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News - Hearts + Minds

09 March, 2005
You can now catch video of Bono's acceptance speech for this years TED prize.
28 February, 2005
Three wishes for Bono, a winner of this years TED prize.
22 February, 2005
With President Bush in Europe, Bono writes in the New York Times that
Europe and the US can create a breakthrough for Africa.
04 January, 2005
Bono and Bill Gates of Microsoft argue for a better deal for the poor of the world in 2005.
04 January, 2005
U2 fans have helped deliver fourteen wells in Africa, providing water for up to 20,000 people.

The African Well Fund was ...
08 December, 2004
Bono is to be guest editor of the UK's most influential political radio programme later this month.

He will take over ...
02 November, 2004
Twenty years on, Live Aid is finally released on DVD - catch U2's spine-tingling set in our video clip.

Staged simultaneously ...
02 November, 2004
Twenty years on, Live Aid is finally released on DVD - catch U2's spine-tingling set in our video clip.
27 October, 2004
Claudia Espinosa, one of our Zootopia mods, reports for U2.Com on last week's 2004 Freedom Award in Memphis, Tennessee.

"What are ...
29 September, 2004
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown have the opportunity to change history for the developing world. ...
29 September, 2004
Ahead of his speech to the Labour Party Conference in the UK this afternoon, Sean O'Hagan of The Observer profiled ...
23 September, 2004
To mark the centenary of the birth of the legendary poet, the Chilean Government have nominated 100 poets and ...
02 September, 2004
Throwing its weight behind the battle to fight AIDS would "redescribe" America to the world. Interview for The O'Reilly Factor ...
26 July, 2004
Make AIDS and global poverty central in the US convention season, writes Bono in the Boston Globe this weekend.
13 July, 2004
Applause for UK Government's major rise in funds to fight AIDS. Listen to BBC interview with Bono.

Speaking to BBC Radio ...
21 June, 2004
Bono on Tutu and Mandela and the new South Africa, in a special edition of Dazed & Confused.
02 June, 2004
Charity will not solve the problems of African poverty, was the message Bono delivered to EU development ministers in Dublin ...
24 May, 2004
Video and text of Bono's speech last weekend at the University of Pennsylvania.
24 May, 2004
Why 'making friends out of potential enemies is smarter than defending yourself against them'. Senate testimony, video and text.
14 May, 2004
No notice, no preparation and no crew, but director Dominic DeJoseph still came
up with a compelling documentary about last ...
06 May, 2004
Edge joins Yoko Ono tonight for 'In The Time of Shaking', a new exhibition at the Irish Museum of Modern ...
05 May, 2004
The media helped lower HIV rates in Europe in the 1980s and could play a
similar role in Africa ...
26 April, 2004
For Time Magazine's celebration of the '100 Most Influential', Bono praises
Aung San Suu Kyi, a 'real hero in an age ...
25 April, 2004
Video and text of Bono's speech last weekend at the University of Pennsylvania.

You can watch Bono delivering his address - ...
23 April, 2004
Bono was in Berlin this week, explaining that 'getting on the right side of history' means defeating poverty and AIDS in Africa.