Songs Of Innocence

9 Sep 2014802
The wait is over. Songs of Innocence, the new album, is here.

Got iTunes ? Take a listen.

Simply go to the Music app on your iOS device, or to your iTunes music library on your Mac or PC, and find 'Songs of Innocence' under the artist or album tab. The new album is in iCloud, just tap the track listing to start listening or tap the cloud icon to download. *

Songs of Innocence is set for worldwide release on October 13th. Today Apple are giving it to half a billion iTunes Store customers.

Not got an iTunes account? Create one here - the album will automatically appear in your library. slipped into the studio a few days back where the band played us the new tracks and we were blown away. A kind of musical autobiography, the eleven new songs chart their earliest influences from 70s rock and punk to early 80s electronica and soul... and reveal how music changed everything. As Bono sings in the lead song, 'The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)' 'I woke up when the miracle occurred/ Heard a song that made some sense out of the world...'

Exploring themes of home and family, relationships and discovery, detailed liner notes fill out the picture with resonant stories, like one of the first gigs the teenage band got into.

'The 4 members of U2 went to see the Ramones playing in the state cinema in Dublin without thinking about how we were going to get in. we had no tickets and no money.. My best friend Guggi had a ticket and he snuck us through a side exit he pried open. The world stopped long enough for us to get on it. Even though we only saw half the show, it became one of the great nights of our life....'

Songs of Innocence was recorded in Dublin, London, New York and Los Angeles and is produced by Danger Mouse, along with Paul Epworth, Ryan Tedder, Declan Gaffney and Flood. The album closes with 'The Troubles' featuring the distinctive vocals of Swedish indie singer-songwriter Lykke Li.

Here's the eleven tracks: The Miracle (of Joey Ramone), Every Breaking Wave, California (There Is No End To Love), Song For Someone, Iris (Hold Me Close), Volcano, Raised By Wolves, Cedarwood Road, Sleep Like A Baby Tonight, This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now, The Troubles.

On October 13th the physical release of Songs of Innocence comes with a 24-page booklet. A deluxe, gatefold double album, contains an acoustic session of songs from the album and four additional tracks: Lucifer's Hands, The Crystal Ballroom, The Troubles (Alternative version) and Sleep Like a Baby Tonight (Alternative Perspective Mix by Tchad Blake)

The album will also be available as a gatefold, double white-vinyl LP with an exclusive remix of "The Crystal Ballroom".

When you've given it a listen, get right back here and review Songs of Innocence for us in the comments below.

* 'Songs of Innocence' is already in your iTunes library, waiting for you to download.
On iOS
Open iTunes Store
Scroll down to Purchased
Select Recent Purchases
The album should be displayed there.

On Desktop iTunes
Open iTunes Store
Select Purchased [under Quick Links]
Select Music
Recent Purchases (make sure ‘All’ is selected)
The album should be displayed there.

