
6 Oct 201673

'Inside it’s America...'

Speaking with the candidate in a year of election. 'Bullet The Blue Sky' at the Dreamforce show, live from the Cow Palace.

The band opened up with Vertigo, Elevation, I Will Follow and Beautiful Day before a surprise performance of California (There Is No End To Love), a track played in full only a handful of times on the road last year. 
The rest of the set list went like this: Angel of Harlem, Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of, Every Breaking Wave, Bullet The Blue Sky, Pride (In The Name of Love), One, 'Streets', With Or Without You and  'Still Haven’t Found'.  40 closed the night.
Were you at the show? 
Let us know how it was in the comments below.

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Walking on very thin ice
During 40 years U2 reach the sky. Beautiful music story .That is great. Now you don`t have to proof anything. One thing is to make another great album and tour. Good luck. But please don`t do such a things like this. You don`t need it. Nobody needs it. It is very dangerous for your rock and roll image. It is easy to destroy . But to rebuild your image you will need probably next 40 years. So in my opinion leave actions like this because you will probably regret. You are awensome and don`t take risk for someone like Trump. Best wishes to U2.
U2 makes beautiful music.I love it.I know Bonos political side.But please don`t do that things.I think USA is in very poor position.They have two horrible candidates.It does`t matter. But this is not a music band thing to say how to vote.When I saw it I was shocked. Why U2?Why?Make another great album and be cearful what you say.You don`t have to do this on your shows.It is your thing.Dissapoint.....
Fun and Entertaining
As corporate shows go, and I've seen a few, this was fun and entertaining. Since they placed mostly classic songs, the audience knew many. The political Trump interjection is classic U2. As a side note, my first U2 show as at the Cow Palace in 1985.
It was a great spectacle but I found the idea of multi millionaire bono slating a trump for being filthy rich a bit hard to buy into still the best live act in the world on their day though
Really? Play music and shut up!
Bono stop worrying about our election and go back to Ireland.
Go Trump!
Shame Bono. Crooked Hillary never! Gerge Soros Never!
U2&WE? With or Without America. .. ... .
I?am out of control about what is going on in America, what Mr. President Ohbama build Up in 8 years can be break by an idiot like Trump. Pitty the nations who won' t listen to your boy's and girls. America is an idea and it is in progress. But please without this terrible man who is in a sort of anger it makes me angry. Love and light my way to VertiGo U2&We? will make it, the long way to the big light. .. ... .... Miss You Sugar. Detlev L.
Any change there will be a recording from this for sale or subscribers? Maybe a nice yearly gift for subscribers :-)
Great show, lame crowd
Must be tough trying to entertain a crowd that's more interested in using their mobile devices to record the moment rather than allow themselves to BE in the moment... The lead singer even poked fun at the crowd and their lackluster support of the band at the time of the one and only encore, prompting the band to simply stay on the stage on finish the show... This aside, this foursome remains the best live act in the business and only gets better when the audience acts as the loud 5th member of the band! Cheers
Vocês são os caras!!!! De mais a mensagem! Que o mundo acorde e pare de pensar de forma unilateral!!
Right On!
Awesome taking a stand! So right on! The comments from people telling U2 stay out of politics clearly have not being paying attention to their music/careers since 1976. Keep it up! Love the passion!
Bono succumbs to taking political sides
I have always admired U2 dealing with politics, religion, faith etc. I have been a huge fan since 1988 and spent many dollars on their music and concerts. U2 have always accepted the people's vote and worked with the candidates elected by the people, no matter what political party they represented. I am disappointed that this time that they are trying to tell the people 'how to vote'. Nothing separates them anymore from the myriad of celebrities who take political sides. Disappointing.
You guys are the best. I've followed your music for decades, and you just keep getting better! Thank you for all that you do, in speaking up for the oppressed/the injured/the sick/for shining a light on people in need who otherwise would be left to falter
Wish I could have been at this show! And yes, everyone who is a U2 fan should know, that U2 is a political band. A band that fights for the freedom for others who can't do it themselves. Or who saves the lives of thousands with their humanitarian efforts. I say we vote Bono for president; then the entire world would be a better place!
For the illiterate fans...
I'm sorry for the fans of U2's music who haven't bothered to listen to or read their lyrics. It is political, it always has been political, when they stop being political, they will become as irrelevant as the pop stars that fade in and out of our airwaves. They keep it real by speaking truth to wrongdoers in the world, often directed at the USA, because we are ever-present in global affairs. Go back and watch early concerts from Under a Blood Red Sky - Rattle and Hum - Zoo TV - Pop etc. to get your history lesson. You can read interviews with Bono and numerous political issues over the years just by googling it. Red (One) Campaign was started by Bono way back in the early '90s focusing on irradicating AIDs in Africa, and it has grown to include much more. He has criticized and complimented previous Presidents when their behavior has warranted it. Trump is a pariah and sex-predator. If you can't rise up against this monster, you can't see the evil in anyone. Preach on Bono! Inside is America! We need a rescue ladder.
Total respect and awe...
That statement was amazing...awesome...electrifying.... True leaders and ambassadors for us all...everyone!!! Im a fan of what U2 have always stood for as well as the music. Truly inspirational. Thank you guys.
What about Hillary Bono?
Love you Bono, but your rant was very one-sided. I know that you are friends with Bill, but what about Hillary's record? I was honored to be in attendance but I wish you would have left this out, or at least mocked us Americans (we deserve it) for creating BOTH. We have two horrible candidates and it is our fault. Would love to discuss over a few brews with you, on me of course.
Muchas gracias!
A great country deserves a great president. Not a racist. Not a hater. Never an ignorant. This election, make sure to wear the "I am with her" T-Shirt, not the one that says "I am with stupid"
GREAT show. Despite being a large reserved tech-sales-guy audience this was a blistering performance, one of the best I've seen in a while.
Stick it to em, U2!
Agree or disagree, U2 have always been a band of protest. This is the core of who the are and a large part of what makes them the BIGGEST BAND IN THE WORLD. Never stop protesting! On a separate note, anyone who thinks Trump is fit to be President, needs to have their head checked (and I an not a fan of Clinton).
Love from Brasil
I agree, that's the real U2. God bless you 4.
Great statement
A powerful and great statement. Oh so true. It is unbelievable a man like Trump might become the president of the United States. In Europe he wouldn't stand a chance.
Support this Band's Statement
As always, U2 put themselves out there, risking pissing people off. I am so grateful!
Shame on U2
I've been a U2 fan since 1992. After attending the Dreamforce show, I will no longer support U2. Shame on you Bono. First off, "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened. It was a lie. Second, stay out of our political process. I lost a lot of respect for you. You owe the USA an apology.
Thank you for speaking up
What a great night! Great music! Great statement! Thank you U2! I really hope that some Americans woke up.
Keep it up!
One of the best and most refreshing things about U2 has always been their willingness to enter the political fray! Don't let the haters put you off from your true selves, U2! Preach it! :)
Thank you U2!!
Bless you guys for speaking out against the candidate of malevolence.......and for doing it so brilliantly! I didn't think it was possible to love you guys more than I already do.........but I was wrong!
Stick to the music the world loves
Lads, I love your music but think you are not doing yourselves any favours publically getting involved in so many different causes from Trump to Debt reduction. Do it behind the scenes and let the music speak for itself. As you said Bono "The haters will always hate" but the cream always rises to the top!
The white flag is back!! That's the real U2!
Thank you Bono
Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious. I refuse to think a country as great as yours could contemplate this evil dope. Wake up America. It's time to be great again!
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