U22 'Miss Sarajevo...'

9 Dec 201128
'Miss Sarajevo' is one of 46 tracks our U2.com subscribers are voting on to create 'U22'.

Take a listen. Would it make your final 22?

Subscribe to U2.com, tune in to the other 45 tracks, cast your vote for your own 22. (Then get the limited-edition double-CD).

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This is one of the most amazing songs from U2. I definitely vote for this to be in U22
Miss Sarajevo
Bravo! Belíssimo!
I love it!
good song but... not my favorite
There really not a bad song from this band but there are better ones then this one.
Miss Sarajevo
Should without a doubt be in the album
Miss Sarajevo
Very great. Perfect Italian.....from a master like Luciano Pavarotti.....
Miss Sarajevo
Definately should be on rack since it's one of the greates songs I've ever heard what is more it has got plenty of stories behind those two title words. Peace, Damian!
No hay palabras en el mundo que lo puedan describir.
Ring of Fire
How about including U-2's rendition of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire? Haven't heard it for years.
I want 40......Please!!!!!
Are you sure....
....that Luciano didn't come From The Sky Down to sing it? Wonderful job, Bono, your father was the reason the opera is in you and he made a very good work. I liked the way you called for Alicia Pavarotti in Rome during this song.
Que sean 4 Cds por favor!!!
Este TOUR 360 fué memorable. Yo tuve la oportunidad de verlo 2 veces, la primera en norteamerica en el 2009 y la segunda en sudamerica en el 2011...ambas excelentes y con diferentes canciones. No sean tacaños y pongan todas las canciones tocadas...este tour que ha batido todos los records se lo merece!!!
Como conseguir el U22
Hola, necesito saber si el U22 solo lo podran conseguir los fans subcritos a la pagina o va ser vendido comercialmente, gracias....
Just make it 46
Do a 46 song album. Problem solved. But since this is the real world, please, put some of these rare cuts on there. Like mentioned by others, we want the songs that haven't been played in years and won't be played again.
miss sarajevo
come il fiume.....come il fiume l'amore giungera....l'amoor
YES it makes the 22
...I struggled with picking 22 to begin with so I've no idea where my pics started and ended, but this really should be among.
Come on folks, vote it up!
bacadorina is spot on, who really needs another live version of the singles? Let's get the really exceptional and rare tracks from the tour on the CD - like this one!.
L'amore giungera'
This song MUST be on the U22 double CD, unfortunately it woun't happen because there are people who still need another version of I Still Haven't Found..........
4 cd's!
Come on U2.com. You know damn well this great song is not going to make the cut. Love the sleeve for the collection, but I can definitely se PLENTY of room for the other 2 discs that belong in this collection. Come on guys. Make us all happy....
W O W #2
....The Male of Voices.... ...The Heart of Hearts.... How could THIS not make it into the final cut? Really... Love! :)
miss sarajevo
my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I voted for this song and I hope it makes the cut!!!
This sounds wonderful. I was lucky to this song performed in Miami. I really hope it makes the CD, but I feel like it won't. :(
Muy bonita!!!!!!
i can not wait for this stufff;, amazing box
Miss and Mr. Sarajevo...................
can`t wait till christmas-eva................. ligt-up your cristmas-tree u2-famaly! love and light: Detlev Lassche.
It will not make the cut
I cannot see this song will make the cut. First we have to get loose of With or Without you, One and all the other songs we already have a dozen of times. Vote: Your blue room, Stingray, Scarlet, Zooropa, Electrical storm.
E come il fiume
This part of Miss Sarajevo sounds amazing. When Bono sings this incredibly long and high note during his wonderful opera solo he reveals his innermost emotions. I voted for Miss Sarajevo, so I hope that it will be on the cd.
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