Live From Glastonbury

24 Jun 201191
U2 headlined the Glastonbury Festival in the UK tonight and from the opening bars of 'Real Thing' to the closing seconds of Out of Control, it was a rock'n'roll tour de force.

Over an hour and three quarters on stage, the band played 19 songs from eight albums spanning three decades - a blistering show  that set  Glastonbury 2011 alight.

 'Has any other headline band performed so many hits?' asked steelerik on our live feed. 'I doubt it...'

A year after they were due to make their debut here on Worthy Farm, tonight they  finally made it, their first UK festival set since the eighties. By the time they arrived on stage shortly before 10pm, there were tens of thousands of U2 fans who'd made their way to the front of the Pyramid Stage - holding high their flags and banners.

And from the start of 'Real Thing' - accompanied by the premiere of a stunning video specially commissioned  from artist Damien Hirst - and running into four more tracks from Achtung Baby, the band never took their foot off the gas.

'They absolutely nailed it,' tweeted gayleague. 'Hugely enjoyable, they've still got it...'

As well as the live broadcast in the UK and Ireland, there was a global audience following live updates online - at one point Bono, Adam, Achtung Baby, Edge, Larry and Zoo TV were all trending on Twitter.

'I think the guys have just shown glasto wot the last 41 years as been waitin for!!' tweeted Yvonne Murray.

We want to hear from you on the band's debut at Glastonbury. Were you there  tonight?  Did you watch it  on TV  or follow online?

Add your own comments below.

