For the July edition of Vanity Fair Bono is a journalist and his special subject is Africa. The new edition of the magazine - which he's edited - features 21 different cover stars, everyone with a connection to the continent.
Check some of the highlights from this special issue below - if you want to order your own particular cover go to
www.vanityfair.com, and click on the link to
www.amazon.com. (For every subscription purchased on-line in June, Vanity Fair will donate on behalf of (Red) $5 to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.)
'Mommy, Where Do Bonos Come From?'
DNA research confirms the African origins of every human on earth--even Bono. Dozens of Vanity Fair contributors participated in the Genographic Project, which collects DNA data from vast numbers of people in order to plot the migration patterns of our earliest human ancestors. Check the ancestry of Bono
here'It's hard to hate a country which puts your kids in school and gives medication to save your husband's life.'
There's an election coming up in the US and Bono got to put Africa on the agenda of all the leading candidates. What would they do for the poorest in the world... if they got the job.
Here's what they had to say.
'(Product) Red could be a revolution in consumer-driven philanthropy.'
Dedicated to providing lifesaving drugs to Africans with AIDS, through a partnership between the Global Fund and companies such as Apple, Armani, and Gap, discover how the marketing of sunglasses, sneakers, and T-shirts can make all the difference to dying patients in the poorest countries. More
here'Youssou N'Dour's personal playlist--downloadable from the iTunes Music Store.'
Vanity Fair and (Red) have also launched a compilation of West African music curated by Grammy-Award-winning African musician Youssou N'Dour. The album is on sale at iTunes--100% of the sales price will go to the Global Fund. Find the tracks - and how to download them -
hereMore on Bono's stint as editor of Vanity Fair in our earlier story