Magnificent in Zagreb

10 Aug 200983
Here's the set-list for the second show in Croatia tonight, more coming up. Stand-out moment for us? The fan-organised balloon choreography.

This is what you've been telling us: 'One torch on the East, Simona on the stage, Adriatic right in front of you. I don't want to go to work..'; 'Thank you U2 for making us pride. Zagreb lived those 2 days for you and because of you.'; 'The minute I heard Mysterious Ways I just KNEW this would be different... I get shivers just thinking about it.'; 'This is the music show that I have been waiting for half of my life...'; 'Thanks for coming to Zagreb, it does make a difference to see you here. and you are right, we should forget past and look ahead... and act as one.'

Add your reviews below - favourite track, best memory, moment you'll never surrender?

No Line On The Horizon
Get On Your Boots
Beautiful Day
Mysterious Ways
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stuck In A Moment (You Can't Get Out Of)
Unknown Caller
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Remix)
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Pride (In The Name of Love)
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name
With Or Without You
Moment of Surrender

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Two nights of unforgettable fire right under the stage. I will never forget it. So what's next???? Can it get better?? The performance was incredible....Bono was strong on vocal, Larry enjoying as always, The Edge calm and powerful as always and Adam perfect as always :-) And yes....i hope for 2010 tour aswell! And special thanx from Slovene fans to our brothers and sisters from Zagreb! You made it awsome experience too! See Ya! U2 sLOVEnia
Gr8!!! So many emotions in your songs...I have no comment on Aug, 10th evening in Maksimir. We were as one :-))))) It should always like that. I hope there will be a DVD from Zagreb concerts to purchase on
Zagreb, 10. avgust 2009...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I felt it! I'm still feeling it...all the energy, good vibe and music...and everything. After 27 years I finaly made it and finaly manage to see you live - and from the 1st row!... I was there with my daughter; she is not 13 yet and she is your fan, but now she has gone crazy :)TNX again for such a night - I will never forget it and I hope to see You again 'cause ONLY LOVE CAN HEAL SUCH A SCAR... HVALA
Unforgetable experience!
I've been dreaming about going to a U2 concert since 1992, when I first discovered them. I can only say that I am really sorry I didn't have the chance to go to a concert earlier. It is a fantastic show! I don't know which song exactly touched me the most...may be Stay, performed on the 9th, but the remix of I'll go crazy was astonishing as well, Unforgetable fire nearly made me cry and so on and so on. We just couldn't stop singing while driving home to Sofia for 10 hours ! I just hope you guys keep playing for us, I hope that I will be able to see you performing live again. PS Please, make a concert dvd from Zagreb!
only U2 unites our hearts
I think I will need some time to get back to reality after the amazing two concerts I saw. This is the 3rd U2 tour I was at and I have to say that it was really special seeing them here in my country. It was my first time in the first row and I it's really a special feeling to see those 4 guys who I love with all my heart and soul so close. It finally made them...real :) All the nearly-heart-attack moments while getting the tickets a few months ago, all the waiting in the sun all day and running like a maniac to get to the first row was more than worth it:) Right now I'm in the "post-concert-depression" phase, I'm sad it is over, and when I think that another 4 or 5 years have to pass until I see them again... Ok, I better not think about it:) I guess I don't know how to explain all the emotions that have been storming through me these last days... The connection I felt with them on the concerts, and those 4 hours of pure happiness are something I will always hold dear, and always be thankful for. It was high time Croatia saw and experienced something this big. I'm really happy I was a part of it, I don't think that The Guys are even aware of what it was for us. I love other bands too, and I've been to many concerts in my life, but the feelings and memories from U2 concerts are something that cannot be compared to anything else. Two nights in Maksimir gave me life energy for the next 5 years at least and only made my love for U2 bigger, if it is even possible. :) Thank you, for coming here and making us feel like we're really one. We needed that. I just hope it will last more than a few days. Thank you for making this world a more beautiful place with everything you do. And thank you for playing Ultraviolet, my all time favorite song:)
Ultimate experience
I have been to many concerts in my life, including acdc recently in Belgrade, but the moment I stepped on the stadium I knew this is going to be something else. Just waiting for you guys to come out, surrounded with those happy people around, enjoying the Snow Patrol made me soo happy. Then, Major Tom and countdown and then two hours I will never forget. The power and clarity of sound, whole energy sorrunding stadium, everybody on their feet, singing wholeheartedly, beautiful stage, lights from other world, everything came together is those perfect two hours. Thank you U2, thank you for filling my and other hearts with pure joy and hope for the better world. You just did your part. Thank you!
No words...
...can describe my impressions and feelings during this magnificent, overwhelming, amazing, phenomenal show on Aug 10 in Zagreb - the best I´ve ever seen in my entire life! THANK YOU U2
Tears of Joy
I sang with tears in my eyes (: Long dreamed dream has come true Thanks for reminding and making us special. Only great people can make that. You are great. Hvala i dođite ponovno Pusa svim koji su bili u ponedjeljak :D
