'Pretty soon, everybody's got one...'

25 Feb 20249

'Pretty soon, everybody's got one…'

Most nights at the Sphere Bono has been serenading Adam's 'magnificent moustache'.. 

And then, one night, Bram had one too… 

Pretty soon, everybody's got one….

Were you part of the Adam Moustache Flash Mob?  Or maybe you've enrolled since? Add a photo of your upper lip in the comments below.


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Try this again with the photo
Not sure why it didn’t load the first time but here we go again. The mustache has been there since I first saw U2 in the mid 80s on the Unforgettable Fire tour. The Sphere was a great experience and the band put on a great show as always.
I was in the moustache mob long before going to the Sphere show.
At Your Service!
Sparky does so much for us to help us mind our selfies. Just wanted to offer that love back - so proud of his journey and willingness to remove the stigma. I have taken great inspirtation from him and the advice he's offered over the years. The flash mob was a small gesture that became a moment of a lifetime. He surprised us at the atu2 fan event in NYC back in 2015, so getting to surprise him back brought such joy. Grateful to all who joined in the festivities!
Top Ten Moment of My Life
I already posted about this experience in my show review but felt the need to do it again now that this video is available - I was so excited to take part in this flash mob for three key reasons - first time in GA since 2012, a way to connect to the band, a communal fan experience - after years of not thinking my body could handle GA, this concert venue and the way the GA experience was arranged made it possible for me to experience it again...I THANK YOU...having Adam turn around and see us smiling at him with JOY and LOVE was 1000% worth the effort and after years of pandemic isolation (I have several chronic illness that I once thought prevented me from such crowds) to be in community with my U2 fandom again was something I had been craving - it was a very unifying experience. I have attached a failed attempt of a selfie I took - I was so excited to witness the moment that I took this quick and then stayed in the moment - I have to say - it is pretty hysterical! Thank you for capturing our fun.
My favorite band, it was a dream can saw you at The Sphere, You are great!! Thanks for this experience.
Love that the band and fans can have fun together, showing their love and appreciation for each other!! Thanks for this fun, lighthearted story and video. Wish you could see me smiling and laughing and singing along.
Erica with
By best buddy
Stache Mob!
We had a blast celebrating Adam! I was fortunate to be on Adam's Rail that night. I saw their reactions to us and each other (Bram!)...It was heartwarming, funny and awesome! Being as close to Adam as I was, he was sending hearts to us from his tummy like a Care Bear.
Mustache you a question lol
Ok I’m game. Here is my mustache! Love these guys and Adam is definitely my fave lol sorry guys
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