'In the locust wind....'

1 Oct 201371

'And the fever, getting higher...'  It arrived a quarter of a century ago and here's some of the ways  Rattle And Hum was a special record. For starters... it's got Desire.

It's got The Memphis Horns on Love Rescue Me and Angel of Harlem.

It was a double album (remember them?) with nine new songs, only 18 months after The Joshua Tree.

It came with its own film.
 'If I had feet like that Lawrence, I wouldn't want them in the film.'
'If I had a head like yours, I'd bleedin' bury it.'

It's got the New Voices of Freedom. The church choir from Harlem found the gospel truth in I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, sent the band a tape and asked them to church. Next thing you know they were onstage at Madison Square Garden and pressed in vinyl on Rattle And Hum. Praise the Lord!

'When you get to the bottom/ You go back to the top of the slide...' It channels the spirit of rock'n'roll from Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles to Bo Diddley and Elvis.

It went into the past to find a way into the future - with thanks to Bob Dylan (Hammond Organ on Hawkmoon 269, backing vocals on When Love Comes To Town, co-writing lyrics Love Rescue Me). 'If I'm honest this was the end of a journey that Bob Dylan had sent us on.' explained Bono. 'In 1985, sitting backstage at his concert in Slane Castle, he said to me, 'You've got to look back. You've got to go back. You've got to understand the roots.'
'I think we wanted to ground all the electricity that was going through us and to understand the past better. And it really did help us. Listening to black music helped us get the groove ready for Achtung Baby. Listening to folk music helped me develop as a lyricist. But this was a work in progress; gauche and awkward as it might have been, I think it was a necessary part of our development.'

Some of it was written in the bath. The band had been to see BB King, with Bono promising to write him a song. But when BB came calling for When Love Comes To Town, it wasn't quite ready. 'I wrote the lyrics in the bath in about ten minutes, while he was waiting downstairs,' said Bono. 'Got out of bath, dressed, went down and gave him the song. He said to me, 'You're kind of young to write such heavy lyrics.'

It's got All I Want is You. 'Van Dyke Parks came into the studio,' recalled Edge. 'Listened to what we'd done, went off and wrote this absolutely gorgesous and incredibly haunting arrangement which lasted two and a half minutes. It was a great way to end the album in that it has a traditional basis but it was a truly U2 song.'

It's got 'a red guitar, 3 chords and the truth' from the day that All Along The Watchtower helped 'Save The Yuppies' in San Francisco.

It was the end of an era and cleared the way for the band to 'go away and dream it all up again'. 'The best live rock album ever made' announced Time Magazine, getting slightly carried away. Other reviews were distinctly less fulsome but as Larry pointed out, the criticism '... did inspire us to go and chop down The Joshua Tree.'

What does Rattle And Hum mean to you? Remember where you were when you first heard it? Is there a track that'll always have a special meaning for you? Where does it sit among the band's releases ?   Tell us below and check out the conversation already underway on the boards in the Zoo.

(If you're tweeting about the 25th anniversary, don't forget the hashtag #rattleandhum )

