Walk In Adam's Shoes

13 Apr 201222
'Suicide takes the lives of more young men in Ireland than road accidents.'

Join Adam for Walk in My Shoes day on April 26th and support mental health services for young adults in Ireland.  Find out how you can get involved.

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walked and prayed
i walked and prayed today in the shoes i took my final fransican vows in...shoes only worn for special occasions...i walked from 11 11 am to 7 11 pm and prayed for everything you can think of...singing u2 songs of hope...i started to rain during walk on and it felt good and then the sun came out at the lyrics leave it behind..it was a special moment...this walk was a special day...hope for all shattered dreams worldwide
Mental Health and suicide seems to be a topic that people don't want to talk. Yet I thinki many of us have some story relating to either of these very important issues. I call on U2 fans to support Adam and the Walk In My Shoes day on April 26th. Let's take that passion we have for our beloved U2 and make a difference in an amazing campaign.
Thanks for your commitment
It is always very sad when promising young lives get lost due to suicide. Some personal tragedies, loss and despair can lead to a depression where some people do not see any way out anymore. This is a disease that needs some professional treatment. It is great that Adam raises so much awareness to a serious cause that can concern everybody.
A Dark Road
Adam, this issue is, in my opinion, the greatest kept secret. Until people feel they can begin to speak freely about it, it will continue to be a 'taboo' subject. My husband committed suicide May 2009. They go down a very dark path, and unfortunately they feel they cannot come out of it. I applaude this effort and your support behind it. It happens far too often (more then we know as I quickly found out when I joined a support group). Good luck...
Thank you for raising this issue. Mental illness is still a very big taboo and needs to be more in the open. It is devastating to those who suffer and also for those who care for someone suffering with a mental health problem.
Good for you, Adam!!
Thank you, thank you for doing this. As one who has lost people I've known to suicide, and as one who has come awfully close to the brink myself, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to speak about about this issue.
A Dark Road
Adam, this issue is, in my opinion, the greatest kept secret. Until people feel they can begin to speak freely about it, it will continue to be a 'taboo' subject. My husband committed suicide May 2009. They go down a very dark path, and unfortunately they feel they cannot come out of it. I applaude this effort and your support behind it. It happens far too often (more then we know as I quickly found out when I joined a support group). Good luck...
Adam God bless you
Adam!!! Thank you very much for being so generous and kind !!!
I wish I could be there to walk for my sister I am so proud of Adam for coming forth and raising awareness
Thank you Adam...
for bringing this issue into the limelight. Depression is a disease just like, say, diabetes is a disease, but because you can't x-ray it or see it in a microscope people too often misunderstand it. In fact it is not just a disease but a potentially deadly one not just in Ireland but here and all over, and it's claimed at least one of my family members. So thank you for doing this and giving me yet another reason to love U2!
For my friend Anna O'toole
Thank you Adam, my friend Anna from Malahide has made a few heart wrenching calls to me about the loss of very good men in Ireland taking thier own lives. All I could say is "I am sorry Love". You have given me the words to share with her to console her and bring her some relief in times of trouble that surpass an offer of a cup of tea. Your lifes work continues to add layers upon layers giving us all comfort in times of sadness. Thank you....Grace
Thanks for caring
Hopefully millions would follow your example. If in Ireland the rate is high, imagine in places like third world countries in America?
From One Who Has Been There
I applaud you for your passion on this issue. The numbers for Ireland are indeed staggering, but it affects a lot of people elsewhere too. Last year, right before the concert in Denver, I had the pleasant surprise of seeing you, Larry, and Paul McGuinness go by in your vehicles, then meeting Bono and Edge. The moment Bono looked at me (and answered me), my mind flashed back to one harrowing morning in 2006 when I was walking across a bridge. It was the day I declared bankruptcy, one final admission of failure in a string of "tests". Thankfully, something told me I could survive, even though it meant facing years of hardship. The bankruptcy was finally discharged on May 4, right before I went to Denver. Now what if I chose to jump?? Think of the blessing I would have missed! That day on the bridge was not the first time. I have been dealing with depression on and off since I was a young teen. I begged for help at that age but no one would take me seriously. I am now 45 and have had time to figure a lot of things out. I also advocate on behalf of people suffering from this problem. We need to raise awareness, and people need to understand that there is ALWAYS hope. Thanks again!
With a little help fom....Adam Clayton
Good for you and for people thats need it!!
Cool and fun initiative Adam!
Thanks for caring, it is so nice
Thank you Adam!
As a psychiatrist in the USA, I'm very appreciative that you have given your support to this important cause. Whether it's Ireland, America, or anywhere else in the world, too many people with mental illness are suffering (and sadly dying) due to limited and delayed access to treatment. Thank you!!!
To cause a stir !
Good idea, Adam ! Thank you a lot. I work with young people with a mental healt, it's very difficult... because of society ! and people in general : they couldn't care less. Why ???? The situation can to arrive everybody...
Suicide doesnt have to be final answer t
As sum1 who once went down that road, i can relate completely and have tried reaching ppl where i knew they wanted to take their life. A close and personal friend still thanks me for being there for him last december to give him the support he so needed , as not to follow through. Anything I can do within my power to support and prevent another life lost, I will do. Thank you for speaking out and going extra step Adam, for those that have given up and need you and everyone willing to be there. Sadly, society seems to have gotten so self involved, less ppl are steppin up. Good to see you using your voice and getting more of us involved . God will bless u and ur family for it, and ur already blessing so many other ppls. Well done my special friend!!! With Great Apprecaition Alta
i will be doing many prayer walks
i have been doing and will continue long four hour prayer walks for all things especially for the poor and those in great despair and for the suicidal
All I Want Is You 2
Walk In My Shoes
Very well done Adam. Cheers to you!
love you adam u2
thanks for this adam..we never forget you..simply perfect bass guitar..portugal loves u2 thanks adam
Thank you Adam for raising awareness of mental health issues and challenging the taboo of suicide. Sadly, my 22 year old cousin committed suicide in 2008 and his loss is just a great tragedy to us all! I know as a family we have never really felt comfortable discussing his death. Even more frightening is the statistic that 1 in 4 people at some point in their life will suffer with a mental health issue. Adam, Thank you!
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