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2015 Tour
I bought tickets to see U2 in Chicago this June. Seeing U2 live is my husband's dream. He knows we are going on June 25th but I bought tickets to go again on the 28th. He is going to be so surprised and excited when he opens his birthday present next month. Our countdown has begun! 191 days :)
Just got MY tickets for concert BOSTON,MA.......Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I received the CD Deluxe Edition just now , can't wait to play it, just got to wait for the T-Shirt , then the tour . Xxxxxxxxxxxx love to U2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I cannot wait to buy the double CD!
After 77 listens track by track in order, I cannot wait to actually buy the album. Thank you for allowing me to have it for free on my iPod touch. As a third order Fransiscan songs of innocence HSS been the song of peace and St. Francis. October is my favorite month. I am planning to buy this album for many people I know. What a bueatiful album. I love ringing my bells and praying to this album. Its a beautiful mantra. It is a flawless masterpiece. And I cannot wait to hear these songs live. I'm going to star saving my money. Cannot wait till Tuesday. I hope every U2 fan in the world buys this album on Tuesday!
Deluxe Version
Received the deluxe version this morning. New songs fit in well with the rest of the album. The acoustic versions are beautiful and Invisible as a hidden track is a very welcome bonus. Absolutely fantastic.
Absolutely brilliant
Thanks so much for the free download - love this album - absolutely brilliant :)
This album is so full of joy. Can't stop listening. If the music is off, I'm still singing the melodies and dancing.
After listening to the new album many times I came across 'invisible' again. For me it's an amazing song that is relevant with today's music and surpasses all the songs on the new album. However I still love innocence as it is a great album to listen to from start to finish. Standouts for me are 'this is where you can reach me now' and 'California'.
U2, the only band that matters
Songs of Innocence comes to confirm that U2 is the most important band, the only band that really matters. After 38 years (happy birthday guys!) they have released a fantastic album once again. Songs of Innocence is full of energy and great ideas. It renews the sound of the band, but it preserves the magic U2 essence. In addition, it's a well-deserved homage to Joey Ramone and Joe Strummer, two essential musicians who clearly influence U2 in the early days. It would be nice, now that you are looking back, to recover songs like "Street Mission", "The Fool", "Life On A Distant Planet", "Alone In The Light" and "The Dream Is Over" and to offer recordings of these songs with good sound quality. Don't wait too long to release "Songs Of Experience", surely it's much better than you think!! And don't forget "The Flowering Rose Of Glastonbury", "North Star" and "Mercy" (the best version of "Mercy" is the demo version from the "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" sessions; it's tremendous!!) Appreciation and respect to Adam, Bono, Edge and Larry. PD: Adam, you sound incredible in this album. You are the real thing.
My Prayers Have Been Answered!
On Sept. 18, 2012 my search for the U2 Joshua Tree finally came to an end in the Mojave Desert. After signing my name and leaving a message in the log in book at the base of the tree I felt compelled to kneel before it and speak to God. I thanked him for allowing me to touch greatness and to hear the majesty of U2. In that moment God was definitely in the house so I prayed to Him that the next U2 album would be worthy of this hallowed place high on a desert plain...2 years on my prayers have been answered!
The most beautiful sound I've ever heard
Yet another fantastic album U2 always produce legendary music I can't stop listening to it love every song on it. I've been a fan of U2 for 26 years they just get better and better. Love seeing them play their music live 110 % passion commitment and loads of energy and those extra verses and new versions of old songs.great promo video Larry kicking the symbol edge smashing the guitar iris great song. Bring on the tour
This is U2's best album in a while !!!!
After 'Songs Of Innocence' has been on non-stop on my iPod I want to give a proper verdict, I have made a couple of comments earlier. I said from day one that it was a 'grower' and it does just that, it grows with each listen !!! I put the title above because in my opinion this is U2's best album in a while, while I love ALL U2 albums and I did love NLOTH, this is much more, a very refreshing album, its place at this time musically is very relevant, Bono you need not worry, he said its an album of blood, sweat & tears and it is. They all bring something special to the table..... Adam really shines on this album, great bass lines especially on Volcano, superb bass on that track !! And on Every Breaking Wave !! I also think that Edge has excelled himself on this album, his solo on The Troubles is phenomenal, it annoys me when people go on about him hiding behind effects etc but Edge is a brilliant guitar player who can play whatever he wants & what he thinks is needed in a song & he can solo as good as any other guitarists !!! Love the raw 'punk' power chords on Miracle, in true Ramones passion,I love it !! I a big fan now of The Ramones, I was a latecomer to their music maybe around 10 years ago but they affected me the same as ,U2 feel about them Love his guitar at beginning of Cedarwood Road, and when the song kicks in....well just awesome, someone said earlier on their comment about Adam shining like I said & they also said Edge kicks ass on this album & he does !!!!!! Larry's drumming seems as passionate as it always but there is so canny pounding of them skins at times, awesome drummer our Larry !!!! He pounds well on Miracle (of Joey Ramone) Bono singing is very passionate & to me on this album his vocals take on a more melodic sound, I love his vocals on every track, his passions in the songs are very strong !!!! Iris is beautiful, very emotional, Every breaking wave is beautiful, a typical U2 ballad, Song for Someone is similar, I read that it was going be called 'Morleigh's Song' Edge wrote for his wife but when I hear it I did think its like a love song & was to do with each of the bands relationships. The harmonies between Edge & Bono are brilliant. The Troubles is unbelievable !! So brilliant, apparently Brian Burton aka Danger mouse asked Lykke Li to sing on this track & I want to say what a smart move that was, I read what she said about it and when he asked she said "errr alright then" lol but the band