'What are the odds?'

11 Feb 2010138
David O'Reilly, the award-winning director behind U2's 'Crazy' video, was getting ready to leave his flight in LA from Germany a couple of weeks back, when what should start playing on the in-flight screens but... his video for 'Crazy'.

David tweeted about it and added this shot. 'That was nuts,' he told us. 'It was pretty much the landing song,'What are the odds!?'

And that got us thinking: have you had a freakily coincidental U2 moment ?

Not with a U2 video you've directed being shown on your flight as that would restrict the field of entrants. In fact it doesn't need to include a flight at all. Or a video.

We're looking for your U2 anecdotes that stretch the bounds of possibility - a moment when U2 intersected your daily routine with just a hint of spookiness.

Well, anyway, you get the idea. Tell us about it below.
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U2 360
Last spring, when U2 announced the tour dates for the 360 tour, I found that the tour had passed over my home city (Denver). I desperately wanted to go, but since the tour wouldn't come to America until the fall, right about when I would start college, I reasoned that I wouldn't be able to go. I thought about flying to a city for a weekend, but could not find anybody who would want to go with me. Over the summer, while I was on vacation I kept feeling sorry about the fact that I couldn't go to the tour. One day during my vacation, everywhere I looked I would see something U2 (whether a previous tour shirt, Bono making a guest appearance on TV, a documentary about U2 on TV, or a U2 song on the radio)...It was driving me nuts! The next day, one of my college friends called me up and said we had a fall break following the weekend concert in Norman Oklahoma...next thing I knew I was partying it up in Norman!
Bono, from a car
I was in this dark corner, with an ex-girlfriend, talking about why did we broke up. She was a U2 fan too, and their music had been part of our history. When we decided to kiss, a car passed by, with the windows down, playing New Years Day, in the precise moment when bono sings "I´ll be with you again", really oul loud. In a movie that would be the perfect kiss, but it was so odd that we had to stop the kissing to believe it.
coming back from a U2 concert
Just walked to my wifes stupid car from the Hampden 360 gig hoping to listen to some u2 but the stupid CD player has a mind of its own so i thought may as well listen to the radio and surprise surprise U2 was on playing Beautiful day and as a bonus it was U2 night so all the way home ( lost) I heard the best songs ever. :)
When I was driving to buy an engagement ring for my (now) wife, I was playing Zooropa. Wouldn't you know it, when "Lemon" came on, I drove by a used car sales lot named "[so-and-so's] Lemons." Naturally, their sign was the shape of a giant Lemon.
Beautiful Day
I was on vacation in LA before leaving the country to spend a couple years in some very remote parts of South America. I was leaving the Hollywood Hard Rock Cafe at the exact time they debuted the Beautiful Day music video on the mammoth screen in the plaza....simply amazing.
tickets miracle
when U2 came to mexico in 2006 I was devastated I couldn't get tickets...about a month later..when I had already lost hope, I was checking ticketmaster for concerts and stuff, and I did it right when they decided to release about 60 more tickets for each show...they were sold in no time, and I'm happy to say I was one of the buyers
What Are The Odds?
Driving to the Super Bowl party at a friend's house, rooting for the Saints of course with the iPod set on random the live version of U2/Green Day's version of "The Saints Are Coming" came on. It was destiny for the Saints to win !
Roy McBride
Beautiful Day
Our first child was being born, in a private ward, and the labour was fairly lenghty. The attending nurses put on a radio in the background. It was still on during the birthing process, and just as my son was born, on comes "Beautiful Day" Every time I hear the song I'm brought back to that moment.
Going to Dublin!
Back in '93, my best friend and I regisitered to win a trip to see U2 in Dublin. After we registered, we were out one day and heard some music. I started singing along with it. She looked at me and ask how I knew the song. I had no idea since it was a country song and I don't listen to country music. Later that day we realized that it was the song that Larry sings while playing pool in "Outside, it's America" and that was the only place I had heard it. We decided that the song was a "sign". The next day we found out we had won and were going to Dublin! And an amazing trip it was!
iPod Mind Control
This may sound crazy but I can think of a U2 song on my iPod and most of the time it will be the next song to play. This is with what is usually a 400/1 chance on the mix I'm listening to. It's happened many times.
On a pack of coffee.
On our coffeebrand stands a code. And that codes look like this M3 or A6. And one day I saw on a pack of coffee that my parents had bought the code U2. I still got it somewhere to show people who don't believe me.
This isn't really that spooky but last summer, I was watching the Zoo TV DVD and Lemon was playing. It was the part where Bono sings, "Midnight is where the day begins" and I looked down at the clock and it just happened to be midnight.
Pride (In The Name Of The Eagle)
I work at American Eagle Outfitters and Pride seems to be on the new CD we play there. Last Saturday I popped into the store to get my schedule, and what should be playing but U2. I found this quite the coincidence as the CDs at work are 3+ hours in length and I had no idea we had a new CD or that the biys were on it.
Just sliding between the sheets and... Edge's Tweet of a sea of fans popped up.... Sweet Dreams : ).
Get on your boots!!!
My friend keeps telling me that basically every time he mentions my name in the car, "Get on your boots" comes on the radio immediately after he's finished mentioning my name :L He's said it's happened a few times even in different cars and he knows how big a fan of U2 I am!... Spooky Stuff
U2 super power
I have an inate ability to sense when a U2 is on another radio station or when I should turn the radio on.
Joshua Tree
I was named Joshua, after a place my parents ate once called "The Joshua Tree" (later, of course, the the title of one of my favorite albums). One day, more than a decade ago, when I was driving to work, listen to that above mentioned album, a huge tree fell on my car. Thankfully, I was okay, and my car was barely scratched. I did have a moment where I thought, "What a fitting end; to die while listening to an album that was the same title of a place I was named after." Circle of life. . .
' sky's light ' at the supermarket
Yes, i have an anecdote. I was in the supermarket, to do the shopping when suddenly aired ' Window in the skies'. Joyfull moment in the sound!
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