one of a kind
not much can top what u did in Zagreb- all the emotion, energy, motivation...- maybe when the Pope was here or when Croatian National Football Team plays.. Hope u enjoyed Croatia as much as we enjoyed you! Thank you, we'd love to have u back!
Holy pilgrimage
To live in the Balkans has not proven to be a very good thing for many of us, but it is definitely not the best thing for you if you’re a music fan. Thus, U2’s visit to this part of the world has even greater importance and deeper meaning for us. I hope that the band has come to realize this and will light our way another time in the future. I am finally a man who has managed to live a child’s dream set long time ago in the eighties. My pilgrimage has come to an end and, unsurprisingly, I am ready for another one. _Igor, Macedonia
... the ideas you promote. formerly not the biggest fan, after resuming my thoughts for a couple of days, made a decision your shows were triggers of. i'm selling my house, leaving my job for dedicating all i have to promotion of peace and well being to those who need help. not crazy, just found out the the problem is out there, on the bigger picture. thank you.
Zagreb 2nd Show
THANK YOU for that night! Guys for the monumental stage and electronic staff, sound and visual effects- YOU DID AN EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT JOB! Everything was perfect! Guys for the safety- you were really good, care about us , who spent more than 6 hours as crowded fish at the stage... LARRY, BONO, EDGE, ADAM- you are hit! You are amazing! MAY GOD BLESS YOU A LOT! Professional, sensitive, funny, serious, gave your heart for the Croats! THANK YOU! I WISH YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND AND COME TO HUNGARY, TOO :))) All the songs were amazing...for me DON'T GO CRAZY remix was a slightly more favourite! I love you guys , take care in the USA! Izabella from Hungary
…I got sunburns because I was waiting all day in the sun in front of stadium, our choreography with balloons wasn’t as good as we planned, when I finally got into inner circle I was elbowed, one guy was stepping on my fingers half the time, although I was in the pit, I couldn’t see the main stage because guys in front of me were tall and they were literally squeezing me, I didn’t get autograph because when I got to airport you were already gone… BUT IT WAS PERFECT and none of that matter when 4 best guys in the world came on stage. WITHOUT DOUBT BEST NIGHT IN MY LIFE!!! SO THANK U(2) FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART I hope that you also enjoyed the show as the crowd did. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME BACK!
Pure perfection
Saw the second show, I still can't believe what I saw. Indeed I have found what I've been looking for. Simply loved it! The whole show was amazing, but Unforgettable Fire and Ultraviolet made my day. I literary gave me goose pimples... I can't thank you enough guys for coming and playing for us. And I am going to hold you to your promise that you'll be coming back.
Just a big T H A N K Y O U
We are still talking about yesterday's show, at work, with familly members...Yesterday on my left there was a familly with a kid, probably about 8 years old, and on my right a pair, probably a wife and husband, around 55 years old. All of them were standing on their feet for the whole 2 hours. I hope we will meet again in Zagreb soon
fala lijepa:D
hvala lijepa Zagreb, was awesome, your city as beautiful as ever and the people even more, your train stration sucks at wee morning hours but I survived lol somehow I feel like "stuck in the moment" was the high of the concert ...there was something so deep there and the crowd felt it . I'm proud of my neighbourhood and especially proud of Simona, showed the world (and Bono in particular me thinks hehehe he totally lost it for a moment lol ) what hips were made for in the Balkans...even in the western part of it :D... I haven't followed the shows before the concerts and crazy remix is mindblowing disco live. a girl that's been listening to u2 with her heart for a while now got to hear music played through the heart last night. anyone still cranky 'bout the setlists or godknowswhat grow up please. thank you u2, thank you everyone who made 10. 8. a beautiful day indeed erm....and boys from Rijeka...thanx for the beer and company :D blonda
More than lines
Last few days I was thinking about U2 and what does it mean to me, my neighborhood, streets of my city, cities of my country, Europe, world. Well it is more than great songs and spectacular event. Between those lines lies humanity, charity, hope.. for old granny in the appartment near me, for a man who is waiting "verdict" in a hospital bed, for a mother that hardly get in a step with crises those days. We can plant a tree, give hug, bring hope, share a candy. Smile is universal, tear is universal. We can be better. Me, my city, country, state, Europe, World. You too. Thank You for remember me on that!
17 years
Dear guys from Dublin! We met for the first time 17 years ago, on ZOOTV tour, it was on 24th of May 1992 in Vienna (Donauinsel). And I shook hands with Bono then. Then I was a 17year old kid, with long hair etc... Now, 17 years later, we have same haircuts again. They are not long any more. ;) And I must say that if ZOOTV was the first multimedia try, 360°tour is 10 times better. Dear Lawrence, dear Adam, dear Dave, dear Paul, thank you for special time on Maksimir, on 10th of August. And please, after another 17 years, give us a chance to come to celebrate again. :)))) Best wishes from Maribor, Slovenia.
20 years ago...
20 years is was listening rattle and hum and dreaming about being in concert. Today in Zagreb my wish come true and i am proud to see Bono, Larry, Edge and Adam. Great singing and great performance from the band. Thank you for making that show for us and thank you for you efford to make a great show for us, fans. I hope i will see you in europe next year.