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bootleg series
i'm absolutely agreed with Fhern. i think it's time to start a serious :-) bootleg series as robert fripp began from '90 with the king crimson material it's an history documentation issue: these documents could be shared with anyone who wants happy new year
I once belonged to one of those old "album of the month" clubs. "Rattle and Hum" arrived automatically in the mail. I wasn't a U2 fan at the time, although I did enjoy their radio hits. Anyway, I listened to the album and quickly figured out it wasn't a recording of U2. It was, I believe, "Little Queen" by Heart. Like U2, I was only familiar with Heart's radio hits and the songs on the album meant nothing to me. Several years later, I yearned for that misprinted/mislabeled album. In 1992/93, I found myself deep in the throes of die-hard fanhood, for both U2 and Heart. My friends "forced" me to attend a Zoo TV show and I fell hard and fast, suddenly understanding the masses. Around that time, someone told me I sound like Ann Wilson (he was drunk, but I'll take it) so I got into Heart's music for the vain attempt to perform it on stage. "Love Alive" and "Still Haven't Found" quickly became favorite songs of mine as I delved into each band's history (the gospel version on Rattle and Hum is one of my favorite U2 recordings to this day). Thinking back, I believe "Love Alive" was on the botched "Rattle and Hum" cassette. The irony of this is astonishing. It's too bad I misplaced this strange, symbolic gem :-(, a mixup of my two favorite bands and albums!
Rattle & Hum Complete Sessions
¿Live from The Point Depot? Of course, it would be fantastic to enjoy this show with high sound and vision quality, but I don´t mind if the choice is Melbourne, Tokio, Dortmund or Rotterdam. A complete Love Town Tour concert would be nice, no matter what concert will be. But the most attractive thing in my opinion is to enjoy the complete Rattle And Hum sessions. U2 are so great that they have abandoned many inspired songs, and this period (1984-1989) was absolutely wonderful for the band. Please, consider to include in the re-edition "Moving Out", this song is pure rock, is a true hidden gem. I have no words to describe how brilliant is their performance in the soundcheck... Other diamond is "My Time Hasn't Come", a truly fantastic folk song that would enhance the legacy of this fantastic album. Consider this, please. Include the studio version of She´s A Mistery To Me too, please. "Womanfish" would be desirable too. The perfect re-edition would be like Fisherman's Box by The Waterboys with 80 never heard before songs. A good re-edition have to offer new songs, not only a better quality sound. We know U2 are so perfectionist that they have rejected a lot of fantastic songs through all the time. Let us to enjoy them.
Rattle Riot !!!
We'll be Humming until they hear us !!!
The Point for Xmas please
Wow, now we're looking like a bunch of hungry people banging spoons against their plates in the cafeteria :))) U2 fans are amazing, I didn't even imagine that my post would start such a riot :) So U2 really has to seriously consider releasing the Point Depot on a DVD or a blu-ray, the format doesn't matter to me much. Greetings from Poland, all the best to everyone and I really hope that we will all find a beautiful reissue of Rattle & Hum with the Point concert included under our Xmas trees :) We've been really nice this year!
Live from the Point Depot on DVD please!
Live from the Point Depot New Year's Eve 1989 Full concert on a Blu-Ray as part of the Rattle and Hum Remaster would be the most beautiful thing! U2 please consider it.
Live from the Point Depot on DVD Please!
Live from the Point Depot New Year's Eve 1989 Full concert on a DVD as part of the Rattle and Hum Remaster would be the most beautiful thing! U2 please consider it plus Songs like Moving Out, My Time Hasn't Come, She's A Mystery To Me, Heartland Storm, the first version of Blow Your House Down, Wild Irish Rose, If I Had A Rocket Launcher... Can you hear us???
I loved it
I've sometimes heard how the band was embarrassed by the movie and album. How it was too much. But for a 20 year old who had never been able to see a U2 concert, that film was exactly how I saw it all in my head. The film inspired me to learn to play guitar, and U2 music became the soundtrack to my life. I am so grateful for that music! Since that time, I've been to 10 concerts for various albums. U2 has been there for the best parts of my life. I've always wanted to thank the band for providing me with so many inspirational moments.
Rattle and Hum Special Edition
Come on u2 it would be fantastic to celebrate this fantastic album, with a remastered live album of the Love Town Tour or the live new years concert on dvd not forgetting the unused footage from the Rattle and Hum movie PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!
Live from the Point Depot on Blu-Ray ple
Live from the Point Depot New Year's Eve 1989 Full concert on a Blu-Ray as part of the Rattle and Hum Remaster would be the most beautiful thing! U2 please consider it.
The Point
Yeah totally agree, that would be so amazing
Live from the Point Depot on Blu-Ray ple
Live from the Point Depot on DVD please! Live from the Point Depot New Year's Eve 1989 Full concert on a Blu-Ray as part of the Rattle and Hum Remaster.
Live from Sydney 1989 DVD please!
