Storm Forecast

2 Jul 200949
It was a hot and humid night in Barcelona for the second show of the tour and the band rang some changes from Tuesday's opener. Here's some highlights that we noted - add your own reviews at the bottom of the page. First up the set list.

1. We got to hear 'Crazy' twice tonight: the band are shooting a video with Alex Courtez and tonight's performance is part of it. After a storming version of Vertigo, we got the very groovy dub remix of 'Crazy' that they premiered on Tuesday, complete with Larry performing on djembe while walking the circumference of the stage to general adulation. Overhead, rocking black and white images of the four members on the screens. Just before Moment of Surrender, came the 'classic coke' version as the singer put it.

2. Promising sign when a song makes its live debut, but no-one predicted it would be Electrical Storm, the 2002 single from 'The Best of 1990-2000'. 'So we'd like to play a song we've never played before, except when we recorded it,' explained Bono. 'Could be interesting... interesting is ok...' Interesting enough to be back in the set soon - we predict.

3. Angel of Harlem wasn't in tonight, but compensation came with a mini-acoustic set featuring Desire and Party Girl, with the drum riser rotating and the whole band facing the other way. Bono pulled out the harmonica and some amazonian beauty clambered up on stage, who - apparently - was once called upon to share the traditional 'party' bubbly in Argentina. Tonight, as then, she was word perfect - though it's not often a member of the audience gets to carry the lead singer. Maybe it's going to be one of those tours.

4, Unknown Caller is one of the most infectious tracks the band have written, but ever wondered what it's all about ? Tonight we got some background. It's about a guy, feeling depressed, 'at the end of his rope', in a hotel room, not able to get a signal on his phone, suddenly finds that his phone is starting to text him instructions. 'He doesn't know who it's coming from... God, his best mate... but it gets him out alive...' At which point Camp Nou restarted and rebooted itself.

5. Check out Sunday Bloody Sunday if you're at the show. First up, the previous song outros with a beautiful lilting vocal piece by (we discover) Iranian-born singer Sussan Deyhim. Then as the rhythmic opening bars of 'Sunday' arrive, the overhead spherical screens turn a luminous shade of green as farsi script script scrolls into sight. Is it a symbolic shout-out to the protestors in Iran demanding a re-run of their elections ? If you think there's a connection, discuss it

