Three Million And Counting

4 Feb 201429
Over 36 hours on Sunday and Monday, the 'Invisible' download raised more than $3million for (RED) to help fight AIDS.

Every time the new track was downloaded, Bank of America paid $1 to the Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria. The total sum raised was $3,138, 470 - far surpassing the original pledge of $2m.

And the amount is set to rise.  'Invisible' has now been made available to purchase on iTunes, where all proceeds from every download will also go to (RED) for the Global Fund.

The 60-second performance clip (below), which launched the song during the Super Bowl, is excerpted from the 'Invisible' video, directed by Mark Romanek (Never Let Me Go, One Hour Photo).

The full length video is coming later in the week...  we'll keep you posted.

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Thank you for this great song and contributed for this cause. Magnificent music and text as usual. I look forward to hearing the new album and finding the atmosphere of the tours. "Bravo et Merci" from France !
Now you see now you don't (fender35)
Amazing !! Looking forward to the new album
sounds like o.m.d.
not bad. like the song. sounds a little bit like o.m.d. now we need an album and a tour.
The drums...
Corus is great. Just do not like the drums. I want Larry instead of a drum computer!
The Meaning of...
Once again, another the great song with duplicitous nature (Aren't they all?). My brother and I are able to get together once a year for a week - and many a late night are spent discussing the nature of some U2 songs and what they mean to us. Love the background info on the early band for Invisible....supports my "duplicity" belief in so many U2 songs which takes the relevance of one to many. We're all struggling against the same things. U2 subtly brings this message home. Love you.
Fantastic song and touching chorus that makes me cry...! Just not happy with the syntetic drums, hope that the album version (vs RED edit) will include Larrys real drum sounds, at least during the chorus. Please more of these songs and put out the album soon...!
Kick ass chorus!
This song has a kick ass chorus. The band sounds great...especially Edge's guitar solo. Bono's voice sounds better on this track than it did on NLOTH. If this is a preview of the new album, then I am excited for sure! Thanks boys for a great single!
help out and get a song like this? no words can describe it. Thank you guys for really do something about our current world issues and thank you once more to continue rocking the only way you know how to rock!
I don't see you, but I will :-)
well I hope at least for the new album soon and a new tour 2014 of course. listening to U2 for over 20 years now and visiting each tour at least once since ZOO TV... and so now "Invisible" a great tune sound fresh and full of U2 spirit at the same time... and making me smile every time I listen to it... what more could you expect? thanks guys.
Well done, guys!
I'm proud of you endlessly. Thanks a lot for all this action. It's really just a great thing you've done. What a breathtaking act! You encourage me to try my best in my life.
I am not invisible I am here.....
The Spirit is in the house. An absolutely magnificent return to form, as an intro to the new record so much better than GOYB.
Awesome !!!
I´m so excited and I´m Proud !!!!....I feel good having been part the great persons over 3 million downloads.Is a pleasure to help and share love,time, you givin us a great songs and life....;D
I agree
I agree with sazshackle, I also bought this fab song from iTunes.
No words!!!!!
This song tops everything before..... I listen the song every second,,,,,, but it's time to smash out the Album!!!! U2 is relevant 4=ever
buy it!
I know we were given it, but i felt i needed to buy it too, the cause is huge and everyone who downloaded should buy it too. The difference it can make will be massive.
! :-)
This is the best U2 song I've heard since a long time, thank you guys! To me, this just sounds like nothing that was done before, even with the heartbeat of a beautiful day.
So good to have the boys back in action
So U2 yet modern and mesmerizing, haunting track that stays with you all day. Keep making beautiful music and walking the talk.
Amazing song, but i think we all miss larry's drums. Flood was there in the 90's, I really think Tchad Blake would do an awesome job on the mixes... After all he did The Black Keys and most recently Artic Monkeys. Tom Elmhirst is good, but the drums sell nowadays... Tchad would be the man... if it's not too late. Anyway, good work guys!!!
Just twice
Thanks for the free version. By downloading I'm glad to help in this little way. Now to put my money where my big mouth is. I'm going to pay to download it again.......just twice.
Matt Wund
The boys are on a roll!!!
Outstanding Ordinary Love followed up by amazing Invisible! Can't wait for the new album!!!
Fantastic Effort...
I hope Bono is really happy with this result...I would like to share an idea with him when he comes to Australia next which would fairly much raise another $2 Million for Red, I wonder if he ever reads our posts mmm
Not able to download in Iceland :(
Dissapointed because of iTunes
This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo brilliant!!!!! I´m so proud, to be a Fan! Yes! Our heroes are the greatest!
Well Done U2!
Hi U2, great song and a worthy cause you deserve only success!
Thanks to you!
One more time my musical Gods show us how wonderful they are. So happy for having contributed with this, a great cause, a great song. Can't wait for the video and the album. Thanks U2!
You don't see me...
...but I was one of the 3M and I'm not invisible. They're right! NO THEM,,,,ONLY US!
C O N G R A T S Warm song Warm action Let's all W A L K O N to make this world with O N E mankind a better place.
There is no them, there is only us
I´m so proud to be part of it! Thank you, guys. Love from Brazil
I feel so good having been part of these over 3 million downloads, how nice to help those in need! I think this will be the most "U2" clip of their career! You know, the mood of the video is the soul of the band more than any other video.
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