U2 Will Headline Friday Night Glasto

23 Feb 201135

'We're so excited to get to play in front of the world's greatest festival audience.'

At a ceremony in London tonight, Edge presented the 'Best Festival' award by video to Michael and Emily Eavis of The Glastonbury Festival - and confirmed that U2 would play the festival this summer.

''It's more a way of life than a festival.' he said, describing the great time he had visiting the Festival last year, guesting on stage with Muse.

'We're all looking forward to coming back to pick up where I left off, U2 will be playing June 24th...we'll see you there.'
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U2 get the Elbow!
Elbow will play the set before U2 at Glastonbury maybe it would be a good duet Bono and Guy??
me thinks they should do the 7 straight songs from Actung like Zoo TV
wish I could be there
I agree with jon812, although I will not be at this festival, the raw,real U2 is the BEST! I would love to see 40 when I see them here in Denver. BTW guys (U2) please don't let Kanye West perform with you, he's a douche.
It would be epic!!
soo maybe u could invite muse this time!! :) glatonbury 2011 would be epic!!
Strip It Down
U2 at Glasto.. Brilliant. No Claw, No stupid, I'll go Crazy tonight Remixes. Just lets hear U2. Lets av a bit of Bullet and Exit....along with an opening of No Line and finsh pleses for GODS sake with 40. There are alot of people out there who hate U2 and think they are over Hyped....well their gonna be stuck in a field so lets show em how spine tingling it can be. Its now down to you boys.
Spartan Stadium after glasto!
I hope their sure to be amazing show carries onto my show in michigan!
The best festival in the world and the b
This will be a great show. Hope the band have time to look around site as its much more than music-a unique experience. Hopefully ONE will be recruiting at the event. It will be my 26th Glastonbury Cannot wait!
Hello there, I just got into Glasto web and found out that U2 will be there on Friday! Wow! What a great opportunity to see a live! I'm greatly appreciated to U2 that support our cause of freedom in Burma and sang a sound for it! Now I will very much looking forward to see a live at Glasto! Wonderful news! Honored to invite U2 and their fan to come and visit our stall called, The Little Burmese Teashop which campaign stall in Green Future Field near Green Peace and have a Free Burmese authentic green tea, explored about burma and join Free Burma campaign Respects Ko Aung
good news
so sad tickets are sold out :(
Just come Down Under ASAP, Especially Sydney!
Awesome night's coming!
YEAHHHHH! it will be sooo cooool!!!!!
nice concerts!
nice concerts, so funny to know you're shows are full and with little help of equipment you can make a great show. You're the best artists there are! But I like to hear U2 play unplugged again, I listen many times to these unplugged songs, I play the acoustic guitar many times for over two years now and I can tell you it sounds very good! I already tried playing for an audience of my school and they loved it, it takes much concentration to do it all by yourself but I am gonna master all your songs.... Like to hear from you when you are local again :) greetings
Electric Co. Play Glastonbury at last
Great this will be better than Wembley, more atmosphere and a better sound, will also be televised. I will be there singing along. May even hear some old songs. Without the claw the focus will be entirely on the band which is better!
the jay
cant wait!!!
u2 will be right up for this after missing last year.i just hope they play a great setlist which includes-streets-bad-sunday bloody sunday and bullet the blue.also with coldplay playing u2 will know they have to be at there best to remain best band in the world.its a double for me as coldplay are my second fav band but u2 better elclipse them big time or am gona be very diisapointed.c'mon boys.....
U2 <3 Glasto
wwoooohoooo oooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So happy
U2 + GLASTO = rock and roll = a great night of great music...i hope the band will give us a special, beautiful and "hard" set list for a special, beautidul and "hard" night!
So cool that U2 headline the Friday @Glasto, but so very gutted i can't go and dont have a ticket. The Tv will be turned up very LOUD for this performance.
play the full-on up-beat rock songs and it will be a night to remember for everyone. MOS needs to be pulled along with in a little while.
thats great news !!!
its great for U2,because i know Bono was gutted they cudnt do it blessss him. Edge was brilliant with Muse it was great to see them together,coz im a Muse fan also,i just watched on tv because i have big back and sciatica probs, i stil,l have so i dont think i will make the festival,but i would love to be there with U2,i will still get chance though to watch on tv so it be great to see the lads there, and i love all of U2 especially my guitar hero THE EDGE xxxx
u2 in glasto
fantastic!but i have no tickets,they sold out on october,it's a pity.I coul come to Bristol by plane from Italy.In the last months i saw u2 5 times in Barca,Milan 1 and Milan 2, Turin and Rome. Will they makes other european concert after the 30 of July as the amercian leg is ended?London?Dublin?Paris?Berlin?Ihope so and maybe someone cancelled and i get ticket for this year.........LET ME IN THE SOUND AND ROCK ON Frank Buzz from Italy
Yeah that's a thought. What about playing other major festivals over the next year or two to remind people what a fantastic live act U2 are. All the best for Glastonbury. Give them something to remember.
Roskilde 2012?
Great - starting playing festivals again. Roskilde Festival, Denmark in 2012? Then it will be 30 years since you played it last, so must be about time you came back. The dates of the festival are 5 -8 July 2012:-)
U2 @ Glasto
I've been to 3 festivals and have always dream't of seeing U2 there. I remember seeing Paul McCartney in 04 and he did Helter Skelter. Brought me straight back to Rattle & Hum. My partner is from Glastonbury and we are going back for the festival from OZ with our 3 month old baby! That will be something to tell it when it's older!!
YES They CAN ! ! !
Thats F* GOOD News ; ) And What About A Final U2360 EUROPEAN Leg next Autumn ? ? ?
The wait is finally over......
The news we have been waiting for AT LAST!!! I can seriously start looking for the Glasto wellies now!! Can't wait to see you guys on that stage :-)
Yesssss it was worth all the effort of getting the tickets! Can't wait to see the boys on the Pyramid stage. See you there, feel sorry for all the bands that have to follow...
Zoo Camp 2011 will be in attendance ;D Can't wait, so happy i got a ticket, Last year was my first time at the festival and it was an amazing time.
Gosh...i really like this guy...Edge, my guitar hero, can't wait to see u guys on April!
Yes, Yes and triple yes!!!
I'm so excited for it to happen, It's goner be really special.
Edge, would you please send me 2u-tickets for this Fest. Thanks.
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