On CD/Vinyl Today - Songs of Innocence

13 Oct 201444
To mark this week's release of Songs Of Innocence on CD/Vinyl - along with bonus tracks, acoustic sessions, hidden songs and special formats - the band are playing some of their new songs on TV and radio stations around Europe.

Last night it was Milan, Italy for the RAI TV show, Che Tempo Che Fa.

Today's physical release of Songs of Innocence comes in three formats which are available to order here and through Island Records, and U2.com (Don't miss the cool bundle offers just launched - Songs Of Innocence Deluxe CD set & T-Shirt ).

Digital Downloads
Google Play (Standard)
Google Play (Deluxe)

Amazon MP3 (Standard)
Amazon MP3 (Deluxe)

Deluxe, 2 CD Format which comes with 2 x 16 page booklets, the 11 track album on CD1 plus additional tracks on CD2 including a 6-song acoustic session along with Lucifer's Hands, The Crystal Ballroom, The Troubles (Alternative Version) and Sleep Like A Baby Tonight (Alternative Perspective Mix by Tchad Blake).

2 LP 180gram White Vinyl Format featuring the 11 track album on sides 1, 2 & 3 with bonus track The Crystal Ballroom 12" Mix on side 4.

Single CD Format with a 24-page booklet along with the 11 track album.
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EBW - Acoustic. Is. Awesome.
Your not invisible!!!
The album is great even better as now got hard copy.the acoustic versions are great every breaking wave last night was breathtaking.The crystal ballroom an excellent addition to the main record and the bonus of invisible sneaking in at the end a great surprise...thanks guys davidt
Free down load bought the CD
Love all this new
And "The Miracle"?
If you loved Every Breaking Wave, you HAVE to listen to The Miracle played unplugged. What a wonderful version!! Bono said that if you can play a song using whatever instrument, that's a good song, Take away the angry electric guitar and you have another masterpiece. Search for www.rai.tv - RAI Replay - RAI 3 - Dom 12 - scroll for "Che Tempo Che Fa" - STAY IN TO WATCH THE ADVERTS (thank you guys) - then when the player starts go around 30m for the interview and 40m for The Miracle. HAVE FUN EVERYONE. Thank you guys for making this present to Italy.
Crystal ballroom U must love it
Wow!! An amazing track. What a suprize!
That live version is amazing! Better than the recorded version...
Songs of innocence
Cari Bono, Edge, Adam e Larry ho finito di ascoltare poco fa il vostro capolavoro; quando sono iniziate le note di “Invisible” mi sono quasi commosso, e ho sentito il desiderio di scrivervi queste poche righe. Purtroppo è in italiano, ma sono certo che Bono saprà tradurle agli altri membri della band…  Innanzitutto voglio ringraziarvi per le emozioni che anche in questo disco siete riusciti a trasmettermi; ogni disco degli U2 è qualcosa di più di un insieme di canzoni. E’ una storia a lieto fine, un raro e prezioso esempio che gli ideali a volte riescono a vincere anche in questo brutto mondo. Un esempio di tenacia, di forza interiore. Un disco bellissimo, diverso da tutti gli altri, innovativo, coraggioso. Ha dell’incredibile la vostra capacità di creare canzoni, melodie, suoni, testi. Continuate a scrivere canzoni, vi prego: sarebbe una mostruosa ingiustizia mettere tacere il vostro talento. Con affetto Emanuele Rigoldi
Christal Pure.....
...is my first term that was coming Up in my mind. Last Friday, the CD was arrived at my home. I knew that this disc bring me at a new higher level of healing my marks after an O2 lack in 2003. The first healing sessions are very good, my brains are sensitieve for Song for Someone, who's in my opinion the best song of the album. The waiting was it worth, an album to be Proud of U2! Thanks thousend times and go on with your great journy....this is just the beginning of a new period in music-history and industrie....Rock and Roll and especaly U2 change my look at the World. This album works the best in small Domes like Paradiso in Amsterdam. Thanks for hanging around. Love and Light, Detlev Lassche for the vertigo hunter. Who's is a son gs of Innocence. Miss you sugar. ... ...
Thank you so much, for this version!!
You brought tears to my eyes with this stripped down version... !! Your voice is pure crystal, Bono! Reminded me of October but with more skill and experience ;)
Grazie mille! "Every Breaking Wave" was already one of my favorites from the new album, but now I love it even more. When Bono talked about the beauty of its stripped down version he wasn't joking!
All 3 Formats
Hi everyone, I got all 3 formats of the album . My deluxe cd and vinyl of the album came to me by UPS today . The bonus disc is great. I am waiting for the standard cd from island records .
Beautiful, it moved me to tears.
Avion Espia
Just 3 things...
A piano, a voice and a powerfull lyric. And my mind was blown away... Beautiful version. Thanks!
U2 Promo-Tour "Songs of innocence"
I love it, when U2 clebrate TV-Shows before an upcoming tour. Fans are watching and lucky for the upcoming tour! YYYEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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