The First Time

9 Jul 2010597
When was the first time you saw Larry, Edge, Adam and Bono play live ? How old were you ? Was it last year on the 360� Tour or was it in another millennium way back when ?

'A hot summer day in Paris at the Vincennes Hippodrome.' remembers Dom from France. 'I was 23 year old (and) when the band finally arrived, the sunset was behind the stage and I felt like in a dream. The first song they played was Exodus from Bob Marley...'

'I was a highschool senior,' says someone else. 'And still look back at this concert at the Rosemont Horizon as my greatest moment with U2.'

'On the Vertigo Tour in Brussels, Larry puts his drums right in front of me...'

'Yale University in New Haven: epic, unforgettable show with Bono climbing anywhere he could....'

You've been posting some extraordinary memories of the first time you saw the band play live - unforgettable nights on every tour they've ever played. And not just the show - sometimes unlikely encounters with the band.

'I was 11, I lived across the road from Croke Park. That evening (of the show) our street football match had play stopped by a white Mercedes and out of the car jumps Bono in a white suit. He said hello, gave my mum a hug, shook my hand, jumped back in the car.....'

What about you ? How did you end up at your first U2 show ? Does the venue still exist ? Who did you go with ? Was there a moment you'll never forget ? One of the band do something that's stuck in your mind? A song that changed everything?

Google your memories and tell us below about the first time you saw the band live. Don't forget to add in your name and city/country at the end of the post so we know where you're from.

