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News - Hearts + Minds

04 April, 2002
Original art work miniatures by Bono, Gavin Friday and others will be auctioned for charity in Dublin next Wednesday.
26 March, 2002
Tony Blair, Prince Charles and Norman Askew are about to receive a special delivery. Times a million.

Norman Who ? ...
20 March, 2002
Professor Jeffrey Sachs travelled to Malawi with Bono and writes in The Boston Globe on how AIDS Is Overwhelming Africa. ...
15 March, 2002
The world's poorest countries have received a double boost with President Bush unveiling a $5bn aid package and the European ...
13 March, 2002
Bono was in New York at the weekend, at a dinner hosted by former President of the Russian Federation Mikhail Gorbachev.
04 March, 2002
Fresh from the Grammy Awards, Bono dropped into Washington on Friday to Meet with U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.
06 February, 2002
They didn't want Bono on The Oprah Winfrey Show talking about debt relief, writes Jennifer Barrett of Newsweek.
05 February, 2002
Every year one world personality has stood out at the World Economic Forum, writes Conor O'Clery of The Irish Times.
04 February, 2002
Bono took part in a debate on foreign aid at New York's World Economic Forum this weekend.
04 February, 2002
Bill Gates and Bono revealed details of the DATA agenda for Africa at the World Economic Forum on Saturday.
14 January, 2002
Bono is travelling to Africa with long-time fellow debt campaigner Jeffrey Sachs to address members of the Southern African Development Community.
03 January, 2002
CNN interviewed Bono in London, as the Debt Cancellation campaign turns the focus on health in the poorest countries.
24 December, 2001
Blueprint for Poorest Countries launched by World Health Organisation.

The richest countries must spend an additional $38 billion a year on ...
17 December, 2001
Bono talks to Robert Hilburn of the LA Times on the renewed hunger for rock'n roll and U2's response to September 11.
17 December, 2001
A U2 Elevation 2001 T-Shirt, signed by the band, is raising funds for the VH1 Save The Music Foundation.

The black, ...
14 December, 2001
With a new volume of great songs just released, the Very Special Christmas site is hosting video of U2 playing ...
10 December, 2001
In the second part of Edna Gundersen's USA Today interview, Bono discusses DATA - Debt, Aid and Trade.

With or without ...
06 December, 2001
Bono, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George Bush are winners of "European of the Year" awards.
28 November, 2001
'Just a big installation' is how visual artist Catherine Owens describes her work with U2, writes Deirdre Mulrooney.
19 November, 2001
Music has been a lifeline for people since September 11th, says Bono in Rolling Stone, which nominates him as one of its People of the Year.
16 November, 2001
U2's latest single Walk On, dedicated to Burmese peace campaigner Aung San Suu Kyi, comes days ahead of the tenth ...
09 November, 2001
U2's performance of Walk On will feature in the all-star CD and DVD release of Tribute To Heroes...
08 November, 2001
Why was Bono meeting the Algerian President and the Ivory Coast's Prime Minister? Timothy Gardner of Reuters explains.
06 November, 2001
Global debt cancellation was on the agenda when Bono dropped by on a meeting of African leaders at the weekend.
31 October, 2001
Bono was a surprise guest at the second New York Against Violence benefit concert.