'Not Gonna Leave You Stranded...'

22 Jan 2010110
Speaking to a global audience of tens of millions, George Clooney, the prime mover behind 'Hope for Haiti Now' described the earthquake that hit the Carribean island on January 12 as 'a tragedy that reaches across all borders, all boundaries...the Haitian people need our help. They need to know they are not alone.'

A stellar cast of musicians and actors, performing in three locations, included Madonna, Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay and Jennifer Hudson. In London, Jay-Z, Bono, The Edge and Rihanna performed 'Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)' a song written and produced within the last week.



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scond time
Well....... dont post my comment......why ??? I DON´T LIKE JAY-Z... Love the song,..Adam,..Larry...??? where are they??? Hello from Portugal... A espera do dia 2 e 3 de Outubro heheheheheheee
Nice song, Good choice :)
That was awesome that video
U2 and HAiTI
BONO and U2 I want to thank you for helping the people of Haiti come to Brazil this year please =] I never went to a U2 concert and would like to go one day. I love you Bono and U2.
Great song!! Great performance!! GREAT CAUSE!!
great song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Original Song
Wonderful song! At least some artists can come together for a good cause and write an 'original song' unlike the remake of We are the World....On another note, its a bit strange to not have Bono out the front as much and taking a back seat in this song... U2 Come to Australia!!!!
Most original
Nice that an original song was written.. But all had alot of soul!!
just two words...BONO and HUMANITY...
great cause... koodos to you!
love Bono & the Edge... of course what's new? Wish I could have heard more Bono & Edge on this one. Awesome though, not complaining... just saying ;O)
Another great effort to help those in need!!! Everyone do what you can by giving & pray for those in Haiti and the people helping the Haitians! Rob Clayton Fayetteville, NC (Fort Bragg & Pope AFB) "Where the people & planes providing relief & security in Haiti & around the globe come from!"
baz dublin
great effort to put this together in a week,well done all concerned,would of liked to hear bono more on the track,big fan of rihanna aswell and as ever edge is a ledgend
It is a nice song , love both Bono and Edge..... they are always steppin up when in need to help out in a crisis like with Haiti.... God Bless them : ) I did buy the album, and donated to the Red Cross ..... but I have to say, all you could hear is Rihanna..... not complaining, just stating ! I love my boys.... very big U2 fan..... rock on guys !! Houston, Texas has much love for yall : ) Thank you for your participation !!!
I will hold ur hand...Bono
Bono & Edge involved inthis song of hope & help for Haiti: not surprising to me. LOVE it!!! PROOF that U2 live their lyrics!!!We're ONE but we're not the same we've go to carry eachother...carry eachother: ONE LOVE.
song is okay. but U2 should be U2 :-o
Ensemble ensemble pour Haïti !
Good song, great chorus. Great riffs by Edge. As for Bono, we unfortunately cannot hear much of his awesome voice... what matters here anyway is to help out Haïti, un pays détruit !...
Ensemble ensemble pour Haïti !
Good song, great chorus. Great riffs by Edge. As for Bono, we unfortunately cannot hear much of his awesome voice... what matters here anyway is to help out Haïti, un pays détruit !...
I don't like Jay-Z at all and I don't like Rihanna. So if you can't here Bono you'll understand that this song means nothing to me.
love it
I wish you could hear Bono a bit more, but is a great song! I usually don't like Rihanna very much either, but she sounded really good in this.
Amazing song, love the meaning behind it, but I really wish I could hear Bono's voice more..... Will still order it, it's for a really good cause!
Good Job U2
A great tragedy, a great cause, a good event, a very good song. A poor mix on the live performance (where was Bono), a better mix on the Mp3
are some missing the point??
The point should be that all these rock,rollers, and rappers got together in moments' time to contribute to Haiti. And look at what happened....the lines were "jammin" with calls; I could not even get through to donate during the show-they raised funds, showed their love and support! Some insist on focusing on the songs themselves and how maybe this wasn't their usual fanfare, or "cup of tea"...I'm sorry, you are missing the whole idea behind it. Tell me, could you of done the same or better? I think not. Bravo to Edge, Bono, Rihanna, and of corse Jay Z for a wonderful song and a wonderful contribution to humanity!
Not gonna leave you
Catchy, "not gonna leave you stranded" like that bit, great cause, well done everyone
Mixed Feeling
I love the song and the thought behind it to help out.. but Rihanna singing, not really. Jay-z may want to try performing without Rihanna sometime. The Edge and Bono and Jay-Z were enough...
More Bono less Rihanna please
I am a die hard U2 fan but this performance was very disappointing for me. Rhianna's mic was turned up too loud and overpowered Bono's voice. I liked the performance Bono and Jay Z did at the Brandenburg Gate and think this one would have been better without Rhianna. It's still a great cause and I donated money and will still download the song! My heart goes out for to the people of Haiti! Especially the Children who lost their parents. God bless!
a winning combination of rock stars...a
Its so sad the earthquake in Haiti and people still under the rumble alive. They just found a girl alive after all these days because she was in the bathroom and when the building collapsed she was able to drink water from the bathroom. Such a powerful message being sent....but how many will be left stranded under the fallen buildings? Its heartbreaking. But we are with them and they will rebuild and improve their infrastructure. We must give them and ourselves HOPE. I watched all of the "Hope for Haiti" telethon and was very moved by it. thank you
Now I heard the Downloaded version of the song it is brilliant. I have bought the whole CD. It is all quite good. Stranded the best though.
Beautiful...how sad some "fans" are complaining about not enough Bono, this wasn't about Bono...his presence along with Edge was more than enough! they were part of something bigger!! this wasn't about artists proclaiming themselves, this was about helping those suffering souls in Haiti!...I love this song, it is beautiful, in every sense of the word! thank you Bono and Edge!
really top song. just a small request, could someone point me in the direction of the translation of the french sections to english, or post them on here. thank you.
Two times
Two times the song Stranded on my IPod Red.It is a great song I hope it will help the people of Haiti.
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