'You could meet girls...'

26 Feb 201020

'So I bought a £5 acoustic guitar from a junk-shop down Dublin quays and I started learning chords and collecting songs. There was a guy in school who had a bit of a band going. He had an electric guitar and the school gave him a room to practise in; there was a bass player and a drummer and the sound was amazing to me. I just loved it.

I don't know what it was like objectively, four teenage schoolkids struggling to play a song, probably, but the sound of drums and guitar and bass felt primal to me. I started to see that not only did this make me feel good but you got a bit of attention if you did it, too. You could meet girls and these people were considered cool. I suppose that was when I really made my decision that this was what I wanted to do....'

Read the rest of this excerpt from 'U2 by U2'from 'U2 by U2'.
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hair and guitar
love the hair! ya ur first serious guitar is the best! even if its 5 poundage.
Hi Adam
Hi Adam, I'm Heidi and I have been a fan forever it seems. I have never been able to find out when your birthday was and I felt bad about that because I was able to wish Bono and Larry one but not you and the Edge. So Happy Late Birthdays for all the ones I missed. I also wanted to tell you that I pray for all of you when you tour and for your families when you are away. When I was younger, I had a knee surgery, I came home from the hospital a few days later and my roommate had gotten me a U2 poster and she REALLY was NOT a fan. But I started crying because it meant alot. Later on, she became a fan and saw you in concert. I just wanted to also let you know that I have been praying for the entire band with Bono's injury because I know how hard it is to watch someone go through something and the illness or injury has effects that send ripples out to others. I have epilepsy and it affects my family too. It's hard on them. I hope you are well and I wanted to tell you that I pray for all of you. Heidi A. Dietrich Everett, Ma
I would LOVE to meet you!!
Music defines my life and your amazing music only makes me appreciate the songs that U2 have created through out the years. Much love and sucess in your future, sms
Happy birthday Adam!
I'm 1 day late, but happy 50th birthday Adam and all the best!
Happy birthday adam!! 50 years and you're never looked younger :)
where inention goes energy flows
thanks for so many joyous moments,i hope you have a few yourself today.
.. its was cool and ya got to meet girls....the two best reason any boy wants to be in a rock band.!
The soul man
Loved this book!!! You graciously left your signature on my book last March in NYC after the Letterman Show...thank you thank you for buying that guitar!!!
U2 Chili need youy help!!
U2, Please don´t leave alone to Chili!!! We need your help! a big Chilean Fans
The ABSOLUTE balance
Adam is the balance of the band - the controller who really decides when its time to crank it up. A master of his art!!
Adam was destined to be cool
...finding that guitar just sort of helped things along.
..rocked the fro..
Bass is a rare sound felt physically
Elegant Adam....
What a metamorphosis Adam has gone through over the years, it has been enjoyable to see & Adam’s personal style is one for the books. His elegance on stage wielding his bass guitar must be fully witnessed in person, and yes, thank God for that junk shop !!! J & M & L (Adam's girls)
We should all be so lucky to find what we are meant for!
Adam - The Heart of U2
Thanks for being the steady beat behind U2, Adam. If it weren't for your commitment that "this was what [you] wanted to do", we would have all missed out on the greatest band of all time!! Rock on, U2!! - Sue
Carry Each Other
U2 by U2 rocks!
This is just one of the many interesting bits from the book. It's my favorite U2 book. Also, it's now available in paperback form.
Thank God it happened! The world wasn't the same without U2 :)
Thank god
Oh thank god he found that junk shop
So glad it happened. I spend my time at U2 shows watching the zen master bass player Adam. The most perfect blend of warm and rich sounding bass guitar I've ever heard. Every time I hear U2, I hear Adam and it's all good !
it's very interesting
i have the same problems with my band, and all of that we were done in one of the our university's room!
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