So that was Dublin, 2009.

29 Jul 200976
Three great shows in four night at Croke Park and this new clip captures the vibe. Were you there ? How was the weekend for you ? Stand-out moments? Surprises? And, apart from the shows, what was your best memory of the weekend ?

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went with my wife from bolton, wat a weekend we had went on sat nite wow it was fantastic,seen the boys several times before in england, but sat nite topped them all for me.the stage was great the sound was great it was all great.oh wat a place dublin is to ,im looking forward to cardiff were i will be catching up with the tour again cant wait ..u2 the best,,,top draw,,
Very Happy Girl :-)
This was the 3rd time in my 24 years that I have had the privilege of seeing U2 live. Went to Croke Park early on Monday into the Q for the pit.Stood all day in the normal Irish weather sunshine one min and rain the next but was well worth it got frount row of the pit. I could belive my lucky Just feet for the boys was AMAZING, this was something I had only ever dreamed of. New Years day def a highlight for me. I am 1 very happy girl now :-)
malcolm calder
Finally (after 29 years!) made the Monday show. The whole experience, from the show, to the atmosphere in U2 Central (aka Temple Bar) on Sunday night was just unbelievable, even my better half, not known for being a U2 fan, enjoyed the whole experience. Highlights - too many to name but 'New Years Day', 'City of Blinding Lights', 'Ultraviolet', 'Magnificent', but maybe above all 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' with the outro of Primal Scream's 'Moving On Up' - just amazing! Roll on Next Year..................
Wedding day
Me and my beautiful wife got married in Dublin that day and then went to the concert still in our wedding outfits. I have always wanted to see U2 at home and what a concert what a day what a crowd what a band. I Cried all the way through bad. Never forget this day. Thanks to all the people who took our picture and a special thank you to U2 for being a big part of my life for the past 24yrs. See you at Hampden on the 18.08.2009 whoohoo :)
went to 3 nights in dublin! it was amazing every night had a different feeling but i loved all 3 ! was in the first row in pit on the friday and seeting on the other 2 ! bono edge larry and adam dont know where u get ur energy but that was the best weekend of my life please dont leave it so long to come back to play in dub again ur the best thing this country has got!!!! keep it up xxxxx
from australia with love!
three nights of bliss! heaven! what ever! three nights of sleeping on the floor outside the venue! feeling a bit like a cow being moved from one place to another! but was it worth it YES! and id do it all again tomorrow. what memories im taking back to australia with me! went to octagon bar met some wonderful people, went saw the mans gates and beach! an amazing band-an amazing man! cant wait till the next tour- im starting to save now! havnt told husband yet lol-thank you thank you thank you for being U2
U2, thank you for playing "in a little while" on Saturday, I always wanted to hear it live, and I definitely had "a moment" on that song! I love it when you play little gems like these! The "crazy" remix is just... well... crazy, "no line on the horizon" sounds awesome - in fact, all the new songs sound awesome, loud and proud, and full of soul. Moment Of Surrender is truly magnificent. Best memory? Sharing all of this with my brother, who's been a fan for 20 years but never got to see U2 live - his first ever gig, in Dublin, and he loved it! The atmosphere in Dublin was electric, people singing and dancing on the streets, and the Guinness still tastes as good as I remembered it! Thanks for such a great time!!!
I'm Dutch but flew in from Belgium, with a seven hour delay, wondered if we would ever reach Dublin. It was SO worth the trouble, enjoyed my 3 night stay in Dublin, lovely dinner in Bull & Castle, Temple Bar was one Big U2 Party, Love Farringtons and Saturday night...U2 live @ Croke Park..... Crazy, still trippin on the good vibes!
Indescribable Memories!!!!
