 Fan :):):)
Very cool U2.com
Thank you for these great contests! Hope you get my tweet pics @crabbulls
FromTheGroundUp compétition MosaicWoodTa
http://youtu.be/S8zPLFfeq_A Hi Everyone ! I've just Posted and tweeted a youtube video of something I've built... from the ground up. My pride & joy is to build things from the ground up, and admire the result even few years later ... So this is it : U2.com FromTheGroundUp competition MosaicWoodTable by electricco .wmv http://youtu.be/S8zPLFfeq_A Can't wait to see you all soon here on the New U2.com message boards
Speachless, Absolutely Speachless - Than
This has got to be one of the best $75 I've ever spent. I got the full package which gave me ZooTV live from Sydney as well. Unbelieveable. Great stuff guys there will only ever be one U2. Next thing on my to get list is your next studio album - can't wait guys - hope it's magic!!
U2.com FromTheGroundUp compétition Mosai
Hi Everyone ! I've just Posted and tweeted a youtube video of something I've built... from the ground up. My pride & joy is to build things from the ground up, and admire the result even few years later ... So this is it : U2.com FromTheGroundUp competition MosaicWoodTable by electricco .wmv http://youtu.be/S8zPLFfeq_A Can't wait to see you all soon here on the New U2.com message boards
FromTheGroundUp competition by electricc
Hi Everyone ! I've just Posted and tweeted a youtube video of something I've built... from the ground up. My pride & joy is to build things from the ground up, and admire the result even few years later ... So this is it : U2.com FromTheGroundUp competition MosaicWoodTable by electricco .wmv http://youtu.be/S8zPLFfeq_A Can't wait to see you all soon here on the New U2.com message boards
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