Shining Like Stars in Toronto

8 Jul 2015

This tour started in Canada, in Vancouver back in early May and last night was the final show of eight in three fine Canadian cities. 

Once again, the locals raised the roof. Here's a few of our stand-out moments - if you were there, add your own, and your photos, by following the link at the end of this story.

It's been a while but tonight it was back - and if you're an afficionado, it was what you were waiting for. What was it? That special lyrical twist at the end of With Or Without You - 'We'll shine like stars in the summer night...' It's almost four years since we heard it but tonight it joined the expanding list of lyrical snippets and sparked it's own twitter hashtag #shinelikestars.

The 'e' stage is providing a more and more unpredictable and intimate chapter in the story of this show. After local band Acrobat climbed up on Monday to perform Desire - while U2 looked on, impressed - last night we had Stephanie up on stage, on guitar for Angel of Harlem and All I Want is You. Born to it...

Plenty of famous names around tonight including actor Jared Leto and Foo Fighters, in town for their own show. 'Dave Grohl right in front of you'  was how we knew, from Beautiful Day, along with a hint of Smells Like Teen Spirit in Electric Co.

One went out to the people of Israel and Palestine and in particular another special guest. 'Nobel Peace Laureate Shimon Peres is in the house tonight. We understand President Peres that you have tried to be the voice of reason and dedicated a lot of your life... to try and bring peace in this really dangerous region.. . and we wish that you who worked so hard for that incredible Oslo Accord, that you don’t give up the two state solution... And we're going to sing this song with two ancient peoples in mind...'

On Twitter @amubalt was impressed : “Never thought I'd hear a version of One to rival the goosebumps I had at Joburg Popmart. Tonight is it. Unbelievable'

Anyone realise during The Wanderer, with Johnny Cash on the screens, that Zooropa was released 22 years ago yesterday ?

Were you at the second night in Toronto? What were your highlights? Post your own review and add your photos here


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Black & Red Marble vinyl pressing previously released for Record Store Day is now available to order.

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Larry is a producer of the documentary Left Behind - and co-writes and performs on two music tracks. Now screening in the US.

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On Saturday April 12, 'Original Soundtracks 1' 30th anniversary 2LP edition for Record Store Day.

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