In Praise of Politicians

13 Jul 2004
Applause for UK Government's major rise in funds to fight AIDS. Listen to BBC interview with Bono.

Speaking to BBC Radio Four's Today programme, Bono welcomed Chancellor Gordon Brown's announcement of major new funds to help the fight against AIDS.

'What happened yesterday was hundreds of thousands of people with Aids who were not going to have access to anti-retro viral treatment and therefore were going to die, after yesterday are going to live,' he said.

The decision to pump another £1.5 billion into tackling HIV/Aids across the developing world over the next three years. was 'extraordinary'.

'I find myself in a very unusual position, which is having to praise politicians.'

'We are always beating Tony (Blair) and Gordon up for not doing enough, but today we have to say this is extraordinary.'

Listen to the interview here


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