loved her part especially Bono, I love how she sings "someone stepped inside my soul" Great lyric Bono, at 1st its a track you do not appreciate and them 'boom' it hits you and its very powerful, I love it !!!! So I stand by the that title.......... Bono, Edge,Larry & Adam thank you, firstly for a free album, u know there has been some controversy about giving it free to everyone in iTunes, but millions have listened to it & I have a friend who is not a U2 fan but she got the album & she loves it saying its different to the work they normally do !!! Secondly I have fallen in love with U2 all over again, ( this has happened a few times to me) After worrying about rumours about the band & this album it was a lovely surprise they just popped up and announced this, welcome back into my life my lovely Irish lads.......... Looking forward to 'Songs Of Experience' soon hopefully & maybe a tour next year !!!! Could you please consider an arena tour because I have a debilitating condition & outdoor stadiums would be difficult for me & I had a ticket for 360 but that's when I became I'll so I missed it & I was devastated :(, still got my unused ticket !! I know that sometimes they alternate with stadiums & arenas, so fingers crossed Much love ,& respect Bono, Edge, Adam, Larry xxxxxxx
Pete hilly
All the new U2 songs this year have all blown me away........... We want MORE ;)))
More than just music
I have been a huge U2 fan since I was 12 years old (that's 22 years in total) and used to nick Actung from my brother's bedroom.... I have never understood any of the criticism that has been directed to ANY of U2's albums. Songs of innocence is fantastic and I can't wait for the next tour. I'd prefer a more toned down, intimate affair this time though... I've grown up with U2 and after so many years it becomes a relationship! I want to feel that connection at the gigs. I loved the 360 tour but I want to be 'there with the band', listening to their amazing songs. I don't need huge, spectacular stage settings to appreciate them. Thank you U2 for giving us more than just music.
A masterpiece!
What a great albun! Enjoying every second of it. Thank you so much, guys! btw, didn't Anton Corbijn not get involved with some sleeve art work?
The Only Band
U2 is the only band I can listen to 24/7! I like a lot of other music but this band is my soul! I appreciate the free download but I have to get my hands on the physical product ( old school). For those critics who say the band is irrelevant , All music is relevant ! What you choose to listen to is your choice and it looks like many people still choose U2!
i love u2 as i love my family and my life...but i don't like this "new way" to present a new album. the wait is over,the new album is's not here,it's on the web. where has it gone?the thrill of the wait for a new album...where has it gone?the queue outside the shop waiting to buy it....where has it gone?the emotion to come home with the new album of your favorite band in your hands...then you open look at it with eyes open,you flip through the pages of the booklet,all the lyrics....then you play it for the first time...loud...on your cd player or turntable....and you got all these new emotions flowing through your body. then you put it together with all your Others u2 records and cds.that you bought in all these years.the special edition because it's got a different cover or more tracks,the vinyl because it's so great to admire.... where have all these things gone?.....they all got lost in a " 2 minutes download"
It´s U2 exist any other
sleep like a baby tonight my favorite,great job D.MOUSE.Never lose astonishment capacity
Will Never Be Irrelevant
I have been a U2 fan since War. They have always been my favorite band since than. It amazes me how so many bands have been born from the sounds of U2. Every time a new album would come out I would say to my friends, "just more hit songs to add to the list." Many critics have stated there no hits on Songs of Innocense, I believe they all are. I am addicted to this album. All of other new albums I've purchased recently pale in comparison. To all the haters and deleters, "U2 fans will always out number all of you." Rock on U2.
Listening to Songs of Innocence
U2 albums usually require several listens in order to perceive and appreciate the multiple layers. I listened to Joshua Tree over and over on a "portable boom box" back in the time before the intra-web. Going through round two on Songs of Innocence and digging it. Have found "Iris (Hold Me Close)" particularly moving. That said, Achtung Baby! is still at the top of the best-of-all-time-by-any-band list, right up there with Freewheelin' Bob Dylan and Astral Weeks (Van Morrison for you youngsters, also Irish but from the Northern part).
Love it can't wait for the next tour. U2 forever
Cet album est génial . Je l'écoute tous les jours et je découvre tous les jours les chansons, les accords , les arrangements ... Encore une fois , vous nous donnez beaucoup . Merci et à bientôt sur scène :-)
Standing Corrected
I stand corrected for my comments earlier. I said they could evolve, but then they proved me wrong again in another album. U2 went deep for this one. "Volcano" is my favorite. U2 and The Edge rip through to the end, and I never get get tired of hearing The Edge' s guitar finally stop "ringing". I knew he had more range than any other guitarist in the world. Congratulations.
Another great Tune - THANK YOU SO MUCH!
you made my life since WAR guys, keep on and on and on and...... i´ll love you forever :*
Edge kicking ass
This is my second comment. My initial thoughts on this album were....absolutely amazing. I thought that Adam had some amazing base lines and really pushed through. Now, after 2 weeks of listening, it is apparent that Edge is really kicking some serious ass on this album. Every song is great. You can listen from front to back. Great work guys!
25 September
Happy birthday U2.
Average Persons
Today I had to go to CPR training for work. During the break I stepped outside and started listening to Song For Someone on the speakers of my phone. One of the other trainees came out and recognized the album saying that he was listening to in on the way in. Another guy came out and joined the conversation, saying that he also downloaded the album. They both agreed it's a great piece of work. All of us are in our twenties. The haters can go on social media and smear the band all they want. It might cause you one or two moments of unnecessary disillusionment. But what I re-learned today is that truth has a way of staying alive...
Say WHAT?!
Did I just see the Edge smash a guitar on the iTunes video? What??! Rock on earned it!
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