'Peace On Earth'

20 Feb 2024

'Peace On Earth'

'A Sunday crowd can be a very … transcendent situation' Bono said as another night in the Nevada desert got underway. And transcend it did. There was plenty of flirtation, a promise to take everyone to a 'cathedral of the natural and supernatural', and a moustache flash mob  breaking out on Adam's side of the stage during 'Mysterious Ways' - including Bram wearing a stick-on Fu Manchu for the occasion. 'Discotheque'  made a brief debut appearance but more unexpected was 'Peace On Earth', only ever played three times before…  and not for twenty years.

If you were at the show in Vegas, add your own review and upload your photos here.

What Bono Said

Before 'Desire, to Adam: 'Might I say what a thrill it is to be in a band with you. Just want to say that. And might I say, what a thrill it is to have witnessed this … whatever this is that you've grown upon your being. I mean, it really is a magnificent mustache, is it not?  And one other thing, and I mean this … it is said that for anything truly great to take place there requires a long obedience in the same direction and you have that. In abundance my friend, my comrade….Adam Clayton on bass!'

Before Peace on Earth: 'To see what the children of Abraham have been doing to each other, all over the world for millennia as well as this very day, is bewildering. Christians, Muslims, Jews. It's bewildering. To see the suffering of the Palestinian children after we saw the suffering of the Israeli children was almost too much. And I understand how ridiculous “love thy enemy” sounds right now. We can't live with “love thy neighbor” even in our band, in our country. But it is a divine command, and not advice. Easy to say, almost impossible to enact'.

The band also changed up the lyrics, with Edge taking the lead on vocals for the first line: 'Peace on Earth, we need it now...They're reading names out over the radio. The folks the rest of us will never get to know. Gal and Ayat, Hind and Mila, their lives are bigger than any big idea. Jesus, can you take the time to throw a drowning man a line, peace on earth…'

Shout Outs

To Woody and Laura Harrelson during 'Elevation': 'I believe in you — Woody and Laura Harrelson — yes we do…'

On The Socials

'The joy bringers, the light bearers, the hope enablers - life is but a dream & a very loud one when it comes to this band. The adventure of a lifetime, through tears and shouts, hugs and jumps - love, love and even more love on this never-ending musical journey. Thank you @U2' —@madfl3a on X

'Waking up a few hours later, still thinking heavily about last night's show and I wasn't even there. Thanks to the streamers, that show (and THAT speech) reached many more people than just those in Sphere. It will not be forgotten. #U2UVSPHERE #U2' —@mich40u2 on X

'Are We Inside, or Outside….Just a quick pic from the Amazing U2 show at the Sphere in Las Vegas… Marking a new era in audio/visual entertainment…. Well done Boys!' —@julespicturepalace on Instagram

Zootopia/U2 Faniverse

'B has some things to say…This show is why those of us who can manage it go to multiple shows each tour. You just don't know when you'll at a legendary one.' —stateless

'I truly never expected this show to be such a rollercoaster of emotions - not to this extent but yet again they prove why they are the best. Always. I love U2 so much.' —AvANiceDay

'Poignant and powerful!' —U22009


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