You don't get it do you?
Way to Crazy, first night in red zone, 2nd night on terrain, amazin shows, my 6th U2 show, everyone was special, but amazin weather, amazing crowrd, especially 2nd night, great intro, vertingo and crazy mix amazing, so much energy, thank you U2 !!!! Unforgetable !
2nd concert in Zagreb
It was awesome! My first U2 concert and I was just 5 metres away from stage. Irish rockers prooved that they, after all those years, still rock! A lot... =D We had also very good 'warming-up' with The Hours and great scotish rockers Snow Patrol. It was just an amazing concert, I will never forget... Thank you guys for this awesome show you've had! =D
Dreams DO come true !!
Yes, drems DO come true! This was my first time at U2's concert and it was my dream as long as I can remember! Standing in the crowd, listening to the beautiful lyrics, feeling the positive energy.. it's everything that ONE could wish for! And we were realy all as ONE! In one moment I just stoped for a few seconds, enjoyed, soaked the energy at the same time not believing that this is true. MY LORD, I 'M REALY ON THE U2 CONCERT!! I was mezmerized!! The whole time my eyes were filled with tears, NOT JUST 'cause of the fact that I'm there where I am - it was the messages that, YOU GUYS, are sharing all over the world - love, peace, humanity, respect no metter what color, religion, nation one is.. And those messages are what each and every person needs to hear over and over again.. especialy in Croatia where the people are still frustrated by our past, even the young ones.. Huh, I could get on and one.. my point was: Bono, Edhe, Adam and Larry, THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THE BEST EVENING EVER IN MY LIFE !! I hope there will be many more.. one thing is sure: the people who were on the stadium Maksimir on the evening onAugust 9th and 10th were the luckiest and most blessed people that two night on the Planet Earth! I thank you for that !! I love U (2)! :)
I was in Dublin for the Friday and Saturday show. I thought those were the 2 best shows in my life. Then, the guys came to my home country. I knew it was going to be a great show, but honestly I didn't expect the craziness that we witnessed. I had a seating ticked because I wanted to see the Claw from that point of view. Being in the pit, for the first show and then GA for the second one, you never fully see the beauty of the humongous stage. But then, when the whole thing started, I was left speechless. I really can't put in words how I felt. The people, the band, the setlist... Simply - PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!! I had a phone call from a friend in Dublin that was listening to a stream of the show. "Until the End of the world" was a beautiful surprise. The Monday show was just too intense to be described. The balloons, the even crazier crowd, the band in the shape of their lives!!!!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK REL SOOOOON!! THE CROATIAN FANS ARE WAITING FOR YOU!!!!! Only love can leave such a mark!!!!
Ja osobno
Only love can leave such a mark
Thnx U2 for gracing us with your coming. Both of night were amazing but second one was way emotional and powerfull. I was in the first row and to be so close to creator of my soul food is something for life. Zagreb is thankful and recomends it self for MORE!!!!! My special moment was ONE after fabulous massage of Bishop Tutu with thorch lighted on the east stand and Ultraviolet with Bono hanging from that cool mic. What am I saying - the whole tho days were SPECIAL! I will follow - kiss from ZAGREB.
Ja osobno
Only love can leave such a mark
Thnx U2 for gracing us with your coming. Both of night were amazing but second one was way emotional and powerfull. I was in the first row and to be so close to creator of my soul food is something for life. Zagreb is thankful and recomends it self for MORE!!!!! My special moment was ONE after fabulous massage of Bishop Tutu with thorch lighted on the east stand and Ultraviolet with Bono hanging from that cool mic. What am I saying - the whole tho days were SPECIAL! I will follow - kiss from ZAGREB.
Where the streets have no name
Thank you U2 for absolutely wonderful night in Zagreb which I will remember for the rest of my life. My dream to see you live on stage has finally come true, and was even more than I imagined. Power of your songs and your energy reflected itself on the sea of people, splashing wave after wave. It was overwhelming to watch everyone singing as one, putting our differences aside and just be one soul, sisters and brothers. That makes me hopeful, restores my faith in human kind and for that I am truly grateful. Love you and hope to see you again soon :)
Last night... we were as one <3
A lot of my friends asked me today to share my feelings, thoughts and memories about the show and after countless words, both spoken and written, I still feel like I didn`t tell it right... From the first sounds of "Breathe" untill the mystical atmosphere that gave me chills during the "Moment of surrender" I felt so alive. This was my first U2 show but most definately not the last one. Thank you U2, tnx to everyone in the audience.<3 Dunja, Hrvatska
I've been waiting for this concert all my life :)) I'm your fan since I was 10 :)) !! The moment I saw the guys comming out on the scene, couldn't stop the tears running ... The Unforgettable Fire was UNFORGETTABLE, and so was the whole concert. And you guys, thank you so much for all these years, and for all those songs that take a very important part of my life!!! Hope to see you again in Croatia! You're so WELCOME here :)))) Big kiss from Ivana, Ante, Tonka, Franka and Ivan :))
Both days in Zagreb
Thank you for coming finally to Croatia!!! I've been waiting for this from 1989. Since there were many people from the region on both concerts I belive that song One had deeper meaning for all of us! Don't you forget us!
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