Night Two in Lisbon

17 Sep 2018

Night Two in Lisbon

When & Where
Second and final night, Altice Arena, Lisbon, Portugal, Monday, September 17th, 2018.

Set List
“Lisboa, show us your lights.” The Blackout into The Lights Of home set us up for another wild night in Portugal, with audience on maximum volume. ‘All Because Of You’ rocked the house in spot number 4 and during ‘The Ocean‘ intro the singer reminded us : ‘“Yesterday we met the most inspirational audience of this tour so far…once more, we’re tonight gonna take it higher!”  

Here’s the full setlist from night two in Lisbon.

Experience Of The Week  
Portuguese fado singer Ana Moura appeared on screen during the show’s #womenoftheworldtakeover segment (see Facebook
'Muito honrada por fazer parte dos espectáculos dos U2 em Lisboa e juntar a minha voz ao #womenoftheworldtakeover em apoio da @ONE. #PovertyisSexist - Há mulheres heróicas em todo o Mundo que se têm unido para derrubar os obstáculos que limitam as mulheres. Por favor acedam a para saberem mais sobre estas incríveis heroínas e assinem a petição que apela aos líderes mundiais que garantam justiça para as mulheres em todo o Mundo. Porque nenhuma de nós é igual até que todas de nós sejamos iguais. '
' Honoured to be a part of @U2’s show in Lisbon and add my voice to #womenoftheworldtakeover in support of @ONE. #PovertyisSexist - but there are heroic women all over the world joining together to breakdown the obstacles holding women back. Check out to learn more about these incredible heroes and sign the letter calling on world leaders to ensure justice for women everywhere. Because none of us are equal until all of us are equal.

On The Socials 
@140Pieces 'Many have said it already, but there's no harm in repeating: This version of New Year's Day will go down as one of the best live versions of a @U2 song'.

@atu2 'The Lisbon audience singing the intro to Elevation is SO LOUD! AWESOME.'

@edumendibil 'U2 me conecta con mi adolescencia y si a eso le añadimos el sentido del espectáculo, la conexión con el público, el brillantísimo diseño de sus conciertos y unos cuantos himnos imperecederos..., guauuuuu!!!'
'U2 connects me with my adolescence and if we add to that the sense of the show, the connection with the audience, the brilliant design of their concerts and a few everlasting hymns ..., wow!!!'

What Did Bono Say?
“John Rocha right in front of me” Beautiful Day shoutout to fashion designer & friend

“Señor Macphisto at your servicio.. you know there’s a funny smell in here… its really nasty… I know what it it… Democrats! The place just stinks… of democracy… don’t any of you remember the good days when one person used to make all the decisions? My good friend Salazar - Minister for the Navy, Minister for Finance, Minister for Agriculture… all at the same time. If you’re in the mood for another Minister Of Everything, here’s some breaking new :  Macphisto for Europe… that’s the ticket… MACPHISTO FOR EUROPE!”

“Edge got a license to drive a small boat… and he insisted on us all calling him “Captain’ or ‘Seadog’… or both… Captain Seadog!” (Summer Of Love intro) / Zootopia review 
carlosDuarte '2nd DATE - BONO the Best on Stage - Im very impressed with the resilience of Bono... the sentence of Mr. Mandela it fits: "It always seems impossible until it's done." U2 you are the Best, its another prove of my devotion. Safe trip to Portugal'

If you were at the second and final in Portugal, post your reviews and add your photos here  (link :

Were you in Lisbon for the show tonight? Post your reviews and add your photos here.


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