(Incidentally, keep a copy of your post� once you've added it below. Then post it again in our� tour section - on the night and on the tour of the show you're writing about. If you've got a photo - the band, you and your mates, the ticket stub - the tour pages are where you can upload it. The more reviews you add, the more encyclopaedic an archive of the band's touring history we'll create. Thanks.)
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Oct 8th 1989
First seen these boys play on sunday the 8th of oct 1989,it was the second of a number of concerts in melbourne. It was a huge day for me,not just seeing these guys play live but realizing that i knew what i wanted to do with my life,play drums. Love there music and the way larry plays and after all these years it still brings me back to that moment. This tour will be the 6th time ive seen the boys and cant wait. These boys can change your life forever. Andy.Romsey vic Australia
Thursday 28th August 1997 - Pop Mart
I was 16 when i went to my first U2 concert on Thursday 28th August 1997 (Pop Mart tour) @ Leeds Roundhay Park, UK. I was so pleased that my mum finally allowed me to go and see them live (she said i wasn't old enough for the Zoo tv tour....grrr). But it was worth the wait! I lost my voice for two days after the concert......i know i lost it singing along to "Pride (in the name of love)"....i literally felt it go. One of the best moments of my life, and one i will never forget! My favourtite song of all me goosebumps everytime i hear it. So Pop Mart was the first U2 concert for me, but certainly not the last. I have seen them live 7 times so far....many more to come hopefully!
Back in the day ...!
Saw U2 for the first time in March 1983 on the war tour. I had heard New Years day for the first time earlier that year and I was hooked. When I got to see them at Birmingham Odeon they blew me away with there energy & power. Great album & a Great concert . And when I got to see them in Cardiff in 2009 the 360 tour was the best gig ever ....... Thanks lads ...
Back in the day ...!
Saw U2 for the first time in March 1983 on the war tour. I had heard New Years day for the first time earlier that year and I was hooked. When I got to see them at Birmingham Odeon they blew me away with there energy & power. Great album & a Great concert . And when I got to see them in Cardiff in 2009 the 360 tour was the best gig ever ....... Thanks lads ...
Brisbane under Australian Skys
just before the release of the Unforgettable Fire album, Bono with Mullet comes on stage with the boys and plays (at least) three songs of the new album, the audience went quiet... then into the familiar material and the place went off... i remember lots of leather pants... i snuck a camera in and have a role of film (remember that) of the show.. little did i know i'd still be going to see them 26 years later...
add to my other comment
also on my first trip to see u2 my sister was pregnant and when i still havnt found what im looking for come on and the whole crowed bellowed it out at the top of there voices my sister baby was going nuts inside her belly and now everytime i still havnt found what im looking for comes on the dvd she goes nuts and starts to try to dance :)
the first time my dad took me to say the band i am named after (joshua) after the joshua tree lol but the first time i ever saw the greatest band on earth was the 360 tour in wembley stadium on the 14/08/09 and i have been to many other concerts and not one of them was a patch on how good u2 were that night and i would give anything to see them again :)
the first time my dad took me to say the band i am named after (joshua) after the joshua tree lol but the first time i ever saw the greatest band on earth was the 360 tour in wembley stadium on the 14/08/09 and i have been to many other concerts and not one of them was a patch on how good u2 were that night and i would give anything to see them again :)
1984 in Hamburg
I saw them first in Hamburg. It was the Unforgettable Fire tour. The year before some friends presented me with WAR (vinyl). It was my 16th birthday. And since then I was a big fan. That time we had to send SAE's to the irish fan club to get more information and stuff. And it was the only way to get all lyric sheets. Today it's a lot easier. At that time I had to drive a hundred kilometres to visit a special record store that sold more U2 records. And I did it. I still have all the eighties stuff on vinyl...
Downstairs at The Baggot pub in Dublin
There were about 3 other people in the downstairs pub when the band took a break. I had no idea who they were, but the lead singer came up to me and said 'Hello, my name is Bono. I courtesously responded, 'Hello, my name is Linda'. My two other girlfriends suggested going to another pub as there was not enough 'action' going on, so we headed off into the summer evening. 1979 (approx)
1984 Aragon Ballroom (Chicago, IL)
I saw U2 for the first time at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago in 1984 (The Unforgettable Fire Tour). Needless to say, it was an incredible venue to see them play - my lasting memory, of course, was the band closing with "40" and the crowd singing in unison the verse "how long to sing this song" all the way out to the parking lot long after U2 had left the stage. I have only missed one tour since - Elevation in 2001.
Mexico City
... the first time that I saw the band it was in the POP Mart tour in Mexico city... I was in university. I remember that I sold my video cassete recorder (VHS) to complete the ticket =P ... was 24 years old...
War Tour North America 1983
Paramount Theater in Portland Oregon. May 24.Opened with Out Of Control and just took off from there. I was a young man at 13 years of age. Bono came out into the audience waving a giant white flag. Came right up to me and smiled then made a gesture to the big fellow next to me to get down on his knees. He then proceeded to get on his shoulders and was walked throughout the audience. I was right behind them and worked my way to the very front row. Show changed my life and I started focusing on music instead of athletics. One show, one moment completely changed the direction and course of my life forever. Greatest night of my life at that point. Been a huge fan ever since and have travelled the world to see them.
first memories of the greatest band EVER
I'm too young to have seen U2 many times. I was born the year Joshua Tree came out. The first recollection i have of U2 was listening to a CD my brothers friend had of the best of 1980-1990 it was a favourite of mine when i was 12. From then i always said if i could see any band live it would be U2. As i am from Tassie i had to wait until 2006 for that dream to come true and i went to Sydney and saw them once with a group of no o diehard fans. Then again the second night with my sister and lined up from the earl hours of the morning. The wait was worth while as it was the greatest night of my life...
1989 Auckland