(Update: The first press reviews of the show are coming in, take a look over on our tours page - which is also the place to add your own show review if you were at Glasto last night.)
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Good name for DVD???? Would you like some artwork for the sleeve? The best band in the world at the best festival in the world-a match made in heaven. Some of the best performances at Glastonbury have been in extreme weather conditions Well done! It was my 27th Glastonbury and one of the best performances ever. THANKS Ken
hope it comes out on dvd !!!!!!!
Dominique Huyghe
nico from brussels
dvd dvd dvd dvd dvd dvd dvd dvd
what I seen on YouTube it was amazing. Please bring out a DVD so the whole world can see it. I missed out big time here in Australia.
There I am !
Glastonbury is a magical place, and U2 mean so much to me.. It was perfect..and even more so as I have a picture to remind me ! a little Highlight - Live feed from the international space station ...there are no words. Respect to the lovely guy on acid that kept me on his shoulders! Peace & Love from the girl above ( does anyone know the photographer?)
Mark Taylor
At last...
I was there in 2010 to see the Edge with Muse, and I was there (front row!) this weekend to see U2 burn in a blaze of glory at Worthy Farm -choice of set-list was extraordinary! Amazing from beginning to end, absolutely astonishing composure and professionalism. Thank you so much for finally making it...well, well worth the wait! My 6th Glasto but by far the most memorable for those fleeting moments...SO cool you had special shirts too, I thought I would have to settle for an event shirt so a dedicated U2 design was a bonus - I will be rocking it at Arcade Fire this week!
Oh what a night!
A dream come true, U2 in my home town. I waited Seven hours for them in the rain and made it to the front amazing.My daughter met Bono the next day I was gutted it was not me, but he did a special autograph just for me, she said he was true gentleman. Come back soon please.
DVD please!
Please release this amazing performance on DVD and include lots of behind the scenes stuff as well. I hope U2 is planning to play Glastonbury in 2013!
what a show
this night proved they are the best band in the world...ever!!!
We was there!!
Me and my wife bev were at the front of stage for 6hrs before u2 came on just so we could get to see them up close and they didnt dissapoint,it was our 8th time seein them on the 360tour and it was arguably there best show for us!! They were fantastic and blew all other big performers at glasto away!! brilliant lads,we love you!! Ps thanx for the picture on the website cos were on it!!
My darling four Knights! God bless them! Eliane
You know You should be glad
Thank You for the show anyway - in YouTube - and in general in a festival. Hopefully the next time possible to come around!
Thanks to
A big thanks to for adding the picture of my nephew and I to the website! (im in the PopMart t and my nephew, Vertigo t). My phone was swamped with messages because of it and it was a special moment for me to be on the site on such a momentous occasion. Friday night was unforgettable. So many highlights but finishing with Out of Control was unbelievable!!!
Jen and Craig
we have literally just got back. That was the best 2 hours of my life. U2 were bigger than Glastonbury on Friday and no band can ever claim to such an accolade. Thank you
I hope they make their performance into a dvd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank would be Amazing!!!
paul bhoy
no band can ever touch U2 . when u see them at Glasto , u see 4 members of a rock and roll band show how live music should be performed . How 30 odd years consistently improving , makes them the best you"ll ever see or hear in your life . God Bless U2
glastonbury,what a show
watched it live on tv,what a fantastic show,they totally rocked,wished i had been there,but on tv i had a front row seat,in the dry,i hope they will do it again.
Follow this feeling
From the very beginning of the show it was obvious that U2 were eager to deliver their whole passion. Particularly the exceptional tracks from "Achtung Baby" built up some incredible energy that seemed to be a release of adrenaline for both band and audience. With the colourful images of Damien Hirst on the video screen, "Even Better Than The Real Thing" was the first breathtaking highlight, with Bono shouting "You take us higher", clearly dedicating this line to the cheering audience. Immediately afterwards Edge;s fierce guitar intro of "The Fly" followed and the striking visuals conjured up the ZOO TV period, ending with the message "Watch more TV". Again, the air was filled with tremendous energy. "Mysterious Ways" with its groovy rhythms and bass lines offered some memorable moments like Edge;s performance close to the audience. Listening to Bono;s intense voice, I was mesmerized by the thunderous climax of that song. Moving to the edge of the stage, he took a huge step out of his comfort zone to reach the crowd. During "Until The End Of The World" I could see the rain, but U2;s joy to perform was audible in every note. Bono evoked one famous ZOO TV moment as he took a camera. U2 definitely proved that they always have the remarkable ability to set milestones in music history.
Simply Awesome
Just got back from Glastonbury no point staying until the end no one will ever match U2 and no one will ever perform like that at Glastonbury!!!. The mud was terrible but U2 were just AWESOME............
Back to the roots
I saw the entire show on the bbc at home (what a rain!). When I saw u2 after the gig on the bbc the loved it!.Mabye the next tour al festivals in 2012 starting with Pinkpop!! It was relaxed en not like the 360 tour that everything is programed!! Back to the old days . Great songs!!
i WATCHED ON tv AND u2 WERE UTTERLY AMAZING! I loved the set list, esp all the Achtung songs,. They were on Fire. Please bring out a DVD- my BBC download only lasts 30 days!"
Still Fresh
U2 were amazing. Still fresh after 2 years of touring. They kept it interesting by putting in a few surprises. I thought Stay was beautiful and Bad made me go all tingley. I agree with Larry about the crowd being too far away though. The rain gave it more atmosphere and I loved the Damian Hurst graphics in the first bit. Well done guys! xx
thinking of u while in mexico....a dvd of this show would b magnificent!!!xxxooo always
Tears of Joy
The heavens opened and rained tears of joy! There were angel kisses bestowed on U2! Truly a concert of joy! Well done lads! Bravo!
Great setlist...tks so much :D
With or Without You
Just wanted to say that I loved seeing the constellations during this song. A constellation of favorable circumstances for certain. Love the intimacy conveyed through this song and also the genuine smiles at the end of Moment of Surrender. Fave moments for certain though rather a challenge to pick.
U2 in my part of the Country
What an amazing set, at Glasto. Welome back to the West Country. The set they played was fantastic, Out of Control an amazing song to end on. Please come back to the West Country soon. Bring out the DVD, please!
Tears to my eyes
The Glastonbury gig of last night was on of their best I saw since years.As a fan of the first hour I was thrilled by the way they played their songs. Ecspecially when One came along,it brought tears to my eyes.( silly when a man of 50 cries over a song...) But anyway,thanks for another great moment in my life and keep on spicing it up!!
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