I went on Monday 27th and everything was perfect...I'm brazilian and I've been living in Dublin for over two years. I love Ireland and specially irish people. I'm a U2 fan from age 7, when the album Boy came to Brazil. My friends and my family were just jealous because I could see U2 in their hometown. Adam, Larry, Bono and Edge, thanks a million to make me so happy as a child. And I hope to see you very soon again...PEACE...
concert 25th july 2009
what an amazing concert, the stage, the lights and the atomsphere were unbelievable. we met new friends from mexico and brazil when we were in croke park, cheers for a great day lads
Massachusetts to Dublin City
What a glorious week in Dublin City...the people I met from all over the world that comprise this extended family of U2 fans cumulatively created a spirit that had the entire city 3 feet off the ground. From walking down Windmill Lane, to seeing the location of the October album photo shoot, to the shows - oh the shows...The 24th of July was the best I have ever heard them play, but it was more than that - the audience lifted the show even higher - to heights I have never experienced. The Auld Triangle cemented this special Irish evening, and helped us appreciate that the night was special not only for us in the audience, but for the band as well. The 25th of July (2nd night) was special in other ways - I was close to the stage, and experienced the immediate intensity of a band that is well rehearsed, focused, and have now taken this tour to another level. I had always heard and read about special nights like these, but never thought I would experience what I think will go down as two of the most memorable nights in the band's career. Thank you Larry for starting this band, thank you Adam for your rock n roll soul, thank you The Edge for the science and the art, and thank you Bono for keeping this sensational energy and involvement for so many years. KS from Massachusetts
From Australia to Dublin for 3 days
I travelled from Australia to Dublin for Friday and Saturday gig's with GA tickets in hand I made it front and centre both days (more front on the Saturday). To see U2 in Dublin and have them play Bad Friday and then rain during the Saturday concert I now feel Im truely part of the U2 tribe. Arriving late Wednesday and going home early Sunday the 3 days I spent in Dublin was worth the 30+ hours of travel each way, I cant wait till the next Dublin gigs I'll be back.
great show
hello hello...hola from greece. the show in ckroke park was incredible
U2 @ Dublin, the epicenter of Rock Music
We visited Ireland for the first time and were there for the Friday night show. Thanks Bono, Edge, Adam and most of all Larry for the incredible moments!
A dream come true
I made a lifelong dream come true by flying from the United States to see two U2 shows in their backyard. The security was friendly and helpful, the locals were hospitable, the fans were passionate as always and the band was amazing. Great show(s), boys! See you in Atlanta and then Tampa (for our fifth wedding anniversary)! J & C
Jersey Girl visits Dublin
Wow, my 1st trip to Ireland and what a trip it was. Saw the 24 July show GA and the 27 July show in seats (not that I sat in my seat). Stood in line from 10:30am in the morning til they let us in Friday afternoon. When U2 took the stage, the entire place went nuts! To be up close and personal with the boys was such an amazing experience. Met such wonderful "locals" and so many people from around the world. U2 fans ROCK because that's what U2 does to all of us! Thanks, boys for 2 amazing shows that I will NEVER forget. So glad I made your U2 Facebook video - Jersey Girl here to see U2!!!!!!!!!!!
From the planet Rock & Roll
Descending from the stage and the belly of "The Claw", the boys look like strange visitors from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities beyond those of mortal men. U2--who can excite crowds with a single set list, sell out arenas around the world, bend notes on electric guitars, and who, disguised as Bono, Larry, Adam, and The Edge, mild mannered rock stars from a great metropolitan city (Dublin), fight the never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the Rock and Roll way. We in Chicago highly anticipate their landing in September.
what a weekend
i was at friday and saturday. to put it simply it was the best weekend of my life. my stand out moment was 'still havent found what im looking for' on the saturday when bono sang the 1st line then stopped and 80,000 people sang the verse and chorus. simply amazing.
the best ever
I live half a mile from croke park . I have seen u2 there 5 times now and the gigs there over the weekend were about the best gigs i have ever experienced !! From the blisstering opening night to the cool closing night . monday was my fiftenth time seeing them and they seem to be getting better . Im living for londan on the 14 th !! roll on wembley
R.I.P Ronnie Drew
I was at Croke park for all three nights, every night was amazing. One moment that really stood out for me was Bono's tribute to Ronnie Drew (lord rest him) on Friday night. The whole of Croke park singing " the auld triangle" was out of this world, something i will remember for a very long time. Nice one Bono. There is not to much to be proud of lately in Ireland, but there is a couple of things we can be very proud of one is our pride and the second is that the best band in the world ever are IRISH. God bless U2, keep on rocking in the free world.