Much better quality and unique setlist - it's better choice than Point Depot which audio already come with Complete U2. :D And for bonus CD - extra track - Wild Irish Rose!
His Bonoship
U2 Live from New Year´s Eve 1989 - pleas
All I want is: U2 Live from the Point Depot New Year's Eve 1989 Full concert on a DVD - Can you hear us??? Dream Out Loud and make our dream come true :-) Rattle and humble and all the best from Denmark!
Unreleased Songs from Rattle & Hum sessi
A reedition with the studio demos of the unreleased songs and the soundchecks that were heard during 1987 Tour (Moving Out and My Time Hasn't Come are absolutely amazing, fantastic, brilliant!!) would be perfect to conmemorate this great album. In many times songs that have been abandoned are as good as songs that have been included in the albums. People want something new!
Live from the Point Depot on DVD please!
Live from the Point Depot New Year's Eve 1989 Full concert on a DVD as part of the Rattle and Hum Remaster would be the most beautiful thing! U2 please consider it. Can you hear us???
Live from the Point Depot on DVD please!
Live from the Point Depot new year's eve 1989 full concert on a DVD as part of the Rattle and Hum reissue would be most amazing thing ! U2 please consider it. Can you hear our voice :) ??
Live from the Point Depot on DVD please!
Live from the Point Depot new year's eve 1989 full concert on a DVD as part of the Rattle and Hum reissue would be most beautiful thing! U2 please consider it. Can you hear us?!?
I Agree
What Fhern Said !!!
Its time has already come. Time to remem
I think it's time to remember this fantastic album that closed an era. A time for searching the roots. This record have to be conmemorated with a remastered version which include the complete sessions. Songs like Moving Out, My Time Hasn´t Come, She's A Mistery To Me, Heartland Storm, the first version of Blow Your House Down, Wild Irish Rose, If I Had A Rocket Launcher... are a fantastic testimony of that period and would be a magnificent gift for every U2 fans. A DVD with a complete concert of the Love Town Tour would be the perfect complement of the pack. Please make known these great songs!
Remastered with love
Hi guys Well it seems remastered would be neat but done well perhaps with something new added in here and there as a then and now type 2013/14 version of a track or two would be nice. But yknow not before this 'new' album is released, of course. We need the new stuff first!! *Patiently waiting* always fond memories of R&H and your your to Brisbane Australia!
My First U2 Album!
Rattle and Hum was my very first U2 album and I absolutely loved every song on the album. In fact when Achtung Baby came out I was really put back by how different it was and it took me quite a while to get into the album. Rattle and Hum will always hold a special place in my heart and if I ever had to choose which one album would be on a desert island with me, it would be Rattle and Hum.
Remaster R&H Already !!!
Maybe that Version of 'All I want is You' Exists on the Remastered & DeLuxe Rattle & Hum !
All I Want Is You mix
While the R&H credits role and All I Want Is You is playing...it's a different mix. The Edge is playing over the strings at the end. Where does this version exist?
Miriam Jonker
One of my faves
The Rattle and Hum album is still one of my favorite albums with some ever lasting terrific songs. It was also my first concert of U2. Seeing BB King play! Ah, the memories....
Yes U2, we need a R&H remaster !
We really need R&H properly remastered and issued as a deluxe version. Can you hear us?!?
It seems like yesterday
Interesting how so many of us were teenagers when Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum came out. Both of these albums spoke to my angsty teenage heart in ways that I don't think they would have as an adult. My best friend and I pestered our local two screen movie theater to bring in Rattle and Hum which they did for about 2 days. It would be five more years before I saw them live. I wore out the VHS I got for Christmas. To this day, even my little sister can quote the movie (and she's not really a fan). It's a musical journey still makes me giggle. I'm one of those fans who doesn't see fault in the music. Maybe I'm not sophisticated enough, maybe I just don't want to see. I love all the songs, love the videos, always want more. I can't imagine my life without U2.
Rattle and Hum and a bottle of RUM!!!
This album reminds me of being homeless, unemployment and trying to survive in Thatchers England. This album plus alot of praying helped me to survive. When youve lost everything music is purer. It means more. It touches you in a different way. It gives you real strength. Your music becomes the soundtrack thats going to pick you up. Rattle and Hum. looking back what a soundtrack.
a musical journey
I love Rattle & Hum especially the the tracks 'van Diemens Land', 'Heartland', 'God Part II' and 'Angel of Harlem'. U2 always said it was a scrap book of the Joshua Tree. Rattle & Hum was a terrific movie especially the 'Wizard of Oz' moment when it goes from B&W 'Bad' to the euphoric technicolour 'Where the Streets have No name'. Saw 'Love Town' tour in Germany great tour. Yes we need a remaster!!! How about releasing a cleaned up version of all the movie outtakes as a multiple DVD set???? PLEASE!
Special Edition
We need Rattle And Hum 25 years special edition !!
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