To tell you the truth.. i couldnt remember what the year was.. had to look up a few other peoples comments.. but i do know it was the best concert I ever went to!!! I was up close and can see all the band on the stage.. Bono running back and forth.. BBKing the lovetrain tour it was.. That was A LONG time ago.. i went again to the Vertigo tour and loved it.. but i was so far away from the stage! Band looked like ants!.. WOw the band was fantastic though and the sound was incredible... I am so staying up on the night of presale tickets for the Nov 25 concert. Cant WAIT to see them again.
My First Time
I am a fan since 20 years ago, but my first time i saw U2 live in Berlin/Germany 18.07.2009. I love the voice of Bono. In Hannover/Germany 12.08.2010 i saw the band and my dream is see the band next year in chicago. Bono i am comming :-). Petra from Germany/Bremen
7th Oct 1989 - Melbourne
The Love Comes To Town tour at the National Tennis Centre (Rod Laver Arena) - Melbourne
October 1984
I was living in Rotterdam and decided in the afternoon of that same day I would like to see a concert. Just picked the one from which still tickets where available and so I ended up purchasing tickets at the front desk, walking inside and immediately U2 started playing..... Since then U2 is in my life! Last year (2009) I celebrated my 25 years with the band with attending the world tour openings concert in Nou Camp in Barcelona. In those 25 years I enjoyed many shows in Holland, Belgium, Germany, UK, France and Spain. Because of the special memories I have with many U2 songs I know they wrote the "soundtrack of my life....." CU in Brussel & Seville this year!!
Fox Theater, Detroit, December 08, 1984
A Brilliant, moving show! I was truly lucky to have front row seats, and I've seen every appearance in Michigan since then. The crowd in the balcony was out of control and may people thought it was going to collapse. The Waterboy's warmed up and were fantastic as well. The highlight for me was the crowd signing "40" in unison as we were walking out, may people still singing out onto Woodward Avenue.
Vertigo Nov 2006
My first show was in November 2006 on the Vertigo tour in Melbourne Aus. The second night in Melb was incredible, was completely surprised by The First Time and Bad being played including a Ruby Tuesday snippet in Bad. I remember tears rolling down my cheeks for more than half the show I was so glad to finally see U2 live after waiting years for the opportunity. A funny moment occured at the end when Edge thanked Sydney instead of Melbourne!
underage and blown away!
May 28.1981 The Metro In Boston I was 16 and LOVED the band already. My copy of BOY was worn down. I got in with my fake ID. and that was it. I never was the same after that night. I knew they would be big. Followed them up to Hampton Beach Club Casino the next day and watched the sound check. Been to numerous shows since. Luckily enough even got to meet them in 1984-. Backstage on the unforgettable fire tour at the Worcester Centrum. Love my boys! Got my husband and kids hooked too!
i seen u2 in leisureland Galway west of Ireland in 1981 and 1982 and got 3 out of the 4 to sign my ticket. i got the 4th signture in 2008 in london at the book signing and mr Mullen was very helpfull and also signed an rear record Dutch issue A DAY WITHOUT ME MICKEEMAC
entertainment centre perth
I don't remember the exact date (or even the year) but it was in the 80's I know that! Bono came out on stage and said "this is the first time in a long time we have played in front of a proper U2 audience" I think you guys where playing bigger gigs with other bands (like live aid etc) for some time, and this was your first concert playing soley for a U2 loving bunch of punters. Anyway thats all I remember other than it was a great show. Can't wait to see you guys again, back then I was under 20, now I am over 40 LOL
Logan Campbell Auckland
4000 fans crammed into a concrete bunker the perfect way to see U2 just after the release of War.
the most magnificent and unforgettable e
I saw the band for first time last year, october 9, Tampa. I'm from ecuador, but i asked my dad to take me to the concert in tampa as a birthday gift. and my wish became true! I was 15 years old, now i'm 16. and i've been a big fan of the band since i was 13. i really love them. Going to the concert was the greatest experience of my life. I just thank U2 for being what they are, I thank Bono for being the man he is, and I thank God for giving me the chance of going to that concert :)
Helsinki 1997
The first time I saw U2 playing was in Helsinki 1997. It was very difficult to get tickets and first I did not manage to get one - only when they start to sold some extra tickets. The show was fantastic and since then I started to wait the guys to come back to Finland. It took 13 years (!) and when I heard that U2 is coming back I did not hesitate to buy tickets to both shows in Helsinki. The concerts were a couple of nights ago and I am still in heaven. I hope that this time it does not take as long time to see U2 again in Finland.
First U2 gig
My first U2 gig was last Friday 20.8.2010 in my home town Helsinki. I've been a fan for 20 years, and the gig was a dream come true :)
A small concert hall in Melbourne, Australia! 1984 - the support was Matt Finish. As a young teenager, was unforgettable and started a life-long passion. Bring on 360 Tour Dec 2010!
Croke Park 1987
Growing un in Ireland I was exposed to U2 by my brother's and used to listen to Dave Fanning interview them every second week on the radio. My first concert was "The Joshua Tree" at Croke Park in 1987 when I was 14. Then it was "When love comes to town" with BB King in Sydney Australia. Zooropa would have to rate as one of the best concert's I have ever experienced from group or artist and I still play the DVD to remind myself of the feeling I experienced that night. Can't wait for 360 down under. Thank you U2.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The first time I ever noticed U2 was in 1982. I was only 13 years old. The band had just played an unforgettable concert on Orange Stage at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark. I turned on the television a Saturday afternoon and there they were singing New Years Day and Sunday Bloody Sunday - and I was in love. The music, the lyrics they just spoke to me, touched me in a very sincere way. My mom suffered from a serious depression, I was in my teens and the world as I knew it was in complete chaos. U2 was my refuge from a cruel world! Five years later I saw the band for the first time live in Orange Bowl Miami. I was an au-pair in Florida and I was very homesick, but I had U2. They reminded me of home, of the Old World, and when I saw them it was like a Sort of Homecoming. :-) Four years later, in 1991, I kissed my future husband for the first time to the song Party Girl. He - of course - has the same passion for the four irish lads as I have. :-) I had a chance to see U2 in 1997 in Copenhagen (Pop Mart Tour). But my biggest U2-moment was August 16th 2010 in Casa Arena in Horsens, Denmark! What a thrill, what a show, what a night! Everyone I meet - fan or just curiuos audience - who was there that night still talk about that magical night! You most certainly picked up several new fans those two unforgettable nights in Horsens, Denmark. Love always - Charlotte, a U2-fan of now 28 years and definitely still counting! :-)
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