Came all the way from Toronto, Canada and was at Saturday and Monday night show. Saturday was great, but Monday was unbelievable. The energy of the crowd, all the great songs, Temple Bar, meeting people from all over the wordl and the great people of Dublin. Can't wait for the two shows in Toronto!!!!
Week of my life
My week started with the gig in amsterdam, well it really started on the saturday when i landed lol, was a great gig. Got home and went ta dublin, i went to the friday and saturday gigs, both were out of this world imo:) The whole week for me was unreal but the banter in murrays bar in oconnell street where had a pre and post concert party for the whole weekend :) and the buzz around dublin topped off the best week of my life. As i stood in croker on saturday night with the rain coming down (durin 'Blindin lights' and 'I still havnt found') i have never felt such happiness and joy and i know a lot of other ppl felt the same way. We know they are, we're sure they are, the greatest band in the world;):) Thanks to u2 and all the people/fans that made it such a week to remember.
croke park with u2 and all our friends
This was one of the best days of my life following on from seeing my boys being born.I took my lad of 15 to see the best show in town and boy did it blow us away. It all started on Sunday in Dublin and the atmosphere was electric and it just built and built and then some. Our legs and lungs were sore our hearts pounding the whole stadium was rocking we didn't even notice the rain.It was clear in my mind 4 people set out to make our day great and they did more than that they made it magnificent. Adam,Larry,Bono and The Edge we can only thank you for a very special day.
Jackie o B
wish i had a time machine!
I'd set the dial for saturday 25th july '09 and stay there 4ever. I only got to the one show but i had my husband and two boys of ten and seven with me. we jumped and sang all night.Fav. moment? Driving home and thinking how lucky we were to get to see you and that i got to keep a promise to my boys to bring them the next time you played home after the virtigo tour. P.S i promised to take them again so don't leave it too long.xx
My group had a phenomonal time in Ireland for our week long visit. We capped it all off with U2 on Saturday night. What can I say but the Irish people were a joy to meet, the Guinness was great and U2 rocked the house!!!! PAC - Texas
Flew in from Eindhoven (the Netherlands) and went directly to Temple Bar. U2 fans everywhere, drinking, laughing, singing. We ended up in Oliver St. John Gogarty's with a lot of new Irish friends and people from Texas and Hawaii (of all places). We had such a great time and then the concert hadn't even started. And when it did......WOW! It was my dream to see them on their home turf once and that dream came true.
From Huelva to Dublin
It was incredible!!. From Spain to Dublin. The 24th July´s concert was magnificent
what a day!
went to saturday show and was blown we got were really bad (just shows the higher the prices in the presale aren`t always the best!!)but the show itself was amazing.the best i`ve seen the band in 20 years.we drove from Belfast in the morning,parked the car and enjoyed Dublin all day.stopped off in mollys before the gig for some more of the black stuff and then on to croker and a great time was had by all.WHAT AN ATMOSPHERE!!!!!!!!
hello, it was the best weekend in my life! great people from around the world, lovely & friendly dubliners AND THE BEST 4 MUSICIANS IN THE BEST FORM OF THEIR CAREER! magnifico, spettacolare, MILLE GRAZIE! the gig on saturday evening was unbelievable, i can't find words! much more better than on friday i think! i felt soooooo goooooooooood!!!
best gig of my life!!
i fulfulled a life's ambition on friday by going to see U2 in their own backyard finally after trying and failing to go on the last 2 tours and i have to say, it was just unbelieveable!! i saw them on opening night in barca but croker was just something special. maybe it was the fact that everyone knew the words to every song, maybe it was being just a few metres away from the band or maybe it was that i finally got to hear 'until the end of the world' live...i just dont know!! but well worth the adventure across the pond from the midlands!! thank you for an unforgettable experience i will never forget!!
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