'Last Word'

2 Mar 20158
Bono and Edge have been speaking to Rolling Stone after a  survey by digital-data research firm Kantar found that almost one-fourth of music users on iOS devices listened to at least one U2 song in January 2015.  The band were the most-listened to artist during the period of the study.

Nearly all of those users, 95 percent, listened to at least one song from Songs of Innocence, the album released on iTunes straight to iOS users' mobile devices in September.  According to Kantar, which sampled 978 iOS users drawn from a larger panel of more than 2,500, 23 percent of them listened to U2 in January. In comparison, 11 percent listened to at least one song by Taylor Swift.

Rolling Stone asked Edge what the band have learned about music in the digital era - the value people put on it and how they listen to it - following the release of Songs of Innocence.

'We're in the dawn of it. The thing it's easy to forget when you live in modern times is that they're modern for about another 30 seconds. . . more so than ever. In a few years we'll look back on this time like we look back on VCRs and rotary phones. When the radio arrived, everyone thought that was the end of sheet music.
'I think music has become devalued and disposable in the commercial world – but not to music lovers or the people who make it, and not all big tech either. Apple – and U2 – fight hard for artists to be paid. In the future, technology has to be a better servant of music, and not its slave master. We can take advantage of the benefits of technology, and we do, but it's also beholden on those of us who have been so well rewarded by music to figure out a way to preserve the ability for artists to create and thrive.'

Both Bono and Edge were interviewed on email for Rolling Stone. Read the whole story here.
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cindy grzywana
help 2 sisters settle the dispute
who opened for u2 on march 22, 1985? i say, lone justice, and my sister says it has the name cowboy in it? we were both there.
More dates in paris please
More dates in paris please
U2+Me+live at Madison Square Garden= GREATEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!!
U2 are perfect, my heroes.
Ask the People von Universal in Berln. Peace.
I hope this answers the question "are U2 relevant?" Don't ever ask yourselves this question again boys. There are a lot of haters out there who are waiting for you to fail. The album was not going to fail because the songs on it are to strong. I don't care how and when you release new material as long as it's from your heart and soul as S.O.I surely is
Drug of choice
If Bono's drug of choice is songwriting, it has a domino effect on us. Since the release of SOI I have enjoyed the high, so much so,when i waken in the night, the lyrics and music are in my head. I am addicted to the end product.
In the end U2 is always the winner! Great! My heroes deserve the success!
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