Ok, that's a few stand-out moments from us. What did you think?
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i was like a dream came true when they started electical storm .. ive dream about it for years and finally , thank you and god bless you
just amazing!!!
the best experience ever.... Loved it all the way, the best 2 hours and 20 min of my life sooo far!!! Electrical Storm, what a surprisee!!! and i was a theere!!!!
guys.......everytime I listen to that song is imposible 4 me not to cry.... is my favorite U2 Song and it totally inspires me......guys...I always wondered why U2 didnt play that song with this new I cant even imagine how it would be a concert from u...guys...almost everyone likes ur music my country Costa Rica...we love peace, n we love U2 too....OH U2 COSTA RICA IS WAITIN' 4 U, WHY DONT U INCLUDE US 2? :¨(
The concert was magnificent!!! I love it! And Electrical Storm was a very good choice. It's a beautiful song. The list was perfect... thanks for the amazing concert! One of the best days of my life! And... please come to Portugal! :)
Green overhead
Thank you guys so much for solidarity with Iranian people in this critical moments of a new wave of young peaceful movement. After thirty years of censorship and dictatorship finally our voices has been heard worldwide. thanks Behnaz Mahdavi (nick name : behnaz Irani)
No more Crazy Remix, please!
Well I absolutely loved the show! Great, great songs, with only one exception: If I am allowed to say it, please don't do the remix version of "Crazy" again! I will absolutely love to hear the original again in Berlin and Gelsenkirchen, but please don't hold on to the "remix".
keep the storm in guys
Sounds like most of us want to hear Electrical Storm live - one of my favourites too. Hope they play it at Millenium Stadium Cardiff. Hopefully the band will read all of these requests.
Hold me , Thrill me , Kiss me , Kill me anyone ? This stage would be perfect for that tune and plus it gives it a more edgy vibe . I love the new set list but I wish you would bring that tune back to life .......
Vince Duque
Vince's Review of 2nd night
Loved the show. Electrical Storm was beautiful. I miss the rock and roll of the show - as in New Years Day and Until the End of the World. I've never disliked a U2 song live - until Unknown Caller. Replace with Stand Up Comedy. Studio version of Moment of Surrender sounds better than the live version. I missed the Barcelona jersey moment. Loved that moment.
a great show at the horizon!
wow! You have to bring yourself a couple of extra eyes! The stage/show is so impressive you almost forget to watch the guys on stage so every now and then... And what a variety. On Ibiza they could dance on new version of I'll go crazy.., the people on stage wearing the Aung San Suu Kyi mask while they played 'Walk on' , the intro on Sunday bloody Sunday (what did the text say?) , and the chicken skin causing performance of Moments of surrender. And that in a great combination of old and new songs! And Bono mentioned after singing some parts of 2 Michael Jackson songs they are also available for weddings, funerals and bar-mitswa's..... so: when are you available again, guys? Overall conclusion : Magnificent!
Gabi Guimaraes
Electrical Storm... FINALLY!
One of the most beautiful songs EVER! It gives me the creeps! Can't believe they finally played it live... WOW! Hope they keep it on the set list for a looong time... And pleeeease: bring the 360º Tour to Brazil!
The iranian uprising has and will further bring about a new political awakening worlwide.You guys as always are ahead of others in bringing attention to the other IRAN. It is much needed and appreciated by all.Well done and keep doing the great work you have been doing. One day soon we will invite you to Tehran were you will give a live concert for millions and i mean millions. The irish people have a special place in our hearts.THANK YOU GUYS ON BEHALF OF ALL MY COUNTRY MEN AND OUR WARRIOR WOMEN.
BONO iranian people never forget your he
bono i like you very much , but now i love you cause keeping us firmly Persians need your support So keep on as your teenage fan
Free my Green Land IRAN
Viva U2, Via F.R.E.E.D.O.M, Viva IRAN ... Thank you very much my brothers ... Thanks a lot ... Please don't let the dictators destroy my land and kill my brothers and sisters ... Down with Dictatorship ... VIVA IRAN ... VIVA GREEN WAVE ... VIVA FREEEEDOM ...
Bloody Sunday
We love you guys, you have many fans in Iran. Thank you for your support, you are always in the right side.
Blown away
I've been a fan for about 25 years, U2 and Peter Gabriel had such a huge impact on my life. Yet at 41 years of age I'd never seen a U2 live show, something always got in the way, lots of other gigs but necer U2. Until 2nd July 2009, Barcelona. Everything went right for me, in the inner circle amazing view and completely and utterly blown away. The greatest gig of my life and one of my best days because of it. I had to read the set list cos I couldn't remember it just completely lost in the whole thing. I remember Pride being so powerful (to me) I choked, it's getting me again now just thinking about it. It really was a beautiful day. Thank you so much guys, I can't wait to bring my 12 year old daugter to her first ever gig at Wembley on the 14th.
Thanks for your support. we DEEPLY appreciate that
I'll go crazy if you dare play that agai
Whatever songs you play DO NOT play that horrible remix of I'll go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight like you did in Barcelona. Yikes that was horrible BTW.
Electrical Storm and Desire
These two need to stay in every set list! Please bring them to Chicago! :) A Sort of Homecoming and Bad would be nice too.
And what about...
I would love to hear Electrical Storm live. I'd also like to see Window In The Sky. And Pop still needs some love... Gone, Please, Staring At The Sun. And catch them all on video too!
Great song !!!
This song it is amazing ! First time and for the first time live. I will hope that the band also plays this song in Brazil, congratulations for the great show in Barcelona ! Cheers, Luiz.
Lets see colors that have never been see
LOVE Electrical Storm, please keep it in the setlist for the states....any of the following Chicago, Boston, NYC, Phoenix or LA....PLEASE! Kudos to mixing it up, can't wait for September!!!
Babak Fardin
Thank You
U2 has a large Iranian following and fan base. We appreciate your aknowledgement of the protestors in Iran. We love your music and hopefully someday you guys can play live in Tehran. A live concert in Tehran will be one for the ages and truly spectacular.
It's So Exciting!!
Electrical Storm!! What a Great Choice!! I love that song!! Keep it up!! Bring out some oldies but goldies!! Maybe "Wave of Sorrow" or Ground Beneath Her Feet" That would be wonderful!!
Have been at the first two shows. Musically the band performed much better the second night by their own high standards. For me there was something off with Electrical storm last night but over all a much more solid confident performance than the first night. One was a diseaster the first night and I thought the Bass was not coming through early on in the show. Great to see some new songs in. Think they should take out a few more of the regulars as they have a huge volume of great songs. Roll on Dublin !!
Electrical Storm
Watching and hearing that song played live before my very eyes was like a U2-dream come true! keep it in the setlist this tour :) so we can enjoy it a little more
Was listening to the live feed of Barcelona 2 with the link posted hear on the zoo...when I heard the opening notes of Electrical Storm I started to cry! Amazing...have been a fan since 1982 & they just keep an amazing me!
Not sure Breath is an opener....think bad would add a lot to the set.
What a Mix!
Indeed great to see Electical Storm finally getting a live airing...make sure ye do it in Dublin guys..doesnt matter which gig..I'm going to all of them anyway!!
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