'We Want To Be In The Band...'

19 Oct 201116
'We've tried this going to college thing and this going to work thing... and we want to be in the band.'

To mark the 20th anniversary edition of Achtung Baby at the end of the month, check out another clip from Davis Guggenheim's From The Sky Down.

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Please dont stop
Keep being a band! You have so much to give:)
Strange at first...
At the time I wasn´t really a fan and felt that "Achtung Baby" was a very odd thing to hear. A couple of months earlier, Van Halen had relased "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" and I was more in tune with that kind of music. I had a friend that kept playing tracks like "One" and "Zoo Station" all the time and when "Zooropa" came I thought it was a quite interesting. The title track still is my favorite as it reminds me a bit of space/progressive rock.
The Best Album Ever!!! Tks U2!! =)
My first CD and back then I didn't even had a CD player. I discovered this album at a friend`s and... man, it´s been 20 years now. Just thanks
my favorite album!
This album was such a radical change from Joshua Tree and I didn't understand what they were doing when I first listened to it. It was only after playing it 15-20 times did I begin to get it. The music videos helped, but seeing them live at ZOO TV was what did it. You see them play it live. And for me, what really did it was that I was young-- 21--and that is usually the best time to discover that one album. You're young and it stays with your for the rest of your life. I can't believe it's been 20 years since I first put that CD into the deck in my crappy little car and got swallowed up by its dark, spacey layers. Man. It feels like a lifetime.
God knew
God did a wonderful job with these four guys and stop them to take the easy way (college and work) to bring to the world so much joy, love and amazing songs!!We really need U2!!!!Love you forever!!
thank the stars
We´ve got thank our luck stars that U2 decided to do their band thing and got back together after a period of doubt. Doubts are sooo goooood. Bless you U2. Love you all always.
A request message to go on from the bott
Hey guys, please continue in the band. Take a rest, stay with your family and close friends, do wherever you want to do, but, keep going with U2 in the next years. We love you all!!!
Good Fortune
What good fortune to have been alive during this era to fully appreciate U2 in our world! I met a much younger fan this summer who only wished she had been born earlier:(
4 irish boys
the best band all time,,4 irish boys change the world of music,,thanks bono,edge,larry,adam too stay together this all years,,we never 4 get you,,,u2 loves from portugal
They were ahead of their time even then....
From the sky....
i love a lot the part in which One comes out as first time in the music sessions, so emotional and touching in the documentary!
Achtung Adam!
It is great to hear Adam talk about the bandmember;s activities such as college and jobs after they had left school. His explanations about how everyone came back to be in a real band are quite insightful. Luckily Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam concentrated on their amazing musical talent!
Thank God
College isn't for everyone. Thank God they decided to stay with the band-thing. That was their destiny. Love you guys forever.
It is clear!
These pics are really funny! :)
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